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View Full Version : Where is Elizabeth Warren Going to Get $20 Trillion in New Taxes?

11-03-2019, 11:08 AM
I seriously think this is one of the faults of the left. They are either outright lying, or they simply don't think about consequences, or long term plans, they run on emotion and lame promises they think up with no way to truly achieve. Just like the great deal from the newest dummy in congress, at 93 trillion... and other democrats are latching onto it, and then of course the supporters start believing it. But replacing all homes and buildings? All vehicles? Getting rid of airplanes and putting into place other ways of long distance mass transit? It's called impossible and a pipe dream and delusional, oh, and when I say impossible, I mean it. It just simply can't be done - unless you say it's gonna take about 200 years, probably 20x that amount, endless taxes and an endless change of events to our way of life. Just not happening, but folks latch onto all these "plans" and calls for freebies aka votes.


Where is Elizabeth Warren Going to Get $20 Trillion in New Taxes?

Surrogates for Elizabeth Warren are fanning out across the media world trying to explain the unexplainable: how their candidate is going to pay for her gargantuan $52 trillion Medicare for All plan and not destroy the budget and not raise taxes on the middle class...

And not get laughed out of Washington.

The media is referring to the cost of the plan being $20 trillion over the next decade. This is hugely misleading. They are not including funds spent by the states and the federal government on healthcare for the next 10 years. But since it's money already being spent, they feel they don't have to mention it. Nevertheless, it will be money spent by Washington and is part of her plan. They ignore the real cost so the voting public is only mildly shocked instead of panicky.

For months, Warren's opponents and a few curious media types have been wondering how she is going to pay for $20 trillion in new taxes in this nation-altering scheme. Philip Klein of the Washington Examiner prepared a helpful list.

Healthcare payroll tax: $8.8 trillion.

This is supposed to be levied on employers to pay for healthcare for everybody, but economists have long concluded that such taxes inevitably get passed on to workers, which would include the middle class.

Wealth taxes: $3.75 trillion.

Warren has spent much of her campaign campaigning on a surtax on those with over $50 million in wealth. As part of her healthcare proposal, she wants to charge billionaires an extra 6%.

Investment tax: $2 trillion.

This would make the top 1% of households pay a tax on investment gains each year, regardless of whether they actually realized those gains by selling those investments for a profit.

Foreign earnings tax/tax on foreign firms: $1.65 trillion.

This would raise taxes on American companies’ foreign profits and tax foreign companies based on their domestic sales.

Asset depreciation tax: $1.25 trillion.

This would make companies deduct the depreciation of investments as they depreciate, rather allowing them to do it all at once.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/where-is-elizabeth-warren-going-to-get-20-trillion-in-new-taxes/