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View Full Version : Fox News Polls Show 49% Of Americans Want Impeachment...

11-03-2019, 11:53 AM
Will have to see how/who they called to get their numbers. But either way, I know the folks with a loud voice out there aren't happy with Trump. But almost all polls were adamantly against Trump up til election day in 2016, and were way off. But now this is Fox News though, but of who apparently started against him sometime back. Either way, it's polls, take 'em or leave 'em, but make for great conversation. I still think Trump has a lot more support than the MSM wants to admit of course. His still overflowing events show a piece of that. But should be an interesting 2020 election, if Trump makes it that far, through what to date has been a dem witch hunt keeping the right out of everything, wrongly IMO.

What I do see in the methodology, when asked if they would vote in democrat or republican primaries next year, it was 49% Dem and 39% Rep - leading me to believe that once again the polls polled more Dems. But then down lower the political ID was the same. But I have learned not to trust polls, not in years, other than for discussion and comparison. In the case of the presidency, I think we'll see more accurate polls when it's down to one on one.


Fox News Polls Show 49% Of Americans Want Impeachment, Democrats Beating Trump In General Election

A Fox News poll released Sunday indicates that 49% of Americans think President Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office.

According to Fox News, “Forty-nine percent want Trump impeached and removed from office, 4 percent say he should be impeached but not removed, and 41 percent oppose impeaching Trump.”

This number is just slightly down from last month’s Fox News poll that showed 51% of Americans wanting Trump impeached and removed.

The president slammed that poll, tweeting that Fox News’ pollsters “suck.”

Another poll also released by Fox News on Sunday shows that in hypothetical general election face offs, both former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders beat him.

Biden has a 12-point lead over Trump, while Sanders has an 8-point lead.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a 5-point lead over Trump, but Fox News notes that is within the margin of error for the poll.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/11/03/fox-news-poll-49-percent-impeach-democrats-beat-trump/

Mr. P
11-03-2019, 03:48 PM
I don't see nor hear any of this impeach Trump except on media. IMO just like in 16 the people feel and think much differently. My prediction at this time is Trump will win BIG in 20.

Could Fox just be stirring the Trump base and others to rally? It's a thought. Just sayin:salute:

11-03-2019, 05:14 PM
"Fox News Polls Show 49% Of Americans Want Impeachment":rolleyes:...

Yeah...more anti-Trump polls....been there heard that in 2016...

"Americans" are NOT suicidal...


11-04-2019, 03:22 PM
2/3 of Americans can't even name one single branch of government, so who gives a flying fuck if they beleive Trump should be impeached. We are a democracy comprised of stupid voters.

11-06-2019, 02:46 PM
I don't believe this poll. It came out of someone's backside. I'd love to see the question because I'm willing to bet that a much larger percentage, which includes me, want to see this kangaroo court crap done and over and our government spend its time and my tax dollars on governing instead of a witch hunt. The first witch hunt failed so we'll just try again :rolleyes:

I would be willing to go for ANY upper echelon Democrat undergoing an investigation half as thorough. I know. Too Easy :)

11-06-2019, 03:51 PM
I don't believe this poll. It came out of someone's backside. I'd love to see the question because I'm willing to bet that a much larger percentage, which includes me, want to see this kangaroo court crap done and over and our government spend its time and my tax dollars on governing instead of a witch hunt. The first witch hunt failed so we'll just try again :rolleyes:

I would be willing to go for ANY upper echelon Democrat undergoing an investigation half as thorough. I know. Too Easy :)

I don't even know how you can with a straight face impeach Trump for allegedly doing what Biden laughed about when he admitted he did it as VP, but he fucking scumbag Dems look likely to do it .

Gunny I'm to the point where I believe we need some French Revolution justice. Just show up at Congress and start lopping off heads. Both parties.

11-06-2019, 03:54 PM
I don't even know how you can with a straight face impeach Trump for allegedly doing what Biden laughed about when he admitted he did it as VP, but he fucking scumbag Dems look likely to do it .

Gunny I'm to the point where I believe we need some French Revolution justice. Just show up at Congress and start lopping off heads. Both parties.LMAO! I had thoughts awhile back about how cool it would be if Toshiro Mifune showed up in the House with his swords and locked the door behind him :laugh:

11-06-2019, 03:58 PM
LMAO! I had thoughts awhile back about how cool it would be if Toshiro Mifune showed up in the House with his swords and locked the door behind him :laugh:

Ultimately we'd just elect another bunch of bottom feedings dishonorable piles of shit, so ultimately it would be pointless.

11-06-2019, 05:16 PM
I have never taken polls seriously.
Most of them of late have been people scrambling in the brush,
overturning every rock, searching up the trees - all trying to find
something that is not there.