View Full Version : Another gem from Joy Behar "The View"

11-05-2019, 06:12 PM
You tell 'em Joy, just lie and screw over much of America, that's the way to go!! :rolleyes:


“Don’t Tell Them Ahead of Time” – Joy Behar Tells Democrats to Lie and Wait Until You’re Elected to Take Guns Away

“The View” co-host Joy Behar told Democrats to continue and lie to the American people and don’t tell them you’re going to take their guns.

Behar says to wait until you’re elected to take the guns away.

The Democrats are truly complete fascists today.

Independent Journal Review reported:

When it comes to pushing gun control on Americans, “The View” co-host Joy Behar has some advice for 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls.

During Monday’s segment of the show, Behar suggested that 2020 hopefuls not put a lot of focus on taking guns away from Americans until after the election, if they become president.

After co-host Meghan McCain discussed how O’Rourke’s stance on gun buyback received criticism from some Democrats, Behar said, “They should not tell everything they’re going to do. Like, if you’re going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected then take the guns away.”

“Don’t tell them ahead of time,” Behar added, prompting laughter. McCain, however, responded, “That’s what people like me think they’re going to do. […] So I appreciate his honesty.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/11/dont-tell-them-ahead-of-time-joy-behar-tells-democrats-to-lie-and-wait-until-youre-elected-to-take-guns-away-video/

11-05-2019, 09:20 PM
I feel sorry for anybody who feels they need to watch that crap in the morning.

From what I've been hearing about her, nearly every week. She would be a perfect candidate for a place near where I grew up, just outside of Philadelphia. It was a mental institution for the most miserable, and dangerous patients who couldn't be watched in any other kind of hospital..

It is the Norristown, State Hospital.