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View Full Version : Tucson voters soundly reject 'sanctuary city' initiative

11-06-2019, 12:23 AM
I don't live in City of Tucson [unincorporated area in county] so couldn't vote but did make my views known.

Tucson will not become Arizona's first sanctuary city after voters rejected Prop 205 Tuesday night.
The ballot measure was soundly rejected by 71.4 percent of voters in Tucson, according to unofficial election results released by the city, with all precincts reporting. Some remaining ballots will be counted in the coming days.
The group Tucson Families Free and Together spearheaded the ballot initiative earlier this year, collecting thousands of signatures in the city. Despite several attempts to block the measure from appearing on Tuesday's ballot, their efforts were ultimately successful.
The measure was widely opposed by local leaders including the Pima County Sheriff, Tucson Police officials and Tucson's largely Democratic city council and mayor.


11-06-2019, 06:32 AM
I am glad to see them using their heads.

Those sanctuary cities have become shit holes.