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View Full Version : House Votes to 'Enhance the Border Security'

11-06-2019, 10:47 AM
Absolute insanity, and also despicable that this is allowed to happen. $64 billion dollars to be spent, and it will be spent in helping those 4 countries in enhancing their border security. And that's not it, it also goes out of it's way to demand and ensure that not a single penny of funding can be used within the USA on our own border security. They went out of their way to help foreign countries and ensure that we get nothing to benefit our own border security.

They are clearly and outright doing all of this to deny any and all funding towards border security here in the US, since it's a Trump promise.


House Votes to 'Enhance the Border Security' of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia--Not the USA

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has voted to fund efforts to "enhance the border security" of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia while moving to deny all funding to build walls, fencing or any other structures to enhance the border security of the United States.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her lieutenants have their priorities.

To them, borders on the other side of the world are more important than our own.

On June 19, the House approved a massive spending bill. In an act of legislative polygamy, it "married" the appropriations bill for the Department of Defense to the appropriations bills for the Department of State, the Department of Energy, and the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated this monstrosity would cost taxpayers $984.7 billion in fiscal 2020.

Yet there is one thing this bill would forbid the Trump administration from spending one penny to accomplish.

On page 304 (of 650), it says: "None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act or any prior Department of Defense appropriations Acts may be used to construct a wall, fence, border barriers, or border security infrastructure along the southern land border of the United States."

A month later, the House Appropriations Committee sent the full House a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security.

This bill — so far — is unmarried and would cost taxpayers $63.8 billion.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/terence-p-jeffrey/house-votes-enhance-border-security-jordan-lebanon-egypt-and-tunisia

11-06-2019, 10:54 AM
Absolute insanity, and also despicable that this is allowed to happen. $64 billion dollars to be spent, and it will be spent in helping those 4 countries in enhancing their border security. And that's not it, it also goes out of it's way to demand and ensure that not a single penny of funding can be used within the USA on our own border security. They went out of their way to help foreign countries and ensure that we get nothing to benefit our own border security.

They are clearly and outright doing all of this to deny any and all funding towards border security here in the US, since it's a Trump promise.


House Votes to 'Enhance the Border Security' of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia--Not the USA

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has voted to fund efforts to "enhance the border security" of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia while moving to deny all funding to build walls, fencing or any other structures to enhance the border security of the United States.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her lieutenants have their priorities.

To them, borders on the other side of the world are more important than our own.

On June 19, the House approved a massive spending bill. In an act of legislative polygamy, it "married" the appropriations bill for the Department of Defense to the appropriations bills for the Department of State, the Department of Energy, and the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated this monstrosity would cost taxpayers $984.7 billion in fiscal 2020.

Yet there is one thing this bill would forbid the Trump administration from spending one penny to accomplish.

On page 304 (of 650), it says: "None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act or any prior Department of Defense appropriations Acts may be used to construct a wall, fence, border barriers, or border security infrastructure along the southern land border of the United States."

A month later, the House Appropriations Committee sent the full House a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security.

This bill — so far — is unmarried and would cost taxpayers $63.8 billion.

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/terence-p-jeffrey/house-votes-enhance-border-security-jordan-lebanon-egypt-and-tunisia

Agreed. Insane -- and proof of a total lack of patriotic feeling.

Presumably, also, the likes of Pelosi think it's well worth spending many billions of dollars of taxpayers' money, JUST in a puerile effort to show contempt towards Donald Trump, and HIS patriotism.

Your Lefties give the meaning of the word 'disgusting' added depth.