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View Full Version : America's First Black Billionaire Gives Trump an A+

11-06-2019, 12:26 PM
I see a lot of this, outside of Biden at least, and even he is caving on some things to appease the far left. But a lot of stories out there discussing the "squad" and how they have "energized" a lot of supporters. What they don't realize is that it's for all the wrong reasons. This cuckoo FAR left stuff is just things America is NOT going to vote for. It would be the same issue if cuckoo righty chicken hawks only were running the show. Say 10 candidates, and 9 of them are trigger happy and want to get into wars with quite a few countries. They want to make guns mandatory in 300 new districts. Just as many districts are making it mandatory for teachers to be armed at all times.... I think you get the point I am making.....


America's First Black Billionaire Gives Trump an 'A+,' Says Dems Are Moving 'Too Far Left'

Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET) and America's first black billionaire, praised President Donald Trump for the roaring economy and criticized Democrats for moving "too far left."

"The party in my opinion, for me personally, has moved too far to the left," Johnson told CNBC's Hadley Gamble. "And for that reason, I don’t have a particular candidate (I’m supporting) in the party at this time. I think at the end of the day, if a Democrat is going to beat Trump, then that person, he or she, will have to move to the center and you can’t wait too long to do that."

A self-described centrist and Democrat, Johnson supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, but he has expressed admiration for many of Trump's policies after that election.

"I think the economy is doing great, and it’s reaching populations that heretofore had very bad problems in terms of jobs and employments and the opportunities that come with employment … so African-American unemployment is at its lowest level," Johnson explained.

In June, the black unemployment rate stood at 6.0 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, merely 0.1 percent above its lowest point last year. Sadly, Democrats refused to applaud for the historic lows in black unemployment during Trump's State of the Union speech in February.

"I give the president a lot of credit for moving the economy in a positive direction that’s benefiting a large amount of Americans," Johnson added. "I think the tax cuts clearly helped stimulate the economy. I think business people have more confidence in the way the economy is going."

"Overall, if you look at the U.S. economy ... you got to give the president an A+ for that."

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/americas-first-black-billionaire-gives-trump-an-a-says-dems-are-moving-too-far-left/