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11-06-2019, 01:29 PM
Part of my self improvement plan:

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/73458646_561859457713958_322865293074366464_n.jpg? _nc_cat=1&_nc_oc=AQniGrWsMsxxJ3b5DNDpvbOTubzJsHk2fx8VkUN8tqJ dV9FFnVduyBDdgIKyc4EG-wE&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=02242080f63652e4c284915ffc7e50a2&oe=5E5E0F81

11-06-2019, 01:38 PM

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/74620904_561278567772047_2557009144745820160_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=104&_nc_oc=AQl_VwwOt4WulayQ8fhZnfGqwfBVjIw7lVn0THf_bY7 WbPP7Cxb8WGtJLM48Y2mIF60&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=5acbf1d21290d5dad1c914a0ff31204d&oe=5E5BFD47

and one more:

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/72682576_252232325693717_5808671602568593408_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=110&_nc_oc=AQmy6Pzz5QpokBh8oLKIm6zq3iDCvCjLn0qOFMX8nqh ZHImc0kyayFfetfYnW11NiIM&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=1d0b0ddf34c9fc3ff302068db884647b&oe=5E5DE3AF

11-06-2019, 01:51 PM
The only thing I stress about is my wife's visa bill every month. $1100 at Bed Bath & Beyond? I mean Christ on a cracker.

"well we needed new towels , but I didn't like any of them that were in the colors of our 4th bathroom that no one uses anyway, but still things need to match so when I bought new towels for the bathroom that never gets used I decided to just go ahead and change colors , so that meant a new shower curtain, and well I didn't want to hang the shower curtain on an old rod, so and then then a new rug and new hand towels and wash cloths, but then the soap dispenser I found was marked down from $50 to $20 so I actually saved $30 (forget it, I've tried explaining to her time and time again that buying something we don't need simply because it was marked down from $50 - $20 is NOT saving $30) well then I bought all this and then I realized I don't really like the color of the walls in that bathroom any more either, so here's a charge for $100 for paint from Home Depot as well"

And even with all that I know I'm a lucky man LOL

11-06-2019, 01:59 PM
The second one and stressing I know all too well. For me, that stress, at nighttime especially, has developed into what my doc calls the "mania". I sit/sleep/lay down and stress and think about things and my brain just keeps racing and thinking and stressing. It simply doesn't want to shut itself down, and it used to keep me up all night. Luckily I take medication now, and I can sleep, and the stressing and racing thoughts have disappeared.

The first would be magical! Nonetheless, I think it's something that would be fantastic for folks to follow. Another reason why I have encouraged folks to post in all sections, to allow us all to get to know one another better. I dunno, maybe it can help in recognizing how we all feel, and how we speak to one another.

For me, me alone I'm speaking of.... I will sometimes come here in an outright foul mood, or that "mania" going on and I may not even realize it. Sometimes I get moody from the mania, and I also may not recognize that. These things are MUCH easier to deal with in person, talking to people and one another, especially for me to be able to share feelings and explain why I may do this or that.

And you would think I would know better, but sometimes I'm not always fully aware. So I come here and already have a strike against myself. Like your pic points out, no one knows what's in my heart or what crap I'm going through the past few days.

If folks here were decent folks inside, and I honestly think each and every last member here IS. So that decency, when folks can see what's in the other person's heart, and know what ails them, and they know when things are cool, the communication here would be much better. We all don't really "know" one another. And when it's just an entity on the other side, and you see no feelings and no person and no knowledge of them, then I guess there is no heart, there are no challenges.

There's no magic wand to get folks here to know one another. I know and have stated already that I want to do better in quite a few manners, and will continue to do just that, and interact better, I hope. And I saw that some aren't terribly interested in doing similar.

And I also may be in the wrong thread too!! :laugh:

11-06-2019, 02:08 PM
The second one and stressing I know all too well. For me, that stress, at nighttime especially, has developed into what my doc calls the "mania". I sit/sleep/lay down and stress and think about things and my brain just keeps racing and thinking and stressing. It simply doesn't want to shut itself down, and it used to keep me up all night. Luckily I take medication now, and I can sleep, and the stressing and racing thoughts have disappeared.

The first would be magical! Nonetheless, I think it's something that would be fantastic for folks to follow. Another reason why I have encouraged folks to post in all sections, to allow us all to get to know one another better. I dunno, maybe it can help in recognizing how we all feel, and how we speak to one another.

For me, me alone I'm speaking of.... I will sometimes come here in an outright foul mood, or that "mania" going on and I may not even realize it. Sometimes I get moody from the mania, and I also may not recognize that. These things are MUCH easier to deal with in person, talking to people and one another, especially for me to be able to share feelings and explain why I may do this or that.

And you would think I would know better, but sometimes I'm not always fully aware. So I come here and already have a strike against myself. Like your pic points out, no one knows what's in my heart or what crap I'm going through the past few days.

If folks here were decent folks inside, and I honestly think each and every last member here IS. So that decency, when folks can see what's in the other person's heart, and know what ails them, and they know when things are cool, the communication here would be much better. We all don't really "know" one another. And when it's just an entity on the other side, and you see no feelings and no person and no knowledge of them, then I guess there is no heart, there are no challenges.

There's no magic wand to get folks here to know one another. I know and have stated already that I want to do better in quite a few manners, and will continue to do just that, and interact better, I hope. And I saw that some aren't terribly interested in doing similar.

And I also may be in the wrong thread too!! :laugh:

I am trying to remember that I can only change myself. Whatever I do, it begins with me.

11-06-2019, 02:31 PM
The only thing I stress about is my wife's visa bill every month. $1100 at Bed Bath & Beyond? I mean Christ on a cracker.

"well we needed new towels , but I didn't like any of them that were in the colors of our 4th bathroom that no one uses anyway, but still things need to match so when I bought new towels for the bathroom that never gets used I decided to just go ahead and change colors , so that meant a new shower curtain, and well I didn't want to hang the shower curtain on an old rod, so and then then a new rug and new hand towels and wash cloths, but then the soap dispenser I found was marked down from $50 to $20 so I actually saved $30 (forget it, I've tried explaining to her time and time again that buying something we don't need simply because it was marked down from $50 - $20 is NOT saving $30) well then I bought all this and then I realized I don't really like the color of the walls in that bathroom any more either, so here's a charge for $100 for paint from Home Depot as well"

And even with all that I know I'm a lucky man LOL

If it helps you feel any better... My wife popped on Amazon last night and bought $239 worth of bones and treats for the dog (Nikoh). Of course not a single treat for my poor misguided and misunderstood Chihuahua. :(

And hey, I take hand me downs, even towels!!! :laugh2:

11-06-2019, 02:32 PM
I am trying to remember that I can only change myself. Whatever I do, it begins with me.

Yups. That's what I said, I can turn over a leaf and TRY to do my best. I know I'll screw up often, but I plan on trying, and I'll hop right back on if I do screwup. And if others choose not to, so be it. Can only do my part.

11-06-2019, 03:04 PM
I am trying to remember that I can only change myself. Whatever I do, it begins with me.

Untrue. I know I sound like a broken record preacher man. But nothing feels better than changing a child's life and giving them what they previously could only have dreamed of.

11-06-2019, 03:15 PM
Untrue. I know I sound like a broken record preacher man. But nothing feels better than changing a child's life and giving them what they previously could only have dreamed of.

One can provide opportunities, but the future is in the child's own hands.

11-06-2019, 03:19 PM
The second one and stressing I know all too well. For me, that stress, at nighttime especially, has developed into what my doc calls the "mania". I sit/sleep/lay down and stress and think about things and my brain just keeps racing and thinking and stressing. It simply doesn't want to shut itself down, and it used to keep me up all night. Luckily I take medication now, and I can sleep, and the stressing and racing thoughts have disappeared.

The first would be magical! Nonetheless, I think it's something that would be fantastic for folks to follow. Another reason why I have encouraged folks to post in all sections, to allow us all to get to know one another better. I dunno, maybe it can help in recognizing how we all feel, and how we speak to one another.

For me, me alone I'm speaking of.... I will sometimes come here in an outright foul mood, or that "mania" going on and I may not even realize it. Sometimes I get moody from the mania, and I also may not recognize that. These things are MUCH easier to deal with in person, talking to people and one another, especially for me to be able to share feelings and explain why I may do this or that.

And you would think I would know better, but sometimes I'm not always fully aware. So I come here and already have a strike against myself. Like your pic points out, no one knows what's in my heart or what crap I'm going through the past few days.

If folks here were decent folks inside, and I honestly think each and every last member here IS. So that decency, when folks can see what's in the other person's heart, and know what ails them, and they know when things are cool, the communication here would be much better. We all don't really "know" one another. And when it's just an entity on the other side, and you see no feelings and no person and no knowledge of them, then I guess there is no heart, there are no challenges.

There's no magic wand to get folks here to know one another. I know and have stated already that I want to do better in quite a few manners, and will continue to do just that, and interact better, I hope. And I saw that some aren't terribly interested in doing similar.

And I also may be in the wrong thread too!! :laugh:I often stress about this ... which stresses me out :). I try to remember back in the day when I didn't. I just took stuff as it came. Somewhere along the line it has come to predicting what's coming and stressing about it. And please don't give me an appointment for next week. Tell me that if one just came up and if I can get there in 30 minutes ... Hey, I wind myself up like a top for 30 minutes but it beats waiting around all week. :)

What I don't get is, I know it isn't that I didn't care. I just didn't worry about it until it happened. I blame it on getting old and I'd sure love to reverse the behavior. Instead, I just stress about not being able to :laugh:

11-06-2019, 03:27 PM
One can provide opportunities, but the future is in the child's own hands.
Simply untrue. I know we like to believe we live in a country where everyone has equal opportunity, but that isn't true at all. Sure there are the outliers who escape abject poverty , but they are outliers for a reason. For every Ben Carson, there are 25K kids who grew up in that exact same lifestyle and still live that exact same lifestyle as adults

Opportunity changes futures , that's precisely why so many people risk life and limb to get into country illegally every year. Opportunities that they could only dream of in whatever shit hole they came from.

11-06-2019, 03:35 PM
I agree with both. The opportunity must first exist. What one chooses to do with that opportunity will decide its affect.

11-06-2019, 03:43 PM
I agree with both. The opportunity must first exist. What one chooses to do with that opportunity will decide its affect.

Of course true

Actually I think this is a very good example of why both parties suck.

On the one hand you have the Republicans who believe "hey everyone has the same opportunity, fuck you if you didn't succeed, I got mine"

on the other hand you have the Democrats "hey not everyone has the same opportunity, so why should people have to try, let's just let the government help them"

It's a combination of both. You have to help people get the oppurtunity, but if they don't want better no matter what you do for them , they will be losers for all time. My unofficially adopted son is a perfect example lf this. He was living in the city park when my wife brought him home. We sat him down and were straight with him. "We'll give you a home, and every oppurtunity our own children have, but that also means you have to work to earn it, you're not just gonna move in here and be a bum"

I still to this day don't think I'll have a more proud day than the day he graduated college. He's in Afghanistan now, A 1st LT in the US Army, he became a helicopter mechanic and now is in charge of several soldiers who maintain an entire squadron of helicopters. He plans on making a career of the Army. Ooh rah.

11-06-2019, 03:51 PM
Of course true

Actually I think this is a very good example of why both parties suck.

On the one hand you have the Republicans who believe "hey everyone has the same opportunity, fuck you if you didn't succeed, I got mine"

on the other hand you have the Democrats "hey not everyone has the same opportunity, so why should people have to try, let's just let the government help them"

It's a combination of both. You have to help people get the oppurtunity, but if they don't want better no matter what you do for them , they will be losers for all time. My unofficially adopted son is a perfect example lf this. He was living in the city park when my wife brought him home. We sat him down and were straight with him. "We'll give you a home, and every oppurtunity our own children have, but that also means you have to work to earn it, you're not just gonna move in here and be a bum"

I still to this day don't think I'll have a more proud day than the day he graduated college. He's in Afghanistan now, A 1st LT in the US Army, he became a helicopter mechanic and now is in charge of several soldiers who maintain an entire squadron of helicopters. He plans on making a career of the Army. Ooh rah.Funny how life always comes down to opportunity and choice. The opportunity has to exist, then you have to make the right choice. The "right" choice depending on how it turned out after the fact.

11-06-2019, 03:56 PM
Funny how life always comes down to opportunity and choice. The opportunity has to exist, then you have to make the right choice. The "right" choice depending on how it turned out after the fact.

It's funny , he never even thought about the Army before living here, in fact he had an arrest record and we had to get a waiver for him, but now he loves everything about Army life. I couldn't be more proud of the person he's became. Like I said before, my own son who's the same age, I never worried about him (he's also in the Army, stationed in Ga after 2 tours in Iraq, he's also a 1st Lt and I can't discuss too much about his role in the Army ) but he hasn't came out and said "this is gonna be my career" yet.

Here's hoping.

11-06-2019, 09:46 PM
It's funny , he never even thought about the Army before living here, in fact he had an arrest record and we had to get a waiver for him, but now he loves everything about Army life. I couldn't be more proud of the person he's became. Like I said before, my own son who's the same age, I never worried about him (he's also in the Army, stationed in Ga after 2 tours in Iraq, he's also a 1st Lt and I can't discuss too much about his role in the Army ) but he hasn't came out and said "this is gonna be my career" yet.

Here's hoping.Good on you and him.

Know part of the story anyway, real well. I was here at my grandparents' for the summer and it was time to go back to Miami where I thus far had excelled at bouncing in a biker bar and getting into trouble. I looked at my options and signed on the dotted line with the Marine Recruiter next morning and have not looked back. Wisest decision I ever made.

Abbey Marie
11-07-2019, 08:27 AM
The first would be magical! Nonetheless, I think it's something that would be fantastic for folks to follow. Another reason why I have encouraged folks to post in all sections, to allow us all to get to know one another better. I dunno, maybe it can help in recognizing how we all feel, and how we speak to one another.

There's no magic wand to get folks here to know one another. I know and have stated already that I want to do better in quite a few manners, and will continue to do just that, and interact better, I hope. And I saw that some aren't terribly interested in doing similar.

And I also may be in the wrong thread too!! :laugh:

Kind of what I meant when I said I can’t stand when people attack others in a social thread, based on their politics. There is so much we could bond on if we just look past the party affiliations.

Abbey Marie
11-07-2019, 08:30 AM
The only thing I stress about is my wife's visa bill every month. $1100 at Bed Bath & Beyond? I mean Christ on a cracker.

"well we needed new towels , but I didn't like any of them that were in the colors of our 4th bathroom that no one uses anyway, but still things need to match so when I bought new towels for the bathroom that never gets used I decided to just go ahead and change colors , so that meant a new shower curtain, and well I didn't want to hang the shower curtain on an old rod, so and then then a new rug and new hand towels and wash cloths, but then the soap dispenser I found was marked down from $50 to $20 so I actually saved $30 (forget it, I've tried explaining to her time and time again that buying something we don't need simply because it was marked down from $50 - $20 is NOT saving $30) well then I bought all this and then I realized I don't really like the color of the walls in that bathroom any more either, so here's a charge for $100 for paint from Home Depot as well"

And even with all that I know I'm a lucky man LOL

Women are soooo easy to understand. We just want everything to be perfect. Once you get that simple fact, you’re good to go.


11-07-2019, 08:56 AM
Women are soooo easy to understand. We just want everything to be perfect. Once you get that simple fact, you’re good to go.


My wife is to the extreme LOL Do normal people change the electrical outlets when they paint because they want a different color outlet? Not just the faceplate mind you, but the outlet itself. When we first had the house built she had beige colored outlets installed. I say she, because let's face it, no straight male gives a flying fuck what color the outlets are, anyway , last summer we painted the entire house and changed colors . I had to change every single electrical outlet out because she no longer wanted beige she wanted white, and then not only that, but in half the rooms she painted them a different color by hand, so that the next time we paint and she changes colors AGAIN , I'll have to change the outlets AGAIN.

But she never seriously pesters me about my car obsession so I dutifully change the electrical outlets lol

11-07-2019, 08:58 AM
Good on you and him.

Know part of the story anyway, real well. I was here at my grandparents' for the summer and it was time to go back to Miami where I thus far had excelled at bouncing in a biker bar and getting into trouble. I looked at my options and signed on the dotted line with the Marine Recruiter next morning and have not looked back. Wisest decision I ever made.

I couldn't even tell you why I joined originally Gunny. I was just 17 years old and it sounded like a good work out LOL

11-07-2019, 09:53 AM
I couldn't even tell you why I joined originally Gunny. I was just 17 years old and it sounded like a good work out LOLIt gives you a different perspective when you're the one looking at the opportunity to get the F- out and do something positive. I wasn't going anywhere where I was and the writing on the wall was pretty clear. It was the only opportunity I had and I jumped on it. Or I should say it was the best opportunity.

I hear you on the free workout. I used to listen to the others (first termers when I was one) bitching about can't wait to get out, the Corps sucked, blah, blah, blah. I'd had civilian jobs. I was like, I get to work out on their time, run around and "play Army", swim, camp, go "boating" (:laugh:) -- free rack and usually 3 hots a day or not so hots in the field. Place to shower and shave that didn't say "Welcome to Florida" on it :laugh:

I was fine right where I was :)

11-07-2019, 09:59 AM
It gives you a different perspective when you're the one looking at the opportunity to get the F- out and do something positive. I wasn't going anywhere where I was and the writing on the wall was pretty clear. It was the only opportunity I had and I jumped on it. Or I should say it was the best opportunity.

I hear you on the free workout. I used to listen to the others (first termers when I was one) bitching about can't wait to get out, the Corps sucked, blah, blah, blah. I'd had civilian jobs. I was like, I get to work out on their time, run around and "play Army", swim, camp, go "boating" (:laugh:) -- free rack and usually 3 hots a day or not so hots in the field. Place to shower and shave that didn't say "Welcome to Florida" on it :laugh:

I was fine right where I was :)

I was National Guard, so a little different, I went home at the end of my weekend , well and summer 2 weeks, and was deployed a few times, including to Desert Storm, but then something changed after Desert Storm, I came home, finished college and became a full time Guard member. Then it was a full time job. The last 10 years or so of my career I was paid to kick in doors and help arrest high risk drug criminals. I gotta say, that was fun. And in order to do that kind of work, requires a lot of training, and that training wasn't on my dime.

11-07-2019, 12:00 PM
The only thing I stress about is my wife's visa bill every month. $1100 at Bed Bath & Beyond? I mean Christ on a cracker.

"well we needed new towels , but I didn't like any of them that were in the colors of our 4th bathroom that no one uses anyway, but still things need to match so when I bought new towels for the bathroom that never gets used I decided to just go ahead and change colors , so that meant a new shower curtain, and well I didn't want to hang the shower curtain on an old rod, so and then then a new rug and new hand towels and wash cloths, but then the soap dispenser I found was marked down from $50 to $20 so I actually saved $30 (forget it, I've tried explaining to her time and time again that buying something we don't need simply because it was marked down from $50 - $20 is NOT saving $30) well then I bought all this and then I realized I don't really like the color of the walls in that bathroom any more either, so here's a charge for $100 for paint from Home Depot as well"

And even with all that I know I'm a lucky man LOL

Sounds perfectly logical to me.

11-07-2019, 12:08 PM
Sounds perfectly logical to me.

I think she's a little OCD, I mean who vacuums their garage? I'm talking about once a month the garage gets dusted and vacuumed LOL. You could eat off my garage floor.

Abbey Marie
11-07-2019, 06:25 PM
My wife is to the extreme LOL Do normal people change the electrical outlets when they paint because they want a different color outlet? Not just the faceplate mind you, but the outlet itself. When we first had the house built she had beige colored outlets installed. I say she, because let's face it, no straight male gives a flying fuck what color the outlets are, anyway , last summer we painted the entire house and changed colors . I had to change every single electrical outlet out because she no longer wanted beige she wanted white, and then not only that, but in half the rooms she painted them a different color by hand, so that the next time we paint and she changes colors AGAIN , I'll have to change the outlets AGAIN.

But she never seriously pesters me about my car obsession so I dutifully change the electrical outlets lol

I seriously don’t know why you find this extreme, lol!