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View Full Version : Students Can’t Name a Single Democratic Accomplishment

11-06-2019, 03:30 PM
These selected folks aren't the brightest, and it sure as hell says a fair amount about the Democrat folks in congress. And they aren't being put on the spot about the past month - but rather to give examples from the past 3 years!


University of Minnesota Students Can’t Name a Single Democratic Accomplishment

Leftist students at the University of Minnesota attending a Bernie Sanders rally were unable to name a single accomplishment by congressional Democrats in the past three years.

A reporter for the College Fix attended a Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) rally at the University of Minnesota on Sunday to ask leftist college students if they could name a Democratic accomplishment from the past three years.

Most of the students were unable to name a single accomplishment.


“Over the last three years, what is one thing the Democratic party has accomplished?” reporter Kyle Hooten asked leftist students.

“I guess they have taken back the house but, I mean, they are not that good at using their authority or their power,” one student said.

“I felt they haven’t really done much over three years but that might have been because Trump has been in office,” one student said.

“I would say Bernie Sanders igniting his passion in people,” one student said. When Hooten pressed the student for a “tangible accomplishment,” the student had nothing to say.


11-06-2019, 03:36 PM
They have fucked this country up.


11-06-2019, 08:59 PM
Democrat Congresscritters can't even name a single Dem accomplishment.:rolleyes:

11-07-2019, 12:14 PM
Democrat Congresscritters can't even name a single Dem accomplishment.:rolleyes:

I'm convinced that half the Dems in Congress couldn't even spell accomplishment. I guarantee you that 90% of the members of the CBC can't.