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11-08-2019, 09:32 AM
This WAS one of the folks that was used to "nail" Trump. So we can't even rely on sworn testimony.


Dem Staffer Exchanged Private Emails with Yovanovitch, Contradicting Her Sworn Testimony

A Democratic congressional staffer exchanged private emails with former ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch two days after the whistleblower complaint that started the impeachment inquiry into President Trump was filed, contradicting Yovanovitch’s sworn testimony, according to emails obtained by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The staffer, Laura Carey, reached out to Yovanovitch at the ambassador’s personal email address, a breach of State Department protocol. Yovanovitch testified before the House Intelligence Committee earlier this month that she passed along staffers’ requests to the Legislative Affairs Office at the State Department and never personally responded to Carey.

However, the emails obtained by Fox show that after Carey sent an email to Yovanovitch on August 14, the former ambassador responded directly to Carey.

“I’m writing to see if you would have time to meet up for a chat — in particular, I’m hoping to discuss some Ukraine-related oversight questions we are exploring,” Carey wrote.

“Thanks for reaching out — and congratulations on your new job,” Yovanovitch wrote to Carey on August 15. “I would love to reconnect and look forward to chatting with you. I have let EUR [Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs] know that you are interested in talking and they will be in touch with you shortly.”

Yovanovitch was called to testify as part of House Democrats’ ongoing impeachment inquiry into the withholding of military aid.

Representative Lee Zeldin (R., N.Y.), who had asked Yovanovitch during her testimony about her contact with Carey, said it was disconcerting that Yovanovitch testified incorrectly regarding her connection with the congressional staffer.

“I would highly suspect that this Democratic staffer’s work was connected in some way to the whistleblower’s effort, which has evolved into this impeachment charade,” Zeldin said. “We do know that the whistleblower was in contact with [House Intelligence Committee Chairman] Adam Schiff’s team before the whistleblower had even hired an attorney or filed a whistleblower complaint.”

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/dem-staffer-exchanged-private-emails-133159177.html

11-08-2019, 10:22 AM
This WAS one of the folks that was used to "nail" Trump. So we can't even rely on sworn testimony.


Dem Staffer Exchanged Private Emails with Yovanovitch, Contradicting Her Sworn Testimony

A Democratic congressional staffer exchanged private emails with former ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch two days after the whistleblower complaint that started the impeachment inquiry into President Trump was filed, contradicting Yovanovitch’s sworn testimony, according to emails obtained by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The staffer, Laura Carey, reached out to Yovanovitch at the ambassador’s personal email address, a breach of State Department protocol. Yovanovitch testified before the House Intelligence Committee earlier this month that she passed along staffers’ requests to the Legislative Affairs Office at the State Department and never personally responded to Carey.

However, the emails obtained by Fox show that after Carey sent an email to Yovanovitch on August 14, the former ambassador responded directly to Carey.

“I’m writing to see if you would have time to meet up for a chat — in particular, I’m hoping to discuss some Ukraine-related oversight questions we are exploring,” Carey wrote.

“Thanks for reaching out — and congratulations on your new job,” Yovanovitch wrote to Carey on August 15. “I would love to reconnect and look forward to chatting with you. I have let EUR [Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs] know that you are interested in talking and they will be in touch with you shortly.”

Yovanovitch was called to testify as part of House Democrats’ ongoing impeachment inquiry into the withholding of military aid.

Representative Lee Zeldin (R., N.Y.), who had asked Yovanovitch during her testimony about her contact with Carey, said it was disconcerting that Yovanovitch testified incorrectly regarding her connection with the congressional staffer.

“I would highly suspect that this Democratic staffer’s work was connected in some way to the whistleblower’s effort, which has evolved into this impeachment charade,” Zeldin said. “We do know that the whistleblower was in contact with [House Intelligence Committee Chairman] Adam Schiff’s team before the whistleblower had even hired an attorney or filed a whistleblower complaint.”

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/dem-staffer-exchanged-private-emails-133159177.html

How much you wanna bet she isn't charged with lying to Congress?

11-08-2019, 10:56 AM
How much you wanna bet she isn't charged with lying to Congress?

Of course not, we know that. If someone like Schiff can outright make the largest whoppers ever, then of course the little things will be ignored.

What bugs me here is the totality. The Dems want to slow dictate this story. Person after person after person. Seems like the majority of crap being leaked from closed doors, is turning out to be false or misleading. I don't know if these folks are lying, or more so if it's the folks leaking that are stretching things. But this is why we need things ALL out in the public, and all under oath IMO. And anyone busted, prison it is.

11-08-2019, 11:03 AM
Of course not, we know that. If someone like Schiff can outright make the largest whoppers ever, then of course the little things will be ignored.

What bugs me here is the totality. The Dems want to slow dictate this story. Person after person after person. Seems like the majority of crap being leaked from closed doors, is turning out to be false or misleading. I don't know if these folks are lying, or more so if it's the folks leaking that are stretching things. But this is why we need things ALL out in the public, and all under oath IMO. And anyone busted, prison it is.
Goes to what I said a year ago about the Dems crying about how dishoenst Trump is, why don't they pass a law making it illegal for elected federal officials to lie the American people........Oh that's right, because though he is dishonest at times, all they do is lie.

11-08-2019, 11:53 AM
Yeah, the more I look at what's happening, and the more I read what she did, and yes, she deserves prosecution. This is "the trial of the century" they are calling this. We're talking of removing a sitting president of the USA. We simply cannot deal with anyone lying to congress or the American people, and especially not under oath. And IMO, if someone lies, they are trying to cover something up. I don't who is guilty of anything on the right just yet. But that doesn't negate the fact that the Russia BS was a setup from day one. And now I truly believe this was a setup.


GOP Congressman: Yovanovitch 'Did Not Accurately Answer' My Question Under Oath in Impeachment Inquiry

Fox News’s Tucker Carlson revealed Thursday that Marie Yovanovitch, former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, communicated through her personal email with a Democratic congressional staffer, contradicting her deposition on Capitol Hill last month.

Yovanovitch, who’s a key witness in the Dems’ impeachment inquiry, told Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) that she never responded to an Aug. 14 email she received from the staffer, Laura Carey.

But emails obtained by Carlson’s show reveal that wasn’t the case.

“Before the contents of the whistleblower complaint were known publicly, a Democratic congressional staffer contacted the former American ambassador to Ukraine to discuss what the staffer described as ‘quite delicate and time sensitive questions,'” Carlson said.

“This show has obtained exclusively an email for that Democratic staffer for the House Foreign Affairs Committee sent by private email to the former American ambassador Marie Yovanovitch,” Carlson continued. “Yovanovitch, you know, is a key player in the Democrats’ impeachment probe and was recalled from her post in Ukraine by President Trump in May 2019 following allegations of serious partisanship and political bias.”

The email reads:

I’m writing to see if you would have time to meet up for a chat — in particular, I’m hoping to discuss some Ukraine-related oversight questions we are exploring. I’d appreciate the change to ground-truth a few pieces of information with you, some of which are quite delicate/time-sensitive and, thus, we want to make sure we get them right.

Yovanovitch testified that she never directly responded to an email from Carey.

“In fact, it turns out that she did respond,” Carlson said. “She said she ‘looked forward to chatting with [the Democratic staffer].”

“As Congressmen Zeldin pointed out, the ambassador’s original answer, which was dishonest, was given under oath,” he added.


Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2019/11/08/yovanovitch-n2556153

11-08-2019, 12:17 PM
It "may" be discussed this evening on the MSM, but I wouldn't bank on it. Thus far though, all over the righty news, and more than rightfully so.


UPDATE: Top Democrat Witness and Fired Ukrainian Amassador Yovanovitch Used Private Email to Message Dem Staffer — LIED ABOUT IT UNDER OATH

Tucker Carlson broke an exclusive on Thursday on the ongoing Democrat Party impeachment inquisition.

According to Tucker Carlson a Democrat staffer contacted the fired Ukrainian ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, by email and asked for some time to discuss a “delicate” issue days after “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella filed his complaint against President Trump.

The Tucker Carlson team acquired a copy of the email from that Democratic staffer to Yovanovitch. This was sent by private email to the former ambassador.

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) asked Ambassador Yovanovitch about the email during her testimony before Adam Schiff’s impeachment committee.

Yovanovitch lied and said she “never personally responded to it.” But that was not true. Yovanovitch did respond to the staffer saying, “Look forward to talking to you.”

But now there’s more…

According to The Daily Mail the former ambassador ‘used her personal email to message Democrat staffer who asked her about a “time-sensitive” and “delicate issue” a month before the so-called whistleblower’s complaint was filed.

Former Ambassador Yovanovitch is in a heap of trouble.

If she were a Republican she’d be put in isolation about now.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/11/update-top-democrat-witness-and-fired-ukrainian-amassador-yovanovitch-used-private-email-to-message-dem-staffer-lied-about-it-under-oath/