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11-08-2019, 11:26 AM
Apparently his favorability is higher by 3 points than Obama was at this point in his presidency. And as you see higher than the Dems running right now.

Does that show how horrible that Obama was, and perhaps how bad the Dems are running for 2020? IMO, it shows the success of Trump's presidency. He has fucked up some things, failed in a few & is caught in ruts in a few others. I honestly don't know where such things would be standing if the R's worked harder with him, the Dems didn't purposely obstruct and the left didn't have impeachment on their minds since 2008. In the face of everything, his numbers aren't as bad as what one would expect. One would be told all the negativity brought to him in this presidency, and then asked about what they think of chances of success in ANY department, and would likely guess failure across the board.

I just hope, that after 2020, that it's all behind us. If/when this impeachment crap is done, and 2020 over - I hope that finally the left will at least give things a shot, stop centering in on trying to get rid of him, and actually trying to get shit done, as opposed to another 4 years of obstruction. And if he's impeached, or loses at the ballot box, then I hope whomever is in next brings about something, anything, everything, whatever the hell it is, something where people will start paying attention to success and sports again, and stop with waking up in the morning looking for shit to be angry with.

My HONEST opinion.... if Trump wins or ANY righty wins, we see another 4 years of negativity. If Trump, very bad 4 years from the left. If someone on the left, then 4 years of gloating and HOPEFULLY shit getting done... but if any of the tooth fairies giving the world away wins, then maybe shit will in fact get done, but none of their promises of that nature will.


Trump’s Favorability Higher than 2020 Democrat Candidates — During Impeachment

The latest polling from Monmouth shows that President Trump enjoys a higher favorability than every serious 2020 Democrat candidate.

Those of you looking for even more proof that the establishment media have almost no impact on public opinion need only read on…

Keep in mind that this a poll of 835 registered voters taken between October 30 and November 2, 2019 — or while Democrats and their media allies are on a 24/7 crusade to impeach Trump.

Favorable / Unfavorable

Donald Trump: 44 / 54 percent

Quid Pro Joe Biden: 43 / 50 percent

Bernie “The Fossil” Sanders: 41 / 54 percent

Cherokee Princess Elizabeth Warren: 42 / 44 percent

Dingbat Kamala Harris: 27 / 46 percent

Mean Little Mayor Pete Buttigieg: 27 / 34 percent

If that is not interesting enough for you, since this poll was taken in late September, Trump’s numbers have improved… Previously, he was at 43 percent favorable, 56 percent unfavorable.

And guess whose numbers got worse, and I mean a whole lot worse… Yep, Slow Joe Biden’s… Which, once again, proves that the Ukrainian torpedoes aimed at the Bad Orange Man went off course and nailed Old Joe.

In September, before we learned how Joe and his son Hunter looted at least two foreign countries, Joe sat at 46 percent favorable, 45 percent unfavorable. That’s a loss of eight net points while Trump gained three points.

Granted, Trump is more upside-down than Biden, but only by three points (10 to 7), which is well within the margin of error. Buttigieg is also upside down by seven points, while Bernie is buried by 13 points and Kamala by 19 points — which is an accurate reflection of just how awful she is.

One warning sign for Trump is that only 42 percent of those polled believe he deserves reelection, while 55 percent do not want him reelected. But even on this point, since September, Trump has improved from a 39 to 57 percent response. So he has been gaining ground … during impeachment!

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2019/11/08/trumps-favorability-higher-2020-democrat-candidates-impeachment/