View Full Version : Trump Has Appointed 25% Of All Circuit Court Judges

11-08-2019, 11:46 AM
The amount of judges, SC justices thus far and so much other in the judiciary... A lot don't pay attention to this stuff behind the scenes. Gotta be a record of some sort! Anyway, I'm glad to see this. Ad I hope for quite some time we will be seeing more of the COTUS properly used.


Trump Has Appointed 25% Of All Circuit Court Judges

President Donald Trump has appointed more judges in less than three years to the circuit courts than any of his two-term predecessors going back to Ronald Reagan.

The Senate confirmed William Nardini, on Thursday, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, making 25% of circuit court judges Trump appointees. That was the president’s 45th pick, higher than the number of judges appointed by all presidents from Reagan to Obama, the Washington Examiner noted.

CSPAN Capitol Hill producer Craig Caplan noted the milestone and remarks from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who said, “At the close of business today, it so happens, one in every four judges on the federal courts of appeals will have been nominated by President Trump and confirmed by us here in the Senate”

“This president and this Senate have prioritized confirming impressive men and women to these lifetime appointments,” McConnell added, according to the Examiner.

Circuit court judges have consistently blocked Trump’s executive orders — especially with regards to immigration policy. A 9th Circuit judge overruled Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The president campaigned in 2016 on establishing a conservative Republican presence in the judicial branch of government that many have accused of being too activist in applying the law. Trump has appointed two conservative judges to the Supreme Court of the United States and has also focused on the circuit courts that have a significant influence on whether government policies are upheld or struck down.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/11/08/donald-trump-circuit-court-judges/

Abbey Marie
11-08-2019, 12:03 PM
So important. We need 4 more years of this.

Surf Fishing Guru
11-08-2019, 05:40 PM
The federal judiciary is primary reason I voted for him.

11-09-2019, 09:19 AM
Let's be clear, Trump hasn't personally appointed any of them. He knows not one of them. Any republican in office would have the same results.