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11-08-2019, 12:28 PM
This is insanity in the making. So this so called whistleblower has the ability to maybe remove the president of the United States, with hearsay information, and they want to do so from the sidelines. They want a 3rd party to sit in a basement somewhere, make such accusations, and that's that? I say no way in hell. This HAS GOT to be on the up and up. Imagine the precedent being set? And when a Democrat is in office, and folks on the right do similar? Your ability to remain anonymous only goes so far, hence the news media being able to discuss this freely without any consequence. But as usual, politicians do things differently.


Whistleblower’s Lawyer Sends Letter to White House Demanding President Trump “Cease and Desist” Attacking His Client

Andrew Bakaj, one of the attorneys representing the fake whistleblower, sent the White House a letter warning President Trump to “cease and desist” attacking his client.

Mr. Bakaj argued his client, which we now know to be a CIA leaker named Eric Ciaramella, is in “physical danger” because of Trump and the conservative media.

“I am writing out of deep concern that your client, the President of the United States, is engaging in rhetoric and activity that places my client, the Intelligence Community Whistleblower, and their family in physical danger,” Andrew Bakaj wrote to White House counsel Pat Cipollone in a Wednesday letter obtained by CNN.

“I am writing to respectfully request that you counsel your client on the legal and ethical peril in which he is placing himself should anyone be physically harmed as a result of his, or his surrogates’, behavior,” he said.

The letter continued, “should anyone be physically harmed, my co-counsel, Mark Zaid, and I will not hesitate to take any and all appropriate action against your client. Those who are complicit in this vindictive campaign against my client, whether through action or inaction, shall also be responsible, be that legally or morally.”

Eric Ciaramella is a 33-year-old registered Democrat who was planted in the White House by former CIA Chief John Brennan to spy on Trump and thwart the Barr/Durham Spygate investigation.

Ciaramella filed a whistleblower complaint in August over fourth-hand knowledge he had about President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/11/whistleblowers-lawyer-sends-letter-to-white-house-demanding-president-trump-cease-and-desist-attacking-his-client/

11-08-2019, 12:39 PM
This is insanity in the making. So this so called whistleblower has the ability to maybe remove the president of the United States, with hearsay information, and they want to do so from the sidelines. They want a 3rd party to sit in a basement somewhere, make such accusations, and that's that? I say no way in hell. This HAS GOT to be on the up and up. Imagine the precedent being set? And when a Democrat is in office, and folks on the right do similar? Your ability to remain anonymous only goes so far, hence the news media being able to discuss this freely without any consequence. But as usual, politicians do things differently.


Whistleblower’s Lawyer Sends Letter to White House Demanding President Trump “Cease and Desist” Attacking His Client

Andrew Bakaj, one of the attorneys representing the fake whistleblower, sent the White House a letter warning President Trump to “cease and desist” attacking his client.

Mr. Bakaj argued his client, which we now know to be a CIA leaker named Eric Ciaramella, is in “physical danger” because of Trump and the conservative media.

“I am writing out of deep concern that your client, the President of the United States, is engaging in rhetoric and activity that places my client, the Intelligence Community Whistleblower, and their family in physical danger,” Andrew Bakaj wrote to White House counsel Pat Cipollone in a Wednesday letter obtained by CNN.

“I am writing to respectfully request that you counsel your client on the legal and ethical peril in which he is placing himself should anyone be physically harmed as a result of his, or his surrogates’, behavior,” he said.

The letter continued, “should anyone be physically harmed, my co-counsel, Mark Zaid, and I will not hesitate to take any and all appropriate action against your client. Those who are complicit in this vindictive campaign against my client, whether through action or inaction, shall also be responsible, be that legally or morally.”

Eric Ciaramella is a 33-year-old registered Democrat who was planted in the White House by former CIA Chief John Brennan to spy on Trump and thwart the Barr/Durham Spygate investigation.

Ciaramella filed a whistleblower complaint in August over fourth-hand knowledge he had about President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/11/whistleblowers-lawyer-sends-letter-to-white-house-demanding-president-trump-cease-and-desist-attacking-his-client/

They are on legal swamp ground. No court is going to order the POTUS to stop talking about a whistleblower.