View Full Version : Hypocrisy from the left

11-08-2019, 01:04 PM
I know, should have thought of a better title. That may just have some keep on scrolling, too repetitive and folks know that already...

The democrats and the elites and the hollywood, have been calling Trump and family the worst of the worst of names since he ran for president, and compounded that since he has been in office. But the hypocrisy, like so many other things they are hypocrites over. A lame insult, but admittedly an insult - calling Pelosi "dumb" - and folks on the left lose what little minds they have left. And it's FAR from being just Scarborough, as pointed out.


Hypocrite Scarborough, Who Called Trump and Bush Dumb, Is Angry at GOP Slam of Pelosi

When it comes to insulting Donald Trump in crude terms, Joe Scarborough is the veritable Don Rickles of political pundits. You'll find below just some of Scarborough's ugly hits against the President. And just two days ago, Scarborough humiliated himself by repeatedly taunting Trump as "Donald," and "son," to the point that he embarrassed even wife Mika Brzezinski.

And so, Scarborough's faux-outrage rant on today's Morning Joe about a line Republican Senator John Kennedy used about Nancy Pelosi could go down as one of the most egregious examples of hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness in recorded television history. Scarborough took elaborate umbrage at Kennedy having said of Pelosi at a Trump rally, "it must suck to be that dumb."

Scarborough's hypocritical outrage included this line:

"So many people are willing to degrade themselves and sink to extraordinary levels that we would not allow our children to sink to."

Joe, we've got your degrading yourself and sinking to extraordinary levels right here. In the past few years, Scarborough has:

Called President Trump a "thug" and a "goon."
Written that Trump "is not mentally equipped to continue watching our show."
Smeared Trump in one long breath as a "bumpkin, fool, idiot, stupid old blubbery man who doesn’t know what he’s doing; weakest leader on the planet;” suffering from "pre-dementia.”
Called Trump a "jackass" and "plain out stupid."
Accused Trump of “malignant idiocy,” and transforming into a “tyrannical president.”
Called Trump a "schmuck," a vulgar Yiddish term, and compared him to a kid "pooping his pants."

Note that Scarborough's insults of Republican presidents are not limited to the current White House occupant. Back in 2006, our Tim Graham caught Scarborough saying that when it came to being "stupid," President George W. Bush "is in a league by himself."

So please, Joe: spare us your bogus indignation. Could be time to take a good look in the mirror, and go to work removing that beam in your eye before decrying the speck in that of another.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/mark-finkelstein/2019/11/08/scarboroughs-hypocritical-outrage-over-sen-kennedys-comment

11-08-2019, 01:16 PM
This one is sad and disgusting.

While Whoopie and friends were busy trashing Trump and Son - because Trump passed along an article and information about this whistleblower, of which no one was surprised at as everyone knew already. But it's the end of the world to "the View" and friends, and since they had Junior in front of them, they used the opportunity to trash him and Dad. But Junior decided to show off their hypocrisy. Started with Behar and her blackface...

Then went in on this trash. Whoopi defended Behar and the blackface, she has a habit of defending friends over right and wrong. Why that show ignores most leftie wrongdoing and loses their shit over anything from the right.

"It wasn't "rape rape"" - what the hell does that even mean?You demonize someone for retweeting a name of a non-anonymous person, but excuse "rape rape" of a child. :rolleyes:


The View's Whoopi Goldberg on Polanski: 'It Wasn't Rape-Rape'

The View's Whoopi Goldberg yesterday offered the most outrageous and despicable defense of child rapist and Hollywood director Roman Polanski yet: "It wasn't rape-rape." That's right. Goldberg tried to claim that Polanksi drugging and having sex with a thirteen year old girl, who repeatedly uttered 'no' to the predator, does not qualify as 'actual' rape.

Polanksi apologists have tried since he was arrested in Switzerland Sunday to excuse his actions on the grounds that he was traumatized by his horrible experiences as a Jew in Nazi-occupied Poland or that he has endured enough punishment since his conviction in 1978. But Goldberg's defense is so far the most insensitive, oafish attempt for an excuse yet.

I know it wasn't rape-rape... All I'm trying to get you to understand, is when we're talking about what someone did, and what they were charged with, we have to say what it actually was not what we think it was...

Initially he was charged with rape, and then he pled guilty to having sex with a minor, okay. And then he went to jail, and when they let him out, he said "you know what, this guy's going to give me a hundred years in jail, I'm not staying." And that's why he left...

What we were talking about was what he did, and that's what I wanted to clear up, and that's all I wanted to clear up. 'Cause I don't like it when we're passionate about something and we don't have all the facts...

We're a different kind of society. We see things differently. The world sees 13 year olds and 14 year olds in the rest of Europe... not everybody agrees with the way we see things...

Yes, Whoopi, let's talk about what actually happened, rather than "what we think it was". And who better to recount it than the victim herself. These are excepts from the grand jury testimony of Samantha Gailey. I warn you, her account is extremely graphic and disturbing, but it is important that we see just how horrible this event was if we are to understand the absurdity and utter crassness of Goldberg's comments.

Q: Did you take a quaalude?
A: I took part of it.
Q: Where did you get this part?
A: [Polanski] gave it to me.
Q: After he kissed you did he say anything?
A: No.
Q: Did you say anything?
A: No, besides I was just going, "No. Come on, let's go home."
Q: What was said after you indicated that you wanted to go home when you were sitting on the couch?
A: He said "I'll take you home soon."
Q: Then what happened?
A: Then he went down and he started performing cuddliness.
Q: What does that mean?
A: It means he went down on me or he placed his mouth on my vagina.
Q: What happened after that?
A: He started to have intercourse with me.
Q: What do you mean by intercourse?
A: He placed his penis in my vagina.
Q: What did you say, if anything, before he did that?
A: I was mostly just on and off saying, "No, stop." But I wasn't fighting really because I, you know, there was no one else there and I had no place to go.
Q: What did he say, if anything?
A: He didn't answer me when I said, "No."
A: I think he said something like right after I said I was not on the pill, right before he said, "Oh, I won't come inside of you then." And I just went--and he goes--and then he put me--wait. Then he lifted my legs up farther and he went in through my anus.
Q: When you say he went in your anus, what do you mean by that?
A: He put his penis in my butt.
Q: Did he say anything at that time?
A: No.
Q: Did you resist at that time?
A: A little bit, but not really because--(pause.)
Q: Because what?
A: Because I was afraid of him.
Q: Do you know what a climax is?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you know whether he had a climax?
A: Yes.
Q: And how do you know that?
A: Because I could kind of feel it and it was in my underwear. It was in my underwear. It was on my butt and stuff.
Q: When you say that, you believe that he climaxed in your anus?
A: Yes.

Is that a clear enough account of the facts, Whoopi? Does that satisfy your desire to know what "it actually was"? It was most definitely "rape-rape". It was a disgusting man drugging a young girl, and then forcing her to have sex with him even while she repeatedly said "no" and "stop". I've sat through enough college sexual assault information sessions to know that that is rape in every sense of the word.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/lachlan-markay/2009/09/29/views-whoopi-goldberg-polanski-it-wasnt-rape-rape

11-08-2019, 01:22 PM
Amazing that they act like saints, or act as if everyone on the left is perfect or perfect in how they speak about others. That's all the majority of the MSM news does, is sit back and condemn and call names!


Hypocrite: CNN’s Baldwin Goes Off on GOPer Calling Pelosi ‘Dumb,’ Forgets Her Own Record

Cry me a river, CNN. And spare the rest of America your faux outrage. On Thursday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Brooke Baldwin offered a heaping of liberal hypocrisy by feigning outrage and disgust at Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) calling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “dumb” at a Wednesday night Trump rally.

Rather incensed, Baldwin lectured him about how he doesn’t “have to agree with Speaker Pelosi but you should respect her.” She also expressed sanctimonious outrage about what such behavior is doing to our future generations.

“We’ve come to expect intense partisanship at Trump rallies, but last night in Louisiana, that partisanship took a nasty, personal turn and the person spouting the insults was not the President. It was Louisiana Senator John Kennedy,” Baldwin began, leading into a clip of Kennedy quipping that Pelosi was “dumb” to be pushing the impeachment inquiry.

As Baldwin usually does when she’s repulsed, she silently glares at the camera for a few seconds before continuing with an assist from Matt Lewis (who still claims to be a conservative but is a kindred spirt with the Bulwark and Rick Wilson wings of the right) (click “expand”):

BALDWIN: It’s not just what he said, listen to the cheers. See that young boy in between the two of them standing behind them? I think we all know we’re really living in partisan times but this is a sitting U.S. Senator disrespecting the Speaker of the House, the person who is third in line to the presidency and most powerful woman in our government. Mr. Senator, you don't have to agree with Speaker Pelosi but you should respect her. Matt Lewis, senior columnist for The Daily Beast and CNN political commentator and Matt, you were as angry as I was. Tell me why.

LEWIS: Well, not only the, you know, is this a Senator disrespecting the Speaker of the House, this is a grown man disrespecting a lady in public and being cheered for it. So, I think it speaks to civility and it’s — this is very common. We saw the other day Rand Paul at a rally, very similar playing to Donald Trump standing beside him, playing to this Trumpian crowd, calling for the media to unmask the whistle-blower and here you have a U.S. Senator, you know, not to be disrespectful, of course, but calling Nancy Pelosi dumb, and he was really just — it was a caricature of a demagogic, populist politician. It was like Huey Long.

Baldwin continued her ‘but think of the children’-routine by wondering what the young man in the audience behind Kennedy and Trump was thinking, claiming that Republicans (as opposed to antifa, the press, or any negative force out there) are “raising a generation of bullies, given the signal that it's okay to talk like this to a woman or man.”

Not surprisingly, Lewis agreed in saying nothing about the leftist rhetoric and violence but instead pinning what ails our discourse on the side of the aisle he claims to be a part of. In addition, he decried “the madness of crowds” at Trump rallies and “a mob mentality” attendees possess.

“Donald Trump breaks everything that we would teach our children of how to behave. Never mind as devout religious Christian, whatever your religion is, people, just as decent human beings, Donald Trump goes against almost every single thing and I think this is a microcosm of that,” Lewis added, neglecting the fact that the current American left stands to punish and work to destroy the Church.

Of course, Baldwin has one set of expectations for those on the right, but wholeheartedly supports insults and truly ugly rhetoric being hurled at President Trump and Republicans.

A NewsBusters review of our records dating back to January 2017 (when Trump took office) found a slew of instances in which Baldwin either uttered or tolerated from guests ugly statements.

Well, there were those times in August 2018 when CNN contributor Michael D’Antonio told Baldwin that Vice President Mike Pence was a “Christian supremacist” or December 2017 when Baldwin eagerly ate up CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley describing Pence as “sniveling” and “kissing” Trump’s “belly” as if the President were Buddha.

Going back to 2018, Baldwin laughed as Ana Navarro bashed Ron DeSantis ahead of Election Day as Trump’s “parasitic twin” and, two months later, she shrugged off the threats to the lives of the Covington students.

Baldwin and assorted guests also had plenty of harsh words for the President. In March, Jim Acosta told her that the President is spreading a “virus” against the Press and in January, Baldwin herself called Trump “childish” while Gloria Borger described him as “cranky.”

or good measure, here’s a few others (click “expand”):

September 25, 2018: WHAT?! CNN, MSNBC Compare Brett Kavanaugh to....Convicted Sexual Predator Bill Cosby
August 28, 2018: CNN Worships ‘Working Mom’ Stormy Daniels in ‘Vogue’ Being Trump’s ‘Perfect Adversary’
February 6, 2018: CNN’s Karem Melts Down, Claims Trump Believes ‘Every Immigrant in this Country’ Is ‘A Killer’
June 24, 2017: On CNN, Montel Williams: GOP Would Send 140 Million to 'Death' With Health Plan
February 21, 2017: CNN Allows Left-Wing Guest to Accuse Trump of Creating 'Cancer of Anti-Semitism’

Got to love our American political news media. They lecture the American public and those outside the D.C. and New York bubbles about what’s right versus wrong while subjecting themselves to no real, meaningful ethics or rules unless, of course, that involves trying to burn Fox News at the stake.

Speaking of which, someone should ask Amy Robach how a life of following journalistic ethics is working out for her.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/curtis-houck/2019/11/07/massive-hypocrite-cnns-baldwin-goes-goper-calling-pelosi-dumb

11-08-2019, 03:21 PM
I know, should have thought of a better title. That may just have some keep on scrolling, too repetitive and folks know that already...

The democrats and the elites and the hollywood, have been calling Trump and family the worst of the worst of names since he ran for president, and compounded that since he has been in office. But the hypocrisy, like so many other things they are hypocrites over. A lame insult, but admittedly an insult - calling Pelosi "dumb" - and folks on the left lose what little minds they have left. And it's FAR from being just Scarborough, as pointed out.


Hypocrite Scarborough, Who Called Trump and Bush Dumb, Is Angry at GOP Slam of Pelosi

When it comes to insulting Donald Trump in crude terms, Joe Scarborough is the veritable Don Rickles of political pundits. You'll find below just some of Scarborough's ugly hits against the President. And just two days ago, Scarborough humiliated himself by repeatedly taunting Trump as "Donald," and "son," to the point that he embarrassed even wife Mika Brzezinski.

And so, Scarborough's faux-outrage rant on today's Morning Joe about a line Republican Senator John Kennedy used about Nancy Pelosi could go down as one of the most egregious examples of hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness in recorded television history. Scarborough took elaborate umbrage at Kennedy having said of Pelosi at a Trump rally, "it must suck to be that dumb."

Scarborough's hypocritical outrage included this line:

Joe, we've got your degrading yourself and sinking to extraordinary levels right here. In the past few years, Scarborough has:

Called President Trump a "thug" and a "goon."
Written that Trump "is not mentally equipped to continue watching our show."
Smeared Trump in one long breath as a "bumpkin, fool, idiot, stupid old blubbery man who doesn’t know what he’s doing; weakest leader on the planet;” suffering from "pre-dementia.”
Called Trump a "jackass" and "plain out stupid."
Accused Trump of “malignant idiocy,” and transforming into a “tyrannical president.”
Called Trump a "schmuck," a vulgar Yiddish term, and compared him to a kid "pooping his pants."

Note that Scarborough's insults of Republican presidents are not limited to the current White House occupant. Back in 2006, our Tim Graham caught Scarborough saying that when it came to being "stupid," President George W. Bush "is in a league by himself."

So please, Joe: spare us your bogus indignation. Could be time to take a good look in the mirror, and go to work removing that beam in your eye before decrying the speck in that of another.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/mark-finkelstein/2019/11/08/scarboroughs-hypocritical-outrage-over-sen-kennedys-comment

The worst of it is, if Trump had ran as a Democrat these people would still love him, tell everyone how smart and wonderful he is, and not even begin to think he has done anything wrong and or illegal since being President.

Democrats are absolute scum.

11-08-2019, 04:33 PM
I know, should have thought of a better title. That may just have some keep on scrolling, too repetitive and folks know that already...

The democrats and the elites and the hollywood, have been calling Trump and family the worst of the worst of names since he ran for president, and compounded that since he has been in office. But the hypocrisy, like so many other things they are hypocrites over. A lame insult, but admittedly an insult - calling Pelosi "dumb" - and folks on the left lose what little minds they have left. And it's FAR from being just Scarborough, as pointed out.


Hypocrite Scarborough, Who Called Trump and Bush Dumb, Is Angry at GOP Slam of Pelosi

When it comes to insulting Donald Trump in crude terms, Joe Scarborough is the veritable Don Rickles of political pundits. You'll find below just some of Scarborough's ugly hits against the President. And just two days ago, Scarborough humiliated himself by repeatedly taunting Trump as "Donald," and "son," to the point that he embarrassed even wife Mika Brzezinski.

And so, Scarborough's faux-outrage rant on today's Morning Joe about a line Republican Senator John Kennedy used about Nancy Pelosi could go down as one of the most egregious examples of hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness in recorded television history. Scarborough took elaborate umbrage at Kennedy having said of Pelosi at a Trump rally, "it must suck to be that dumb."

Scarborough's hypocritical outrage included this line:

Joe, we've got your degrading yourself and sinking to extraordinary levels right here. In the past few years, Scarborough has:

Called President Trump a "thug" and a "goon."
Written that Trump "is not mentally equipped to continue watching our show."
Smeared Trump in one long breath as a "bumpkin, fool, idiot, stupid old blubbery man who doesn’t know what he’s doing; weakest leader on the planet;” suffering from "pre-dementia.”
Called Trump a "jackass" and "plain out stupid."
Accused Trump of “malignant idiocy,” and transforming into a “tyrannical president.”
Called Trump a "schmuck," a vulgar Yiddish term, and compared him to a kid "pooping his pants."

Note that Scarborough's insults of Republican presidents are not limited to the current White House occupant. Back in 2006, our Tim Graham caught Scarborough saying that when it came to being "stupid," President George W. Bush "is in a league by himself."

So please, Joe: spare us your bogus indignation. Could be time to take a good look in the mirror, and go to work removing that beam in your eye before decrying the speck in that of another.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/mark-finkelstein/2019/11/08/scarboroughs-hypocritical-outrage-over-sen-kennedys-commentWell, it MUST suck to be that dumb :)

I'm still laughing at your choice of thread titles. "Hypocrisy from the Left". I was thinking I hope THAT isn't the "news" :laugh::laugh:

11-08-2019, 04:33 PM
You don't see the authority difference of an anchor to a senator? Civility begins at the top. We should hope our politics is better than name calling.

11-08-2019, 04:47 PM
You don't see the authority difference of an anchor to a senator? Civility begins at the top. We should hope our politics is better than name calling.Between an anchor and a DEM Senator? None at all given their behavior especially the past 10 years. I have no sympathy for the left on the topic and don't want to hear you crying foul for being dished your own medicine.

do I see a problem with a conservative doing it? In principle, yes. Do I have a problem with who to? Nope. Re-read as many times as you like until you get the part where THAT is what has gotten Trump over on the right. If Republicans would actually just slam the taste out of the dem's mouths I would be impressed. It's deserved whether or not it meets anyone's sense of decorum.

The left started this nasty crap. They have zero reason to cry about getting it back.

11-08-2019, 05:51 PM
You don't see the authority difference of an anchor to a senator? Civility begins at the top. We should hope our politics is better than name calling.


This particular thread was started based on leftist punditry, and their hypocrisy. One of a small piece, and yes, a small piece of both sides of course.

But in the past 3 years it has been all anti-Trump and their language in this instance being used against them, while they sit back in fake outrage in condemning a few that dared called Pelosi or her actions as "dumb"

And that's all fine and dandy, but I still point out the hypocrisy. Sometimes they do so in the very recent past and then condemn for the same or similar.

But, in regards to senators and pundits - we have seen Pelosi dig up some gems, as has Schiff, Maxine Waters is "all in" in the insult department. Dare I say - quite a many of the leading democrats in office make a habit of describing Trump, his administration & leading republicans - in less than savory terms.

And again, all good, I'm not stating that either side are innocent saints. But watching or seeing highlights, whether pundits or in congress, it leaves me shaking my head when I see so much hypocrisy.

And yes, they should ALL in fact get better in this department. And I'm confident many feel "I give what I get..." but that's not a good excuse, IMO.

11-08-2019, 10:01 PM

This particular thread was started based on leftist punditry, and their hypocrisy. One of a small piece, and yes, a small piece of both sides of course.

But in the past 3 years it has been all anti-Trump and their language in this instance being used against them, while they sit back in fake outrage in condemning a few that dared called Pelosi or her actions as "dumb"

And that's all fine and dandy, but I still point out the hypocrisy. Sometimes they do so in the very recent past and then condemn for the same or similar.

But, in regards to senators and pundits - we have seen Pelosi dig up some gems, as has Schiff, Maxine Waters is "all in" in the insult department. Dare I say - quite a many of the leading democrats in office make a habit of describing Trump, his administration & leading republicans - in less than savory terms.

And again, all good, I'm not stating that either side are innocent saints. But watching or seeing highlights, whether pundits or in congress, it leaves me shaking my head when I see so much hypocrisy.

And yes, they should ALL in fact get better in this department. And I'm confident many feel "I give what I get..." but that's not a good excuse, IMO.Let's not forget the vitriol of the Unholy Three, Tlaib, AOC, and their Somalian jihadist buddy.