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View Full Version : NJ Muslim Mayor Who Cried 'Islamophobia' Has History of Jihad Support

11-09-2019, 11:46 AM
I'm growing tired of folks crying racism. And the same here with Islamophobia BS. And the same with all the other labels that have been suddenly popping up. Part is folks losing or not getting what they want, so the instant need to somehow vilify others or blame them. Part of the differences in beliefs today, and rather than positively work towards them goals, too many folks are crying out names of intolerance today to get what they want.

Seems like muslims of today, if they don't get what they want, then everyone who thinks differently must be Islamophobists or whatever.


Surprise: NJ Muslim Mayor Who Cried 'Islamophobia' Has History of Jihad Support

Sometimes things aren’t as they seem, and sometimes, on the other hand, they are exactly as they seem. Back in September, the mayor of Prospect Park, New Jersey, Mohamed Khairullah, was at JFK International Airport in New York City, on his way home from visiting relatives in Turkey, when “Islamophobia” struck and destroyed everything in its path. “We just wanted to go and have a good time,” he said, but upon return, he was held for no less than three hours for questioning. “I don’t go near shady organizations,” he declared and added: “I believe that my constitutional rights were violated” by questions about whether he had met with any terrorists. It turns out, however, that maybe those who questioned Khairullah weren’t racist, bigoted “Islamophobes” after all: Khairullah has a history of support for jihad activity.

Terrorism researcher John Rossomando noted Thursday that “it is more likely that Khairullah was pulled aside by the CBP [U.S. Customs and Border Protection] due to his frequent travel to the Syrian war zone via Istanbul, former CBP agent Phil Haney, who specialized in targeting potential terrorists, told the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT). “This has to do with indicators of potential terrorism,” said Haney.

Also: “The mayor worked on relief missions and was a board member with Watan USA, the American branch of the London, England–headquartered Watan Foundation. Watan’s partner organizations and some of its leaders have supported and assisted al-Qaeda in Syria. Its co-founder and president, Moaz al-Sibaai, belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood–linked Muslim Council of Britain’s Business and Economics Committee. A 2015 IRS tax form listed Khairullah as a Watan USA board member.”

Not only that. “Khairullah’s social media shows he repeatedly expressed support for Jabhat al-Nusra,” al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria. “Khairullah even thanked ISIS for taking bandits off the streets of Syria."

"A good thing that ISIS has done is to eliminate the thieves and bandits in their area of control. Allah knows what was behind this move," Khairullah wrote in a Jan. 5, 2014, tweet.”

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/surprise-nj-muslim-mayor-who-charged-islamophobia-over-dhs-questioning-has-history-of-jihad-support/