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11-09-2019, 12:05 PM
I think Schiff needs to be investigated for a HELL of a lot more than this!


Nunes Formally Calls On Adam Schiff To Testify As Part Of Impeachment ‘Show Trial’

Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes on Friday formally called on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to testify about his or his aides’ contacts with the Trump whistleblower as part of what he’s calling the impeachment “show trial” against President Donald Trump.

“Prior to the start of your public show trial next week, at least one additional closed-door deposition must take place,” Nunes wrote to Schiff on Friday.

“Specifically, I request that you sit for a closed-door deposition before the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight Committees,” he continued, referring to the three congressional committees taking part in the impeachment inquiry.

In the letter, Nunes noted that Schiff supported calling two members of Congress — Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and then-Rep. Dana Rohrabacher — to testify as part of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation.

Republicans want Schiff to testify about what he knew of the whistleblower complaint that kicked off the impeachment push. In the complaint, which was filed Aug. 12 with the Intelligence Community Inspector General, an unidentified CIA analyst raised concerns about Trump’s actions toward Ukraine, including during a July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/11/09/devin-nunes-adam-schiff-whistleblower/

11-09-2019, 12:12 PM
I think Schiff needs to be investigated for a HELL of a lot more than this!


Nunes Formally Calls On Adam Schiff To Testify As Part Of Impeachment ‘Show Trial’

Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes on Friday formally called on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to testify about his or his aides’ contacts with the Trump whistleblower as part of what he’s calling the impeachment “show trial” against President Donald Trump.

“Prior to the start of your public show trial next week, at least one additional closed-door deposition must take place,” Nunes wrote to Schiff on Friday.

“Specifically, I request that you sit for a closed-door deposition before the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight Committees,” he continued, referring to the three congressional committees taking part in the impeachment inquiry.

In the letter, Nunes noted that Schiff supported calling two members of Congress — Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and then-Rep. Dana Rohrabacher — to testify as part of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation.

Republicans want Schiff to testify about what he knew of the whistleblower complaint that kicked off the impeachment push. In the complaint, which was filed Aug. 12 with the Intelligence Community Inspector General, an unidentified CIA analyst raised concerns about Trump’s actions toward Ukraine, including during a July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/11/09/devin-nunes-adam-schiff-whistleblower/IMHO there are more than enough grounds to investigate Schiff. After all, isn't withholding all the evidence he has against the President obstruction of justice?

If his defense is there is no evidence, then he's a prime candidate for violating Federal Fraud, Waste and Abuse laws, among others.

i'd just as soon he get run down in a crosswalk and spare the taxpayers the dime.

11-09-2019, 12:36 PM
A good start. The whistleblower will be coming out one way or another. It will be harmful and show motives, but they will have no choice in the long run.

I also think in the long run they will have no choice with Biden and Son. I said from the beginning that it places the entire thing into context, and should start there or earlier. Start with what Joe was involved with and how it helped his son or not. And not just regular hiring because I like your Dad... but the incriminating video of getting a prosecutor fired. And we have since found out about much more shenanigans involved and much more "money for nothing" going on.

This was fine and dandy until the video came out in 2018. So Trump asked for their help in investigating what happened there - and apparently then some. Which is exactly what I would have done - and perhaps I would get impeached too, who knows. But not only was Joe involved in no good, and it helping his son - but we find out about Hillary and many others involved in crap. This investigation should have happened awhile back, but it needed to be investigated and prosecuted no matter what, IMO.

And of course this all seamlessly runs through the entire massive setup of the Russian collusion bullshit, and lord only knows how many involved in the background there. Also lordy only knows how much other BS they were doing beyond this. I think we'll get some answers from the 3 ongoing investigations, or at least I hope so.


GOP Adds Hunter Biden, Whistleblower to Witness List

House Republicans came forward Saturday with a list of witnesses they want the House Intelligence Committee to hear from in the public hearings set to start this coming week. Most prominent among them: the anonymous whistleblower and former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter.

"Americans see through this sham impeachment process, despite the Democrats' efforts to retroactively legitimize it last week," Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the House Intelligence Committee's top Republican, wrote in a letter to the panel's Democratic chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., on Saturday.

"To provide transparency to your otherwise opaque and unfair process, and after consultation with [House Oversight Committee] Ranking Member Jim Jordan and [House Foreign Affairs Committee] Ranking Member Michael McCaul, the American people deserve to hear from the following witnesses in an open setting."

Majority Democrats are unlikely to approve the list as delivered. They have fought back Republican attempts to expose the identity of the whistleblower whose complaint is at the heart of the impeachment effort. Republicans are seeking testimony from eight specific witnesses as well from all officials, so far anonymous, who helped the whistleblower prepare the complaint.

"It is imperative that the American people hear definitively how the whistleblower developed his or her information, and who else the whistleblower may have fed the information he or she gathered and how that treatment of classified information may have led to the false narrative being perpetrated by the Democrats during this process," Nunes' letter added.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/hunter-biden-whistleblower-democrats-testimony/2019/11/09/id/940900/

11-09-2019, 12:48 PM
A good start. The whistleblower will be coming out one way or another. It will be harmful and show motives, but they will have no choice in the long run.

I also think in the long run they will have no choice with Biden and Son. I said from the beginning that it places the entire thing into context, and should start there or earlier. Start with what Joe was involved with and how it helped his son or not. And not just regular hiring because I like your Dad... but the incriminating video of getting a prosecutor fired. And we have since found out about much more shenanigans involved and much more "money for nothing" going on.

This was fine and dandy until the video came out in 2018. So Trump asked for their help in investigating what happened there - and apparently then some. Which is exactly what I would have done - and perhaps I would get impeached too, who knows. But not only was Joe involved in no good, and it helping his son - but we find out about Hillary and many others involved in crap. This investigation should have happened awhile back, but it needed to be investigated and prosecuted no matter what, IMO.

And of course this all seamlessly runs through the entire massive setup of the Russian collusion bullshit, and lord only knows how many involved in the background there. Also lordy only knows how much other BS they were doing beyond this. I think we'll get some answers from the 3 ongoing investigations, or at least I hope so.


GOP Adds Hunter Biden, Whistleblower to Witness List

House Republicans came forward Saturday with a list of witnesses they want the House Intelligence Committee to hear from in the public hearings set to start this coming week. Most prominent among them: the anonymous whistleblower and former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter.

"Americans see through this sham impeachment process, despite the Democrats' efforts to retroactively legitimize it last week," Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the House Intelligence Committee's top Republican, wrote in a letter to the panel's Democratic chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., on Saturday.

"To provide transparency to your otherwise opaque and unfair process, and after consultation with [House Oversight Committee] Ranking Member Jim Jordan and [House Foreign Affairs Committee] Ranking Member Michael McCaul, the American people deserve to hear from the following witnesses in an open setting."

Majority Democrats are unlikely to approve the list as delivered. They have fought back Republican attempts to expose the identity of the whistleblower whose complaint is at the heart of the impeachment effort. Republicans are seeking testimony from eight specific witnesses as well from all officials, so far anonymous, who helped the whistleblower prepare the complaint.

"It is imperative that the American people hear definitively how the whistleblower developed his or her information, and who else the whistleblower may have fed the information he or she gathered and how that treatment of classified information may have led to the false narrative being perpetrated by the Democrats during this process," Nunes' letter added.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/hunter-biden-whistleblower-democrats-testimony/2019/11/09/id/940900/I wonder if this whistleblower BS is as well pit together as the witness against Kavanaugh? :laugh:

11-09-2019, 01:35 PM
Apparently they have 8 witnesses they want to call. If it were me, it would be about 87 people. But maybe I'm trying to put everything and all the scandals I see into one big investigation.

"Democrats have final say" WTF is up with that?


Republicans Name 8 Potential Impeachment Witnesses. Here They Are

House Republicans on Saturday released a list of witnesses they want called to testify as part of the Trump impeachment inquiry, including the anonymous Trump whistleblower, Hunter Biden, and a DNC operative who met with Ukrainian officials in 2016.

Democrats have final say on whether any of the eight witnesses on the GOP list will be called to testify in public.

Rep. Adam Schiff, who is leading the impeachment investigation on behalf of Democrats, said in a letter Wednesday that Republicans had to provide a witness list within 72 hours, along with a detailed explanation for why they are relevant to the impeachment inquiry.

Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Schiff that any “failure to fulfill Minority witness requests shall constitute evidence of your denial of fundamental fairness and due process” in his letter Saturday.

Democrats have already scheduled three diplomats to begin public hearings next week.

Here is the Republican list:

Hunter Biden: The son of former Vice President Joe Biden, and a former board member for Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian gas company that has been plagued for years by corruption concerns. President Donald Trump asked Ukraine’s president in a July 25 phone call to consider investigating whether Joe Biden pressured the Ukrainian government in 2016 to shut down an investigation of Burisma.

Devon Archer: One of Hunter Biden’s business partners and a former Burisma board member.

Alexandra Chalupa: A former DNC consultant who met with Ukrainian embassy officials during the 2016 presidential campaign. Chalupa, who is Ukrainian-American, dug up dirt on Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

David Hale: The undersecretary of state for political affairs. Hale testified in a closed-door deposition Wednesday.

Tim Morrison: The former senior director for European and Eurasian affairs on the National Security Council. Morrison is one of only two individuals, including National Security Council’s Ukraine director, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, to have listened to the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky. Morrison testified that he did not hear anything illegal on the call, while Zelensky, who will be called to testify by Democrats, said that he had serious concerns with what Trump said in the call.

Nellie Ohr: The wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, and a former contractor for Fusion GPS. Ohr told Congress in an Oct. 19, 2018, interview that Serhiy Leshchenko, a former Ukrainian lawmaker and investigative journalist, was a source of information for Fusion GPS, which peddled the infamous Steele dossier. Leshchenko, who has acknowledged having contact with Chalupa, helped publish information in August 2016 that led to Manafort’s firing as Trump campaign chairman.

Kurt Volker: The former special envoy to Ukraine. Volker was a liaison between Rudy Giuliani and the Zelensky administration. He testified Oct. 3 that he did not witness a Trump quid pro quo to Ukraine.

Republicans also want to hear from the whistleblower, as well as anyone the individual cited in the Aug. 12 complaint against Trump.

House Democrats have backed off of their initial calls to have the whistleblower testify. They argue that the whistleblower is now irrelevant because other witnesses have corroborated the Aug. 12 complaint.


11-09-2019, 01:38 PM
Apparently they have 8 witnesses they want to call. If it were me, it would be about 87 people. But maybe I'm trying to put everything and all the scandals I see into one big investigation.

"Democrats have final say" WTF is up with that?


Republicans Name 8 Potential Impeachment Witnesses. Here They Are

House Republicans on Saturday released a list of witnesses they want called to testify as part of the Trump impeachment inquiry, including the anonymous Trump whistleblower, Hunter Biden, and a DNC operative who met with Ukrainian officials in 2016.

Democrats have final say on whether any of the eight witnesses on the GOP list will be called to testify in public.

Rep. Adam Schiff, who is leading the impeachment investigation on behalf of Democrats, said in a letter Wednesday that Republicans had to provide a witness list within 72 hours, along with a detailed explanation for why they are relevant to the impeachment inquiry.

Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Schiff that any “failure to fulfill Minority witness requests shall constitute evidence of your denial of fundamental fairness and due process” in his letter Saturday.

Democrats have already scheduled three diplomats to begin public hearings next week.

Here is the Republican list:

Hunter Biden: The son of former Vice President Joe Biden, and a former board member for Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian gas company that has been plagued for years by corruption concerns. President Donald Trump asked Ukraine’s president in a July 25 phone call to consider investigating whether Joe Biden pressured the Ukrainian government in 2016 to shut down an investigation of Burisma.

Devon Archer: One of Hunter Biden’s business partners and a former Burisma board member.

Alexandra Chalupa: A former DNC consultant who met with Ukrainian embassy officials during the 2016 presidential campaign. Chalupa, who is Ukrainian-American, dug up dirt on Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

David Hale: The undersecretary of state for political affairs. Hale testified in a closed-door deposition Wednesday.

Tim Morrison: The former senior director for European and Eurasian affairs on the National Security Council. Morrison is one of only two individuals, including National Security Council’s Ukraine director, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, to have listened to the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky. Morrison testified that he did not hear anything illegal on the call, while Zelensky, who will be called to testify by Democrats, said that he had serious concerns with what Trump said in the call.

Nellie Ohr: The wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, and a former contractor for Fusion GPS. Ohr told Congress in an Oct. 19, 2018, interview that Serhiy Leshchenko, a former Ukrainian lawmaker and investigative journalist, was a source of information for Fusion GPS, which peddled the infamous Steele dossier. Leshchenko, who has acknowledged having contact with Chalupa, helped publish information in August 2016 that led to Manafort’s firing as Trump campaign chairman.

Kurt Volker: The former special envoy to Ukraine. Volker was a liaison between Rudy Giuliani and the Zelensky administration. He testified Oct. 3 that he did not witness a Trump quid pro quo to Ukraine.

Republicans also want to hear from the whistleblower, as well as anyone the individual cited in the Aug. 12 complaint against Trump.

House Democrats have backed off of their initial calls to have the whistleblower testify. They argue that the whistleblower is now irrelevant because other witnesses have corroborated the Aug. 12 complaint.

https://dailycaller.com/2019/11/09/gop-impeachment-hunter-biden-nellie-ohr/I'm thinking my witnesses would be every member of the House that voted for impeachment.