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View Full Version : Now it's Facebook's turn for insanity of the day

11-09-2019, 01:46 PM
They control the majority of social media and therefore control freedom of speech within social media, and it's sickening. And SO many stories of leftists and why they have been banned and had things removed - NOT.

They ARE trying to control and dictate the news and stories that come out. No different than the democrats controlling and slowly dictate how the news is coming out.

And now c'mon, we're talking about posting about a campaign rally. We do that here. Who's campaign, where at, how to watch or attend... and they want to get rid of it, or ban people for posting about it?


IT BEGINS: Now Facebook Is Threatening to Delete Accounts that Publish Trump Campaign Rallies — Saying It’s “Clickbait”

As we reported on Thursday…

Democrats are using an anonymous anti-Trump CIA operative in their latest attempt to impeach US President Donald Trump.

It has widely been reported in the past week that Eric Ciaramella is the name of the anti-Trump CIA whistleblower.

Donald Trump Jr. even tweeted out the Ciaramella’s name.

Democrats know if Eric Ciaramella’s far left associations and background is disseminated their chances to impeach President Trump are widely diminished.

Democrats, their fake news media outlets and the social media giants do not want Eric Ciaramella’s name released.

On Wednesday night The Gateway Pundit received several warnings from Facebook that we violated community standards and our account is “at risk of being unpublished.”

In 2016 The Gateway Pundit was the 4th most influential conservative publisher in the US during the presidential election.

We were also notified from our readers that anyone who reposted our articles were ALSO THREATENED to be unpublished.

And we are not alone.

On Thursday morning David J Harris Jr. also reported that his Facebook page was being threatened.

David described it as a “modern day lynching.”

His account has since been taken down. Facebook was threatened by this African-American Trump supporter.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/11/it-begins-now-facebook-is-threatening-to-delete-accounts-that-publish-trump-campaign-rallies-saying-its-clickbait/

11-09-2019, 02:10 PM
They are trying to head off a repeat of 2016. I used to say this back when, but the Dems and MSM have been choosing the GOP candidate for years. Most obvious was McCain. One minute Huckabee has a commanding lead and the MSM puts McCain in the lead because he had the least chance to win, the right bought it and we got Obama.

They tried it in 2016 as well putting Trump ahead. He was so polarizing they figured no chance in Hell. They lost that bet because he went straight to the people. If they can stop that from happening this time around, they will.