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View Full Version : Fight Climate Change By ‘Combating White Supremacy’

11-10-2019, 03:39 PM
C'mon now. I just have this horrid suspicion and feeling that she will be a longtime occupant in congress, no matter how stupid she may be, as she reflects much of the stupidity out there.

So reduce any white supremacy out there. Give out cheap clothing to those in need. Apparently free education, and try to ensure folks take advantage of it and get educated. And no matter what, send people a monthly check to ensure everybody is able to live properly.

And then, when we do this, any climate change issues we may have will be solved!!

She sounds like someone trying to pronounce new words daily from the dictionary. Someone who is trying SO hard to appear smart to have America think she's smart. Not working in the slightest, dumb dumb!

We have these triggering loops that we haven't even begun to understand yet!! But she's done gonna fix it for us!!


Ocasio-Cortez: Fight Climate Change By ‘Combating White Supremacy,’ Clothing Everyone, Educating Everyone, Paying

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) appeared to suggest, over the weekend, that President Donald Trump was a virus or a disease that Americans needed to “vaccinate” themselves against. She added that fighting climate change means guaranteeing that everyone will be “clothed,” “educated,” and “paid a living wage,” and that the environmental battle involves fighting against “white supremacy.”

Ocasio-Cortez made the remarks on Saturday while speaking with Democrat presidential candidate and fellow socialist Bernie Sanders at a “Climate Crisis” summit in Iowa.

“The reason we are in this crisis is because oil and gas has been one of the most profitable industries of the modern era and when we talk about fighting money in politics what we’re talking about is fighting big oil,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “We’re talking about fighting Wall Street. We’re talking about fighting big pharma.”

“Trump is a symptom, he is a symptom of much deeper problems,” Ocasio-Cortez continued.

Ocasio-Cortez suggested that only way to get “get through this moment” was to “guarantee” health care to every American.

“Here’s the thing, is that we can beat him but we have to vaccinate ourselves against something like this ever happening again,” Ocasio-Cortez said in reference to Trump’s 2016 election victory, adding, “and the way we inoculate ourselves the way we inoculate ourselves from late-stage hyper capitalistic concentration of wealth among the very, very few is with a labor movement.”

Ocasio-Cortez then stated that “indigenous wisdom,” not science or anything else, should be what guides America’s “climate policy.”

“The way we inoculate ourselves from continuing to burn up our planet at unsustainable level triggering feedback loops that we have not even begun to comprehend is by honoring indigenous wisdom and allowing it to guide our climate policy,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “The way, the way, that we preserve our systems is by transitioning to principles of universality, that means I want you clothed, I want you educated, I want you paid a living wage — no ifs, ands, or buts. And what that also means at what Naomi talked about as well is directly, consciously, combating white supremacy in the United States of America.”

Earlier this year, “after widespread criticism and watching her poll numbers sink, Ocasio-Cortez tried to play off her claim, suggesting that it was a joke and that anyone who believed her has ‘the social intelligence of a sea sponge,'” The Daily Wire reported.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/ocasio-cortez-fight-climate-change-by-combating-white-supremacy-clothing-everyone-educating-everyone-paying-everyone-living-wage

11-10-2019, 04:01 PM
For a supposedly educated person she certainly has ignorant ideas, notions, and impractical solutions.
She must go through a lot of shoes, because every time she opens her mouth she sticks her foot
in to it.

She needs to spend more times serving her voters than concentrating on this silly crusade.

11-10-2019, 04:09 PM
For a supposedly educated person she certainly ignorant ideas, notions, and impractical solutions.
She must go through a lot of shoes, because every time she opens her mouth she sticks her foot
in to it.

She needs to spend more times serving her voters than concentrating on this silly crusade.

Her only education is in how to retrieve either a Coors Light or a Budweiser, and a bevy of mixed drinks. Some will point out her supposed education and smarts - but I dare anyone to show her smarts off via accomplishments or anything else.

11-10-2019, 09:46 PM
For a supposedly educated person she certainly has ignorant ideas, notions, and impractical solutions.
She must go through a lot of shoes, because every time she opens her mouth she sticks her foot
in to it.

She needs to spend more times serving her voters than concentrating on this silly crusade.

Her only education is in how to retrieve either a Coors Light or a Budweiser, and a bevy of mixed drinks. Some will point out her supposed education and smarts - but I dare anyone to show her smarts off via accomplishments or anything else.

She's a stooge for an organization that's primary goal is to destroy the status quo. Why they would go so far as to plant her in Congress then have her represent herself as a dumbass beats me. But as in all things, there are probably plenty of have-not malcontents out there to give her traction.

I love how simple her "stuff" is. I mean elementary school simple. That's what makes me laugh (for reals) :laugh: More funnier? There are people out there buying it :laugh::laugh: