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View Full Version : Trump Accuses Adam Schiff Of Releasing ‘Doctored Transcripts’

11-11-2019, 11:26 AM
Honestly? I don't think anything has been so called doctored, Perhaps the overall truth, but doubtful he outright doctored transcripts. We won't know 100% for sure who said what until all transparency is open.

I wouldn't think he would be dumb enough to doctor anything. But I never would have guessed he would have made statements of having evidence about Russia, and it was a lie. He spoke to America about Trump's call and it was all a made up lie. But I still don't think he would doctor something, and I think Trump is likely saying this for effect, as to everything being a mystery thus far.

I do think the overall truth has been doctored, hence quite a few released information about testimony has turned out to be false or extremely misleading to the public.


Trump Accuses Adam Schiff Of Releasing ‘Doctored Transcripts’ From House Depositions

President Donald Trump accused House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff of doctoring impeachment inquiry transcripts on Monday, a claim that appears to have been made without evidence.

“Shifty Adam Schiff will only release doctored transcripts,” Trump tweeted. “We haven’t even seen the documents and are restricted from (get this) having a lawyer. Republicans should put out their own transcripts! Schiff must testify as to why he MADE UP a statement from me, and read it to all!”

House Democrats have slowly been releasing transcripts from the closed door depositions conducted before the official vote to open an impeachment inquiry against the president. House Republicans have not publicly questioned the accuracy of any of the transcripts, some of which include those from Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Dr. Fiona Hill.

The president noted that Schiff previously gave a false account of his July 25 phone call with Ukraine, but did not explain why he believes the deposition transcripts have been doctored.


11-11-2019, 11:41 AM
Honestly? I don't think anything has been so called doctored, Perhaps the overall truth, but doubtful he outright doctored transcripts. We won't know 100% for sure who said what until all transparency is open.

I wouldn't think he would be dumb enough to doctor anything. But I never would have guessed he would have made statements of having evidence about Russia, and it was a lie. He spoke to America about Trump's call and it was all a made up lie. But I still don't think he would doctor something, and I think Trump is likely saying this for effect, as to everything being a mystery thus far.

I do think the overall truth has been doctored, hence quite a few released information about testimony has turned out to be false or extremely misleading to the public.


Trump Accuses Adam Schiff Of Releasing ‘Doctored Transcripts’ From House Depositions

President Donald Trump accused House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff of doctoring impeachment inquiry transcripts on Monday, a claim that appears to have been made without evidence.

“Shifty Adam Schiff will only release doctored transcripts,” Trump tweeted. “We haven’t even seen the documents and are restricted from (get this) having a lawyer. Republicans should put out their own transcripts! Schiff must testify as to why he MADE UP a statement from me, and read it to all!”

House Democrats have slowly been releasing transcripts from the closed door depositions conducted before the official vote to open an impeachment inquiry against the president. House Republicans have not publicly questioned the accuracy of any of the transcripts, some of which include those from Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Dr. Fiona Hill.

The president noted that Schiff previously gave a false account of his July 25 phone call with Ukraine, but did not explain why he believes the deposition transcripts have been doctored.


THIS is the kinda thing Trump does that pisses me off. There is absolutely no purpose in making these sorts of accusations , when in fact Trump has no idea whether the transcripts being released are phony or not. Is there ANYONE who can just tell Donald to shut the fuck up ?

11-11-2019, 11:46 AM
THIS is the kinda thing Trump does that pisses me off. There is absolutely no purpose in making these sorts of accusations , when in fact Trump has no idea whether the transcripts being released are phony or not. Is there ANYONE who can just tell Donald to shut the fuck up ?

I don't think anybody knows otherwise, so that is why he is saying it, likely to try and get them to come public to prove him wrong or basically to get everything to come public. And I agree that he is likely 100% wrong in his accusation, but they need to prove him wrong by coming out with all of the transcripts public and all further interviews public.

11-11-2019, 11:47 AM
I think the democrats are so extremely wrong common and adding in so much crapp, that trump is Now Playing their game, but it will force them to come out with all of the truth.

11-11-2019, 11:57 AM
I don't think anybody knows otherwise, so that is why he is saying it, likely to try and get them to come public to prove him wrong or basically to get everything to come public. And I agree that he is likely 100% wrong in his accusation, but they need to prove him wrong by coming out with all of the transcripts public and all further interviews public.

But Jim, here's the thing. We all , rightfully, get pissed when the Dems pull the same stunt, like when they screamed that the transcript of "the perfect call" was doctored. I expect that from scum politicians , but Trump was supposed to be different. Now, I get that he's been under seige since day one and he's pissed and that's why he tweets half the shit he tweets but that's the cause of at least 50% of his own problems. He simply needs to shut the fuck up once in awhile, we don't need to wake up to 50 fucking tweets from him bashing Democrats EVERY fucking day.

The problem that creates is obvious. I mean his hard supporters, they love it. Think it's hilarious and so on and so forth, and his haters, well they hate him no matter what he does, but there is a large swath of people in the middle people who could be persuaded to see things his way, until he opens his big fat tweeter and then they're like "fuck this guy" then he's quiet for awhile and these people start calming down and they start thinking again "damn what are the dems doing here maybe Trump's right" then off Trump goes again with his big fat tweeter and pisses them off all over again. If he'd give it a fucking rest, at least for awhile. People like Kath could and would come around . That's precisely why even though all but the most extreme of liberals think Democrats are being assholes and that Trump hasn't violated the law and impeachment is a partisan bullshit tactic Trump's support stays right where it's been for 3 years.

He hasn't persuaded one single person who wasn't already a supporter in three years. That's not the way to win reelection.

11-11-2019, 12:20 PM
But Jim, here's the thing. We all , rightfully, get pissed when the Dems pull the same stunt, like when they screamed that the transcript of "the perfect call" was doctored. I expect that from scum politicians , but Trump was supposed to be different. Now, I get that he's been under seige since day one and he's pissed and that's why he tweets half the shit he tweets but that's the cause of at least 50% of his own problems. He simply needs to shut the fuck up once in awhile, we don't need to wake up to 50 fucking tweets from him bashing Democrats EVERY fucking day.

The problem that creates is obvious. I mean his hard supporters, they love it. Think it's hilarious and so on and so forth, and his haters, well they hate him no matter what he does, but there is a large swath of people in the middle people who could be persuaded to see things his way, until he opens his big fat tweeter and then they're like "fuck this guy" then he's quiet for awhile and these people start calming down and they start thinking again "damn what are the dems doing here maybe Trump's right" then off Trump goes again with his big fat tweeter and pisses them off all over again. If he'd give it a fucking rest, at least for awhile. People like Kath could and would come around . That's precisely why even though all but the most extreme of liberals think Democrats are being assholes and that Trump hasn't violated the law and impeachment is a partisan bullshit tactic Trump's support stays right where it's been for 3 years.

He hasn't persuaded one single person who wasn't already a supporter in three years. That's not the way to win reelection.

No doubt there are often times he needs to stfu, many times!

But with the dems current onslaught, and dictating the story, I think hes wrongly playing their game. Make folks believe it or go public and prove him wrong.

I do think they are releasing bs after bs, and doctoring the entire story in that respect. I just dont get why they cant force things to be equal. At this point little choice though. I dont think we see the entire truth until this reaches the Senate. The dems are dictating the whole thing and choosing to lie about much of this as it comes out. That is what America needs to keep hearing.

11-11-2019, 01:32 PM
But Jim, here's the thing. We all , rightfully, get pissed when the Dems pull the same stunt, like when they screamed that the transcript of "the perfect call" was doctored. I expect that from scum politicians , but Trump was supposed to be different. Now, I get that he's been under seige since day one and he's pissed and that's why he tweets half the shit he tweets but that's the cause of at least 50% of his own problems. He simply needs to shut the fuck up once in awhile, we don't need to wake up to 50 fucking tweets from him bashing Democrats EVERY fucking day.

The problem that creates is obvious. I mean his hard supporters, they love it. Think it's hilarious and so on and so forth, and his haters, well they hate him no matter what he does, but there is a large swath of people in the middle people who could be persuaded to see things his way, until he opens his big fat tweeter and then they're like "fuck this guy" then he's quiet for awhile and these people start calming down and they start thinking again "damn what are the dems doing here maybe Trump's right" then off Trump goes again with his big fat tweeter and pisses them off all over again. If he'd give it a fucking rest, at least for awhile. People like Kath could and would come around . That's precisely why even though all but the most extreme of liberals think Democrats are being assholes and that Trump hasn't violated the law and impeachment is a partisan bullshit tactic Trump's support stays right where it's been for 3 years.

He hasn't persuaded one single person who wasn't already a supporter in three years. That's not the way to win reelection.

My last 2 posts were done while driving and talking to my phone. And I'm blind without the reading glasses, so really couldn't spell check. So I hope whatever it picked up made sense! :)

I don't think Trump is much different in certain aspects. I do think he's obviously a lot less politically correct. But he should at least out things in a manner that won't backfire. Then again, maybe there is something out there that's been doctored. It wouldn't surprise me, but like I said, I doubt it. And I agree about the abundance, but also keep in mind the abundance coming towards him. Not much of the MSM brings honesty to him. Only a portion of the republican party will do so. So he in turn does so, but in a non-PC manner that not only may get the truth out there, but unfortunately reflects negatively against him too. So part of me thinks it's great that he is getting things out there that we may otherwise not even be aware of. He will sometimes bring a lot more honesty to the table than prior presidents and much more than we are told or were normally told. But with so much reach and so many visitors/friends or whatever on Twitter, admittedly he will take advantage of that wrongly. Hell, he only need be 100% honest about everything and that alone will cook the democrats. But he adds in too much "yikes, shouldn't have said that, went over the line..." material. Too many little lies add into bigger ones, or add into a larger picture.

I don't think whether PC or not the die hards will turn, and just as you said, many on the left will be against him if he cured cancer overnight and brought about guaranteed world peace. So that leaves us with the usual come election time, the moderates, the undecided, different races for different reasons - and the typical folks that may go one way or the other come election time. And I do think that his nastiness at times only serves to harm him with some, even if it's the stone cold truth. And he can also be an ass kisser, and read solely from the prompter, and irritate some. But I honestly don't see him changing who he is anytime soon. He makes no apologies and continues on as he has.

I think he often plays to his opponents, and knows very well in how to face different opponents. He also knows how to irritate the press, whether talking directly to them, about them at a rally or about them from his twitter... he has created a war of sorts against them and the truth - and somehow he has managed to beat them.

2020 will be very interesting. Trump was mainly an unknown in 2016. He's a known quantity now, and more of a known quantity as to where he stands politically. And now we have a much different group to run against, and a much different America right now. When Trump seems to be a horrid option to some on the left, and hell, maybe some on the right too!! But look at the alternatives. Some think it's so bad that there's reason to bring in others, like Bloomberg, or Hillary. And I don't think either has a chance quite frankly. And currently you have Biden as the frontrunner with Warren catching up. So while folks may get tired of his antics/tweets at time, I don't think the alternatives are really appeasing to any of those groups. And this time around Trump is already looking good in the battleground states. He is doing extremely well with blacks, and I think that increases by election day. And the Dems have always relied on that vote.

Now if Trump remained on the up and up here forward, allowed folks to show America just how bad Schiff and the left are running this operation, and expose them in the worst manners possible - without exposing himself to being the bad guy anymore than he has. I think if he does all that, he becomes almost unbeatable in this incumbent election, and the current economy & all of the wrongdoing we have seen thus far.

11-11-2019, 01:33 PM
THIS is the kinda thing Trump does that pisses me off. There is absolutely no purpose in making these sorts of accusations , when in fact Trump has no idea whether the transcripts being released are phony or not. Is there ANYONE who can just tell Donald to shut the fuck up ?I think his cell should be kept in a lock box like my granddaughter's to be used only with permission and under supervision.

11-11-2019, 01:42 PM
I think his cell should be kept in a lock box like my granddaughter's to be used only with permission and under supervision.




Said that for a few years! He can't control himself. Perhaps line up his thoughts or tweets, and pass it along for an editor for proofreading and/or any corrections. Not only for being a dick, but to ensure he doesn't say anything to get himself in trouble!

Similar when talking to the media. I think he has gotten so angry with them... it started with lies and exaggerations from day one. Then as the crowds grew, it irritated him that they refused to pan the crowd and would then lie about the crowd size. Then the anonymous sources & stories that ended up being lies or incorrect.

He DOES need some sort of filter. I appreciate the direct reach, and I think all president should reach America similarly going forward. You can instantly reach the people this way. But don't put yourself behind the 8 ball by not telling the truth. Every time he goes to hit the submit button, think of all of those moderates and middle voters.

At the same time though, as stated, man I sure do appreciate that honesty!! A part of me even likes to see a lot of the goofy attacks on the democrats, IMO most of them deserve it. But that's ME thinking, and I don't care about votes myself. :) I like to see the amount of times that they attack him and lose. Gotta be in the thousands by now.

11-11-2019, 01:52 PM



Said that for a few years! He can't control himself. Perhaps line up his thoughts or tweets, and pass it along for an editor for proofreading and/or any corrections. Not only for being a dick, but to ensure he doesn't say anything to get himself in trouble!

Similar when talking to the media. I think he has gotten so angry with them... it started with lies and exaggerations from day one. Then as the crowds grew, it irritated him that they refused to pan the crowd and would then lie about the crowd size. Then the anonymous sources & stories that ended up being lies or incorrect.

He DOES need some sort of filter. I appreciate the direct reach, and I think all president should reach America similarly going forward. You can instantly reach the people this way. But don't put yourself behind the 8 ball by not telling the truth. Every time he goes to hit the submit button, think of all of those moderates and middle voters.

At the same time though, as stated, man I sure do appreciate that honesty!! A part of me even likes to see a lot of the goofy attacks on the democrats, IMO most of them deserve it. But that's ME thinking, and I don't care about votes myself. :) I like to see the amount of times that they attack him and lose. Gotta be in the thousands by now.I think we're all pretty much on board with Trump's direct communication to the people needs a filter.

He's just GOT to say something. No, you don't. Personally, I think if he stopped saying the unnecessary stuff it's drive the Dem's even more nuts. His trying to one-up them just gives them something to point a finger at.
Thing is, once you start running your stuff through the 3rd person, you're back where you started. Double edged sword that needs to be used with good judgement and some caution.

11-11-2019, 02:10 PM
I think we're all pretty much on board with Trump's direct communication to the people needs a filter.

He's just GOT to say something. No, you don't. Personally, I think if he stopped saying the unnecessary stuff it's drive the Dem's even more nuts. His trying to one-up them just gives them something to point a finger at.
Thing is, once you start running your stuff through the 3rd person, you're back where you started. Double edged sword that needs to be used with good judgement and some caution.

I agree and disagree. The one upping is problematic but always has been. And I think having a way to directly reach the people, daily as he does, and correct the left if necessary, and show folks what went down, or what he may say went down for real, or that it's the truth. He can still do all of that without having folks read it and instantly get that shock value and wincing at times at what they just read. SOMETIMES I appreciate that and even may think it's a little necessary, depending circumstances.

But the actual truth, going through an editor, say fireside chats or similar, or nightly show, or a website dedicated to such things (and yes, it would be more than enough to cover a site). SO SO much of what he says or is getting out there to the masses is a good thing, but sometimes gets overlooked by the manner in which it's written. Defeats the purpose, and perhaps an editor of sorts would correct that. And then other times, it's just outright crap and simply no reason to be posting about it anyway.

Maybe it's because I'm so so glad in seeing the left get its comeuppance from just one man. So much of the media being defeated, and/or proven wrong. Much of the BS coming from the left being discussed that wouldn't otherwise be be being discussed. But hell, it would still be discussed anyway, whether or not it's so insulting.

In the end - "filter" is about all I would like to see. I don't care that the Dems get hammered for much of their antics. I don't care that the media has been getting so much crap, and proven to be so, mainly from one man. He needs an editor and to peel back some of it.

And then if he gets elected in 2020 - I hope he goes all ape shit on the left for 4 years. SOLELY for their antics and any wrongdoing found by the multiple investigations.

11-12-2019, 03:26 PM
I think the democrats are so extremely wrong common and adding in so much crapp, that trump is Now Playing their game, but it will force them to come out with all of the truth.

Witnesses review the transcripts before they are published.

Republican members are there when the witnesses are deposed.

None of them have said anything has been tampered with.

Keep on believing.

11-12-2019, 03:45 PM
I think we're all pretty much on board with Trump's direct communication to the people needs a filter.

He's just GOT to say something. No, you don't. Personally, I think if he stopped saying the unnecessary stuff it's drive the Dem's even more nuts. His trying to one-up them just gives them something to point a finger at.
Thing is, once you start running your stuff through the 3rd person, you're back where you started. Double edged sword that needs to be used with good judgement and some caution.

For me it's not even WHAT he twets, it's how much he tweets, I mean the man literally never stops. Tweeting has to be the first and last thing he does every day. And he has to comment about EVERYTHING. Every single topic. Jesus, I don't want to hear ANYONE's opinion on EVERY single topic. Half the time I'm on this board ready to post and I'm like "nah you commented enough today" LOL

Of course the reason for this is obvious. Trump really is a thin skinned little bitch who feels like he has to lash out against every perceived attack.

11-12-2019, 04:17 PM
Before released, testimonies are reviewed by those who were deposed for accuracy.

11-13-2019, 12:01 PM



Said that for a few years! He can't control himself. Perhaps line up his thoughts or tweets, and pass it along for an editor for proofreading and/or any corrections. Not only for being a dick, but to ensure he doesn't say anything to get himself in trouble!

Similar when talking to the media. I think he has gotten so angry with them... it started with lies and exaggerations from day one. Then as the crowds grew, it irritated him that they refused to pan the crowd and would then lie about the crowd size. Then the anonymous sources & stories that ended up being lies or incorrect.

He DOES need some sort of filter. I appreciate the direct reach, and I think all president should reach America similarly going forward. You can instantly reach the people this way. But don't put yourself behind the 8 ball by not telling the truth. Every time he goes to hit the submit button, think of all of those moderates and middle voters.

At the same time though, as stated, man I sure do appreciate that honesty!! A part of me even likes to see a lot of the goofy attacks on the democrats, IMO most of them deserve it. But that's ME thinking, and I don't care about votes myself. :) I like to see the amount of times that they attack him and lose. Gotta be in the thousands by now.

Are you saying you appreciate Trump's honesty?

That may be the funniest thing I've ever read.

If he's ever told the truth about anything, it was an accident.