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11-11-2019, 02:39 PM
Keep in mind, everything that has taken place thus far, will reflect into the future and some of it setting precedent. And that will now only grow as things go public. Or lets at least hope it ALL goes public. But all of these actions. All the inaction. All the lying and made up BS. The entire way this "inquiry" has been ran, and the lack of rights afforded & any constitutional rights not available. Suppose someone else wins in 2020 and things go haywire. I will easily accept the results, I always accept the results and will of the people. But suppose 2020 or 20 years from now, someone will try to pull some of the same bullshit. And it would truly be amazing to see the responses of the left, if the right did all of these same things.

And the stuff from Haley. Incredible.


WH’s Grisham: ‘Undermining a President Is Dangerous’, Goes ‘Against the Constitution’

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham on Monday reacted to former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley saying former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly recruited her to resist President Donald Trump in attempt to undermine him.

Grisham said on “Fox & Friends” that any attempt to undermine the president “is dangerous” and goes “against the Constitution,” adding there are members of Congress doing the same thing at this time.

“I would say one thing that [Haley] just said in that clip which is undermining a president is dangerous and it does go against the Constitution and it does go against the American people, which is something that’s happening in Congress right now,” Grisham stated. “So, I think that’s an interesting tie-in, but I wouldn’t know about that conversation that she’s purporting to have in the book.”


11-11-2019, 02:51 PM
Indeed. The decisions to disrespect our history and conventions, will reappear for all. Tit for tat, as it were. This includes those who choose to circumvent the impeachment process and those that ignore common civility and wear it as a emblem of strength.

In both we have the seeds of the destruction of what has gone before. Squandering our past and future, for today's measure of success.

11-11-2019, 02:59 PM
Indeed. The decisions to disrespect our history and conventions, will reappear for all. Tit for tat, as it were. This includes those who choose to circumvent the impeachment process and those that ignore common civility and wear it as a emblem of strength.

In both we have the seeds of the destruction of what has gone before. Squandering our past and future, for today's measure of success.

To me that is the most infuriating and frustrating part of all of this. We all know that eventually the roles are going to be reversed and we're going to play this whole drama all over again which each side taking exactly the opposite views that they now hold.

The difference being, of course, that when the Republicans are attacking a Democrat President nonstop from day one in a relentless attempt to impeach him or her for nothing that the media will be fully for transparency in the process and so on and so forth.

11-11-2019, 03:51 PM
Indeed. The decisions to disrespect our history and conventions, will reappear for all. Tit for tat, as it were. This includes those who choose to circumvent the impeachment process and those that ignore common civility and wear it as a emblem of strength.

In both we have the seeds of the destruction of what has gone before. Squandering our past and future, for today's measure of success.

I don't mind as much the words of folks and what not, what matters most to me is following congress's rules and following the constitution & getting results that we could all live with.

But the COTUS matters not anymore, until it does. Both sides will freely ignore it or look the other way when it suits them. And now in one of the most important moments in our political history, the COTUS & all of the rules and procedures developed over a few hundred years, is simply and quickly forgotten. I too worry at times about the civility and what not - but seems the left has learned how to take advantage of that. They do as they please, play loose and crazy with the rules and laws much of the attention goes around the republicans. For a few decades now (maybe longer), it seems like the left sticks together through thick and thin. The republicans not like that, not the same. And I DON'T want them to be the same!

Here's what I hope, and what I truly believe... The Dems played loose with Trump all the way til election day. Then they had plan B waiting with Russia and any other thing they could, while vowing to obstruct everything they could. And now with this impeachment, once again loose with the rules and laws. I hope the IG, Barr and Durham, come down harder than we could ever imagine. Rather than playing tit for tat and the possibility of the civility thing continuing, they fix and punish things the right way. And IF so, that will mean many many many indictments over the next few years. From all the things we discussed over the years. I think it started with the fisa warrants. And what else and who else involved in the whole Russian spectacle? From Schiff for as little as lying to the American people then too, and I really wouldn't call what he did "little". Then just an endless list of folks involved in trying to end him and place Hillary in office. And now, and rules being broken and changed & so many things coming out. There have to be dozens IMO that need prison time, and that's saying it lightly, as I truly think many many more than that were involved. But investigate as they are. Then drop the hammer and actually hold folks accountable, from A-Z. Doing just that - now that will be more effective in ensuring shit like this never happens again. And that's honestly outside all of the "truth" in this. Regardless of the truth - folks are still going all kinds of loose to get their way. Just for once in my life I would like to see congress and whatever politicians NOT above the law.