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View Full Version : Hold your breath for Hillary

11-11-2019, 04:03 PM
I prefer she would hold her breath, for a long time maybe.

If any rumors in the past few months, her and Bill's cryptic answers, are true at all - what is the point in waiting?


HOLD YOUR BREATH: Ex-Clinton Strategist Says Hillary Might Still Run

Will she or won’t she?

Time is running out for Hillary Clinton to jump into the 2020 race, but a former top strategist for the two-time loser says she may still go.

There’s still a couple of days here,” Mark Penn said on “Sunday Morning Futures.” I don’t know whether she’ll look at the Michael Bloomberg thing and say, ‘the field’s too crowded now. I missed my opportunity,’ or the opposite,” he added.

A slew of deadlines are approaching to make it onto ballots across the United States. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg filed as a Democratic presidential candidate in Alabama on Friday, the last day to do so. New Hampshire and Arkansas’s filing deadlines end this week. The deadlines for Illinois, California, and Texas are a few weeks away, while Ohio and North Carolina deadlines hit before Christmas.

Failure to file means candidates won’t be on the official ballot on November 2020, although voters can still write in their names.

Former vice president Joe Biden had been expected to run away with the Democratic presidential nomination, but has failed to do so. Meanwhile, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has caught and passed Biden, is seen by many in the party as too liberal to win a general election. Sen. Bernie Sanders has fallen after suffering a heart attack, and all the other candidates are polling in single digits.

Penn said Clinton might be thinking, “‘Wow the field’s weak, I could come in. I could get 165,000 donors, I’m tied with [Joe] Biden in some of these early states…’ There’s still a political logic there for her,” Penn said.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/11/ex-clinton-strategist-hillary-might-still-run/

11-11-2019, 08:10 PM
"Whatever helps, Hillary! Clinton shows off 'alternative nostril breathing' relaxation technique she's picked up since election defeat"https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4882704/Hillary-Clinton-shows-alternative-nostril-breathing.html