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View Full Version : Student President Threatened With Impeachment for Inviting Donald Trump, Jr.

11-14-2019, 12:25 PM
How stupid. So now due to not liking the president, students are trying to get fellow students kicked out of college? They are simply taking actual rules/bylaws mean for other purposes, not to be 'stretched' and turn someone's political beliefs into a crime or school crime or whatever.


College Student President Threatened With Impeachment for Inviting Donald Trump, Jr. to Speak

There is no more insufferable authoritarian lout in the world than a woke college student. I feel the same way about them that I felt about some of the politically active hippies when I was in college: you want to grab them by the shoulders and try to shake some sense into them.

It wouldn't do any good. They're woke and you're not and that makes them oblivious to reason and the truth.

At the University of Florida, the sins of the father can apparently be visited upon the son. The student body president is being threatened with impeachment for inviting Donald Trump, Jr. to speak on campus.

Fox News:

The university's Student Senate passed a resolution Tuesday to oust Michael Murphy for malfeasance and abuse of power over the alleged misuse of public funds. More than 100 students and alumni signed the formal resolution for his impeachment, The Tampa Bay Times reported.

The resolution accuses Murphy of using the fees to "advance his own expressed political beliefs" and endangering "students marginalized by the speakers’ white nationalist supporters.”

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/college-student-president-threatened-with-impeachment-for-inviting-donald-trump-jr-to-speak/

11-14-2019, 12:32 PM
How stupid. So now due to not liking the president, students are trying to get fellow students kicked out of college? They are simply taking actual rules/bylaws mean for other purposes, not to be 'stretched' and turn someone's political beliefs into a crime or school crime or whatever.


College Student President Threatened With Impeachment for Inviting Donald Trump, Jr. to Speak

There is no more insufferable authoritarian lout in the world than a woke college student. I feel the same way about them that I felt about some of the politically active hippies when I was in college: you want to grab them by the shoulders and try to shake some sense into them.

It wouldn't do any good. They're woke and you're not and that makes them oblivious to reason and the truth.

At the University of Florida, the sins of the father can apparently be visited upon the son. The student body president is being threatened with impeachment for inviting Donald Trump, Jr. to speak on campus.

Fox News:

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/college-student-president-threatened-with-impeachment-for-inviting-donald-trump-jr-to-speak/

I don't know why this surprises anyone. Fascists can't take control in a society that has a first and or second amendment.

11-14-2019, 10:01 PM
How stupid. So now due to not liking the president, students are trying to get fellow students kicked out of college? They are simply taking actual rules/bylaws mean for other purposes, not to be 'stretched' and turn someone's political beliefs into a crime or school crime or whatever.


College Student President Threatened With Impeachment for Inviting Donald Trump, Jr. to Speak

There is no more insufferable authoritarian lout in the world than a woke college student. I feel the same way about them that I felt about some of the politically active hippies when I was in college: you want to grab them by the shoulders and try to shake some sense into them.

It wouldn't do any good. They're woke and you're not and that makes them oblivious to reason and the truth.

At the University of Florida, the sins of the father can apparently be visited upon the son. The student body president is being threatened with impeachment for inviting Donald Trump, Jr. to speak on campus.

Fox News:

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/college-student-president-threatened-with-impeachment-for-inviting-donald-trump-jr-to-speak/Y'know, if this wasn't high stakes this would be a freakin' comedy.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-15-2019, 08:43 AM
Y'know, if this wasn't high stakes this would be a freakin' comedy.

So true my friend and an horrifyingly, insanely outrageous comedy at that!
That it is reality being played out now- makes it an even more insane and tragic attack upon this nation, our Constitution and we its true citizens that believe in justice, our Rule of Law, our Constitution and this our proud, brave, and important as a guiding Light to to this supremely and horrifically dark world - a nation that opposes such malevolent evil and darkness.
And we can now so obviously see how these traitors seek to destroy that which this nation was born of, for and has a history of standing for, IMHO.
Proof that evil never stops, never ever rests and is live and flourishing in the supremely traitorous, socialist, liberally controlled dem party!! -Tyr