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View Full Version : Trump Critic Megan Rapinoe Praises Kaepernick at ‘Women Of The Year’ Awards

11-14-2019, 12:55 PM
See, now this is bullshit. Kap did NOTHING.

He sat the first time and that's when it started. Then the following week with the kneeling. Ultimately let go and into the offseason we went, and he's never been signed again. Quite frankly, wasn't all that great. I would best describe him as an average NFL QB.

Then the whining began. The big man out to get him and he's oppressed with his millions and millions. Not realizing that no one wants to pay him millions to WORK for them, and bring about the drama. But it was all someone else's fault. :rolleyes:

So he has mainly spoke out and spoke at events since. He sued and settled. BUT WHAT HAS HE DONE? Some see him as a hero figure of sorts. And now a MLK type of guy. Sure!! He's done NOTHING to earn that status other than being subpar, then acting like a spoiled and entitled black millionaire. And of course starting MORE animosity and a racial divide, IMO.


Trump Critic Megan Rapinoe Praises Kaepernick at ‘Women Of The Year’ Awards

U.S. soccer star and outspoken Trump critic Megan Rapinoe, attributed her success to former NFL player Colin Kaepernick as she accepted the Glamour “Woman of the Year” award on Monday.

During her acceptance speech, the U.S. Soccer team co-captain insisted that she would not be in a position to accept such an award if it were not for Kaepernick’s 2016 protests during the national anthem.

The 2019 Women’s World Cup winner told the audience that she wanted to thank the person “I don’t feel like I would be here without,” HuffPost reported.

Rapinoe identified Kaepernick as “someone whose courage and bravery was so bright and so bold, a person filled with conviction, unafraid of the consequences because he knew it really wasn’t about playing it safe, it was about doing what was necessary and backing down to exactly nobody.

“So, while I’m enjoying all of this unprecedented, and frankly, a little bit uncomfortable attention,” Rapinoe concluded, “and personal success in large part due to my activism off the field, Colin Kaepernick is still effectively banned.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2019/11/14/trump-critic-megan-rapinoe-praises-kaepernick-at-women-of-the-year-awards/

11-14-2019, 12:57 PM
I mean I don't really give a fuck what she says. But what? Her own talent and the talent of her teammates is why she is where she is, what the hell did CK do for her?

11-14-2019, 01:47 PM
She's gay, so she's inspired by those who progress minority interests

11-14-2019, 01:49 PM
She's gay, so she's inspired by those who progress minority interests

I would understand that completely - but I don't think he deserves that acknowledgement as he's not earned it. And he still profited from it.

11-14-2019, 03:57 PM
She's gay, so she's inspired by those who progress minority interests
What does that have to do with her statement intellectually dishonest Pete?

She said "I don't think I'd be where I am without CK"

that's a complete lie. She would be EXACTLY where she is now with or without CK. Her statement actually belittles her own accomplishments, not to mention those of her team and shits on America in general.

11-14-2019, 06:26 PM
I mean I don't really give a fuck what she says. But what? Her own talent and the talent of her teammates is why she is where she is, what the hell did CK do for her?She got HER name in the papers though. THAT is what is "important". To her :rolleyes:

I don't even know who she is. Never heard of her before.

11-15-2019, 08:48 AM
What does that have to do with her statement intellectually dishonest Pete?

She said "I don't think I'd be where I am without CK"

that's a complete lie. She would be EXACTLY where she is now with or without CK. Her statement actually belittles her own accomplishments, not to mention those of her team and shits on America in general.

Like you know her... btw keep giving me nicknames and I'll do the same for you.

11-15-2019, 08:58 AM
She got HER name in the papers though. THAT is what is "important". To her :rolleyes:

I don't even know who she is. Never heard of her before.

She is a great female soccer player Gunny. Maybe the best in the world. We can acknowledge this at the same time as we are disagreeing with her politics. Her being gay has nothing to do with this, even though Petey tries to make it so.

That's what makes her statement so disingenuous. She's where she is today because of her talents and abilities, if CK never even existed she'd be exactly where she is now, so why is she diminishing her own accomplishments to bolster up this guy? LOL

11-15-2019, 09:00 AM
Like you know her... btw keep giving me nicknames and I'll do the same for you.

What are you talking about? Are you claiming that she is right, that if CK hadn't kneeled she wouldn't be probably the GOAT women's soccer player? That's just ridiculous Petey.

She didn't say "CK inspires me " she said "Without CK I wouldn't be where I am today" but she was where she is today before CK knelt, so we know that isn't true.

As for nicknames, I would hope that if I were as dishonest as you are that a friend would just shoot me.

11-15-2019, 10:57 AM
What are you talking about? Are you claiming that she is right, that if CK hadn't kneeled she wouldn't be probably the GOAT women's soccer player? That's just ridiculous Petey.

She didn't say "CK inspires me " she said "Without CK I wouldn't be where I am today" but she was where she is today before CK knelt, so we know that isn't true.

As for nicknames, I would hope that if I were as dishonest as you are that a friend would just shoot me.

And there it is. You think someone should shoot me dead. I'm done with you STTAB. Jim, this is the uncivil rot you speak of.

11-15-2019, 11:01 AM
And there it is. You think someone should shoot me dead. I'm done with you STTAB. Jim, this is the uncivil rot you speak of.

At no point did I imply that anyone should shoot you dead Pete. Why are you so dishonest?

11-15-2019, 11:48 AM
She got HER name in the papers though. THAT is what is "important". To her :rolleyes:

I don't even know who she is. Never heard of her before.

She's gay, she hates POTUS AND her 15 minutes of fame have expired!

11-15-2019, 06:50 PM
And there it is. You think someone should shoot me dead. I'm done with you STTAB. Jim, this is the uncivil rot you speak of.That's weak even for you pete311. Looks like he was speaking for himself, not you.

You pulled this crap on me in the past as well. Give it a rest. I believe, IIRC, some of the "uncivil rot" Jim spoke of included intellectual dishonesty. You come on here asing for it then play victim when you get what ask for.

Looks to me like you just got your own circle jerk with yourself going on :rolleyes:

11-18-2019, 09:19 AM
She's gay, she hates POTUS AND her 15 minutes of fame have expired!

I'll say it again. She is a world class athlete. probably THE best female soccer player in the world and has been for quite some time. Her 15 minutes of fame isn't about up.That's what makes her comments so stupid, she was a world renowned soccer star before CK even entered the NFL draft, let alone before he did all his kneeling.

Truth is she was completely successful in spite of being a lesbian. No one cared, just kick the damn ball into the goal, which she is quite good at. Now she's trying to act like people just wouldn't give her a chance to play, but CK he changed everything LOL

Abbey Marie
11-18-2019, 09:35 AM
I find her to be a distasteful potty mouth.

But I do agree with her in a way- she may be a great soccer player, but to get this type of award in the liberal media takes more than that. It takes a loud mouth liberal criticizing the President, for example. Ding ding ding; cue Rapinoe. No conservative, or even moderate athlete would have won. I just wouldn’t credit CK.

Same goes for the current “Sexiest Man Alive” John Legend. The man is not sexy, but he is ​a critic of Trump.

11-18-2019, 10:05 AM
I find her to be a distasteful potty mouth.

But I do agree with her in a way- she may be a great soccer player, but to get this type of award in the liberal media takes more than that. It takes a loud mouth liberal criticizing the President, for example. Ding ding ding; cue Rapinoe. No conservative, or even moderate athlete would have won. I just wouldn’t credit CK.

Same goes for the current “Sexiest Man Alive” John Legend. The man is not sexy, but he is ​a critic of Trump.
Yep, it's so boring. Why can't she just be acknowledged for her ability on the field? She IS a great soccer player, but that's all she is. She isn't a hero for being so anti Trump. And you're 100% correct, as long as Trump is in office the only people who are going to win these "prestigious" awards are those who vocally hate him.