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View Full Version : 5 Day Water Fast

11-15-2019, 01:37 PM
Started yesterday at 4:30. Goal is to do 5 days with just water or bone broth. Have been doing 24 and 48 hour fasts for couple of months working my way up to this.

Benefits .. creating ketosis and autophagy.

Forget juice cleanses (http://greatist.com/health/do-juice-cleanses-really-work) and detox diets. While there’s probably nothing wrong with drinking your weight in liquid kale, it won’t flush out toxins any faster than if you were eating, you know, actual food.
The good news: There’s a little-known way your body does cleanse itself, and it’s a process you can optimize.
All you need to do is practice a little self-cannibalism.

How autophagy works

Yes, you can actually train your body to eat itself — and, believe it or not, you want it to.
It’s a natural process called autophagy (the word literally means “self-eating”).
It’s one way your body cleans house. In this process, your cells create membranes that hunt down scraps of dead, diseased, or worn-out cells; gobble them up; strip ’em for parts; and use the resulting molecules for energy or to make new cell parts Trusted Source
“Think of it as our body’s innate recycling program,” says Colin Champ (https://hillman.upmc.com/find/providers/colin-champ-185781), MD, an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Champ is also the author of “Misguided Medicine (http://www.amazon.com/Misguided-Medicine-ill-advised-medical-recommendations/dp/1500675385),” a book that questions many traditional health recommendations and provides evidence-based advice on diet and lifestyle.

The benefits of autophagy

There’s some evidence to suggest that autophagy (“ah-TAH-fah-gee”) plays a role in controlling inflammation and boosting immunity, among other benefits. In one 2012 study on mice, researchers found that autophagy protected against: Trusted Source

neurodegenerative disorders
inflammatory diseases
insulin resistance

Another study from that year showed how a lack of autophagy can be harmful. Researchers found that removing the autophagy gene in mice caused weight gain, lethargy, higher cholesterol, and impaired brain function.

“Autophagy makes us more efficient machines to get rid of faulty parts, stop cancerous growths, and stop metabolic dysfunction like obesity and diabetes,” Champ says.

11-17-2019, 01:28 PM
67 hours so far .... over half way.

Feeling good. No hunger pains ... just missing the taste and texture of food.

Keto reading today was 1.7 which is perfect. Burning that fat and regenerating stem cells.

Keto guide to fasting


11-17-2019, 01:46 PM
I have heard of this fasting before and various success stories, and I'm glad it's working for you!!

I'm actually ON a water diet right now as I haven't been drinking enough. I'm trying to do 8-10 glasses per day for awhile.

11-17-2019, 03:11 PM
I have heard of this fasting before and various success stories, and I'm glad it's working for you!!

I'm actually ON a water diet right now as I haven't been drinking enough. I'm trying to do 8-10 glasses per day for awhile.I couldn't do it long term. I would drink 2 gal jugs of water every day. I hate drinking water, btw. I did it because I didn't drink enough water and would dehydrate at PT. Soon as it cooled down, back to Coke :)

Working here during the summer I would slam Gatorade. It's better than Coke.

It (drinking a lot of water) IS good for you. I just hate drinking water :)

11-17-2019, 03:40 PM
I never liked water that much. Drank sodas every day for caffeine kick because I didn't like coffee. In my 40s I switched to tea to wean off sodas and then to water. Became a water lover when we had our own well. Eventually put in a reverse osmosis .... best water I've ever had.

I don't leave the house without having 2 24 oz bottles of "my" RO water. I take with me into restaurants, movies, everywhere. Can't stand taste of bottled water. When I go camping I take enough of my water for about 10 days ... no matter how much fun I might be having I leave when my water is gone.

Going to upgrade and add a "structured water" unit next. Put some "energy" back into my water.

11-17-2019, 03:55 PM
I never liked water that much. Drank sodas every day for caffeine kick because I didn't like coffee. In my 40s I switched to tea to wean off sodas and then to water. Became a water lover when we had our own well. Eventually put in a reverse osmosis .... best water I've ever had.

I don't leave the house without having 2 24 oz bottles of "my" RO water. I take with me into restaurants, movies, everywhere. Can't stand taste of bottled water. When I go camping I take enough of my water for about 10 days ... no matter how much fun I might be having I leave when my water is gone.

Going to upgrade and add a "structured water" unit next. Put some "energy" back into my water.We have the reverse osmosis. My daughter is big water drinker. I just never got past going for months on tepid, plastic canteen tasting water. A packet of powdered Gatorade in Saudi Arabia could command whatever price you put on it. All that bottled water donated to us? We got it when we were leaving.

Growing up, the view on water was the opposite it is now. I remember taking salt tablets and having water restricted so we didn't cramp in S Texas in August playing football. In the Marine Corps, you "conserved" your water because you didn't know when you'd get more, even in the desert.

Nowadays, you can't possibly drink enough. I call it the "potato theory". Potatoes used to be bad and fattening. Now they're good for you. But we trust these people :laugh:

I read a study where it said as an overly-active person I should drink 120 ounces of water per day. Hence the 2 gal jugs each day.

I would drink tea instead of sodas but it isn't convenient for me. I make it. Everyone else drinks it and waits for me to make more. I don't have that fight over coffee :)

11-18-2019, 10:40 PM
I'm at 100 hours. Only 20 more to go. Get to eat tomorrow at 430 PM.

Went to costco today and actually made it all the way through without sampling anything. However, big mistake. Bought some seasoned drumsticks and cooked them up for roommate and in prep for snack tomorrow. Now house smells soooo good!

Stomach is growling!

11-18-2019, 11:09 PM
I never liked water that much. Drank sodas every day for caffeine kick because I didn't like coffee. In my 40s I switched to tea to wean off sodas and then to water. Became a water lover when we had our own well. Eventually put in a reverse osmosis .... best water I've ever had.

I don't leave the house without having 2 24 oz bottles of "my" RO water. I take with me into restaurants, movies, everywhere. Can't stand taste of bottled water. When I go camping I take enough of my water for about 10 days ... no matter how much fun I might be having I leave when my water is gone.

Going to upgrade and add a "structured water" unit next. Put some "energy" back into my water.
I have my own well with an iSpring RO 7 stage water filter. It's better than bought water, which I just kept bottles and refill them now with my water. I love it, and weened off pop myself, and chocolate milk.

My son is always telling me about that ketosis and fasting. I've fasted a day, and even made it part way through a second day, but I usually finally have to eat a bite. Probably because I've been hittin' the gym. Muscle burns calories, but muscles need protein, so, I try and just eat healthy and not worry too much about how much I weigh. So long as I can comfortably get in my 36 waist jeans, I'm fine.

11-19-2019, 05:07 PM
Well, I'm at 90 min left to go.

I eat Keto and do intermittent fasting. 2 days of a 24 hour fast and then do 18 hour fast on rest of the days.

On Keto and IF l have lost over 40 lbs.

11-19-2019, 07:28 PM
Well, I'm at 90 min left to go.
@High_Plains_Drifter (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3558)

I eat Keto and do intermittent fasting. 2 days of a 24 hour fast and then do 18 hour fast on rest of the days.

On Keto and IF l have lost over 40 lbs.
It takes a lot of willpower to go as long as you have now, pretty amazing. I don't think I could do it. Not unless I had someone around holding me to it.

11-20-2019, 01:10 AM
I did it!!!!



11-20-2019, 08:41 AM
How much weight did you lose?

11-21-2019, 01:39 AM
How much weight did you lose?

8 lbs in 5 days.

13 since 10/1 when I started fasting class.

42 lbs over last the last year doing Keto and intermittent fasting.

11-21-2019, 08:54 AM
8 lbs in 5 days.

13 since 10/1 when I started fasting class.

42 lbs over last the last year doing Keto and intermittent fasting.
8 POUNDS... holy cow... and 42 overall, that's some serious dieting. I usually throw the dieting out the window between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, then after New Years it's back on the diet.

Have ya mixed in any exercise?

11-22-2019, 02:43 PM
8 POUNDS... holy cow... and 42 overall, that's some serious dieting. I usually throw the dieting out the window between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, then after New Years it's back on the diet.

Have ya mixed in any exercise?

No exercise on 5 day fast .. maybe 1-2 miles walking.

Just walking 3-5 miles per day rest of time.

11-22-2019, 05:26 PM
No exercise on 5 day fast .. maybe 1-2 miles walking.

Just walking 3-5 miles per day rest of time.
I did a couple miles on the treadmill yesterday to get some cardio. First time on the treadmill in awhile. Ran for about half a mile, felt good, did a cool down, but man, I'm sore today, in the front/top of my legs, up into the hip area. Just tells me I need to do more of it, I'm out of shape in that area.