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View Full Version : Republicans Know the President's a 'Classic Scumbag'

11-15-2019, 02:21 PM
What a winner this one is. When someone resorts to such, it displays the hatred, IMO. And quite frankly, I think THIS is the main reason for why we're at where we are. Well, besides the anointed one losing and pissing them off. It's their shear hatred for this man and everything he says or does.


'MSNBC Republican' Elise Jordan: Republicans Know the President's a 'Classic Scumbag'

When it comes to trashing President Trump, there's nothing nastier than an "MSNBC Republican"--the ilk whose livelihood depends on dishing out a dependable stream of bile about the president.

On today's Morning Joe, MSNBC Republican Elise Jordan did her best to promote her job security, calling the president "a classic scumbag."

Far from being offended by Jordan's vulgarity, her comment was the cause of much mirth on the set. Joe Scarborough even suggested a special series, "Fridays with Elise," given that Jordan has a habit of being at her most vile on that day of the week. As Joe mentioned, and we reported here, it was on a Friday in September that Jordan suggested that "Drunk Grandpa" Giuliani be sent to "hospice." Nice.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Elise, everybody Republican I’ve spoken with behind the scenes, they just shake their head. They’re like, God, they literally —

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: They want it to end.

SCARBOROUGH:They are counting the days until Donald Trump leaves office.

ELISE JORDAN: Why not impeach?

SCARBOROUGH: If they could turn off all the lights in the Senate when they voted to convict, they could would all vote to convict him and have Mike Pence as president in a second.

JORDAN: They know he’s a moron. They know he’s corrupt. They know that his behavior is just a classic scumbag. And yet they just take it.

SCARBOROUGH: Elise, Elise is just kind of —

MIKA: Don’t hold back.

SCARBOROUGH: Bouncing around —

DONNY DEUTSCH: I like to have scumbag and putz in the same show.

MSNBC Republicans can never abide the election results. Every day that Trump is president is intolerable. He has to be "taken down," as soon as possible.

SCARBOROUGH: Elise, would you like to clarify or you think —

JORDAN: He’s a bully. He’s a bully. I think it’s almost like we’re making too much of his behavior. It’s just like a mean, mean kid who is just bullying everyone around him. And until one kid is brave enough to step up and get into that fight and take him down and destroy the hierarchy, it’s going to continue.

DEUTSCH: It's like the Disney movies: the mean girl. And there's that posse behind the mean girl that's always following them blindly. So, these are a bunch of mean girls.

SCARBOROUGH: I think we should have a series called Fridays with Elise. Because it was a Friday that she said that Rudy needed to go to hospice.

MIKA: That’s right!

WILLIE GEIST: That's actually Mitch Albom's book: "Fridays with Elise" [a reference to Albom's book, "Tuesdays with Morrie," about his conversations with a dying man.]

MIKA: That'd be a book I’d actually read.


11-15-2019, 02:51 PM
What a winner this one is. When someone resorts to such, it displays the hatred, IMO. And quite frankly, I think THIS is the main reason for why we're at where we are. Well, besides the anointed one losing and pissing them off. It's their shear hatred for this man and everything he says or does.


'MSNBC Republican' Elise Jordan: Republicans Know the President's a 'Classic Scumbag'

When it comes to trashing President Trump, there's nothing nastier than an "MSNBC Republican"--the ilk whose livelihood depends on dishing out a dependable stream of bile about the president.

On today's Morning Joe, MSNBC Republican Elise Jordan did her best to promote her job security, calling the president "a classic scumbag."

Far from being offended by Jordan's vulgarity, her comment was the cause of much mirth on the set. Joe Scarborough even suggested a special series, "Fridays with Elise," given that Jordan has a habit of being at her most vile on that day of the week. As Joe mentioned, and we reported here, it was on a Friday in September that Jordan suggested that "Drunk Grandpa" Giuliani be sent to "hospice." Nice.

MSNBC Republicans can never abide the election results. Every day that Trump is president is intolerable. He has to be "taken down," as soon as possible.


It's a trap, and Trump will fall for it. Fucking again.

Woman calls Trump a scumbag he'll see it on TV tonight , tweet something nasty about her and tomorrow's headline will be "sexist pig Trump attacks a defenseless woman, he emotionally raped her really"