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11-16-2019, 10:14 AM
So glad to see Schiff getting hammered by a few in congress, and a few in the media. I hope he gets dragged harder in the senate. Then I hope he gets charged.

And then the bold. Was Trump's concerns about Ukraine, Biden and so much more, was it justified. One would have to be insane to say no. And THAT is the main gist of all of this IMO. If the answer is yes, then he was simply justified and going after known corruption.


‘Our Indulgence Wore Out With You A Long Time Ago’: Jim Jordan Unloads On Adam Schiff

Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan unloaded Friday on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff during a hearing with former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.

Jordan was questioning Yovanovitch about corruption in Ukraine, noting that no one had spoken up when Ukrainian officials had voiced support for then-candidate Hillary Clinton.

“No one did anything. No one did anything,” he said. “Do you see why maybe the president was a little concerned about what went on in Ukraine and you couple that with the corruption level that we know exists in Ukraine and you add to that this idea that he’s not a big fan of foreign aid? Why he might be a little concerned about sending the hard-earned tax dollars of the American people to the Ukraine?

“I’m sorry, is there a question in there?” Yovanovitch asked.

“There was. I am asking —” Jordan continued.

“Could you repeat it please?” Yovanovitch asked.

Schiff interrupted just as Jordan began, saying, “The time of the gentleman has expired but I’ll allow you to repeat the question.”

Jordan thanked Schiff and went on to rephrase the question, asking whether President Donald Trump might have been justified in his concern that Ukraine might not work with him given the number of government officials who appeared to be more closely aligned with his 2016 opponent.

Schiff quickly interrupted again.

“Mr. Jordan, I have indulged you with extra time, but my indulgence is wearing out,” Schiff said.

“I appreciate it, Mr. Chairman,” Jordan responded.

“There is a question —” Schiff prompted.

“Our indulgence wore out with you a long time ago, Mr. Chairman,” Jordan shot back. “I’ll tell you that.”

“I’m about to gavel you down,” Schiff said, “So if you have a question I suggest you —”

“I’m asking do you think this may be a reason that President Trump’s concern was justified?” Jordan turned back to Yovanovitch.


11-16-2019, 10:43 AM
It must be hard as Hell to not just go off on a smarmy little bitch like Schiff.