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11-17-2019, 11:23 AM
Of course they got away with it, and many will do the same and it will continue. Folks don't realize just how big this is. Even if fraudulent, it is ultimately going to be acted upon. To humor me again - no matter where you stand with your opinion - imagine the whole world suddenly agrees - just imagine the amount of money that will be spent around the world over time. We are talking endless trillions of dollars!! Take what you want from that.


Climategate 10 Years On – The Bastards Have Got Away With It!

Climategate was the biggest scandal in the history of climate science. Modesty forbids me from identifying the guy who broke the story in the mainstream media — ten years ago this month — took it viral on the internet and brought it to worldwide prominence.

Sorry, but I refuse to name the handsome, brave, witty, intelligent, funny, clever, spectacularly endowed, bravura writer, beloved parent, adored husband, and skilled horseman responsible for this veritable Scoop of the Century, if not the Millennium.

No, absolutely not. Only from my cold, dead hands will you ever prise this secret information. Unless, maybe, you twist my arm just a tiny bit more and —

Yeah, all right. I admit it. That godlike hero was me.

Of course, if you believe the mainstream media, Climategate was little more than a fake news story concocted by a small cabal of wicked deniers in order to discredit the noble cause of climate science.

This is a lie and a particularly dangerous lie at that. If we allow it to prevail then the bad guys will have won, as they are close to doing already.

Look at the fawning media attention afforded Greta Thunberg. Look at the rise and rise of Extinction Rebellion and the extraordinary degree of public sympathy these eco-fascist wreckers command. Look at how across the world — with notable exceptions such as President Donald Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro — even conservative administrations, such as Boris Johnson’s, are surrendering to the Green Blob.


Climategate mattered because it offered the first solid proof that the scientific establishment wasn’t being altogether honest about man-made global warming. Up until that point, one or two of us had had our suspicions. But this was the breakthrough; the moment when the alarmists were caught red-handed with egg over their face and their trousers down. Someone – to this day, anonymous – had dumped onto the internet a huge cache of documents and correspondence retrieved from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at Britain’s University of East Anglia – one of the world’s main gatekeepers of climate science research. Finally, we could discover what the scientists most assiduously promoting the climate change scare narrative were saying to one another behind closed doors…

…They were shown: contriving to destroy inconvenient data in order to evade FOI inquiries; attempting to shut down scientific journals which published studies unhelpful to their cause; viciously bullying dissenters; even trying to rewrite history, for example, to erase the widely recognised Medieval Warming Period.

True, Climategate did not offer definitive proof that the man-made climate scare is fabricated. But it did prove something very nearly as important: that the doom-laden grand narrative about climate change which teachers use to frighten children, which politicians use to justify more taxes and regulations, and which crony capitalists use to say ‘subsidise my planet-saving wind farm’ is based on a prospectus so flimsy that if an insurance salesman tried touting it on your doorstep you’d tell him just where he could shove it.


Today, anyone questioning this colossal enterprise is told to “respect the science”. Based on the Climategate emails released in 2009, 2013 and 2015, I’d rather respect the Mafia, who at least don’t claim to be saving the planet. For example, today we’re told that warming of 2degC above pre-industrial level is some sort of a tipping point of doom. Phil Jones, Director of the Climatic Research Unit, emailed on September 6, 2007, that the supposed 2-degree limit was “plucked out of thin air”, a throwaway line in an early 1990s paper from the catastrophists at the Potsdam Climate Impacts Institute.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/11/17/delingpole-climategate-10-years-on-the-bastards-have-got-away-with-it/


The Climategate scandal erupted on November 19, 2009, when a collection of email messages, data files and data processing programs were leaked from the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit (CRU) located in the UK, revealing scientific fraud and data manipulation by scientists concerning the Global Warming Theory. The scandal that the suffix –gate implies is the state of climate science over the past decade, revealed by more than a thousand emails, documents, and computer code sets between various prominent scientists. The released information is evidence of deceit by climate scientists, which was kept a secret or hidden from the public until the data was leaked from the CRU. The CRU's apparent obstruction of freedom-of-information requests, as revealed by the leaks, was only the tip of the iceberg. Climategate is said to have revealed the biggest scientific hoax in world history as the worst scandal of this generation.

The Climategate emails and climate data became the subject of intense debate, calling to question assumptions on anthropogenic (man-made) global warming. The legitimacy of climate science, and the charges leveled by the CRU and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which claim humans cause climate change, was severely shaken by Climategate. Evidence revealed told the truth about man-made global warming: it's a fraud.

Despite the significance of the scandal and its impact on the theory suggesting humans cause climate change, in a profoundly bizarre situation the Mainstream media attempted to bury the Climategate story. At the same time, liberal Wikipedia quickly censored Climategate and referred to it as an illegal "incident," as the work of computer hackers stealing data — contrary to Freedom of Information Act requests. In spite of the liberal media's bias attempt to hide the scandal, news of Climategate quickly spread because many other more notable sources of media covered the story. Commentators and others in the media covered news on Climategate, many of which outlined important takeaways about specific information valuable to the public.


Climategate Fraud

Al Gore's "schlockumentary," An Inconvenient Truth, is perhaps the earliest known Climategate fraud and most widely known global warming hoax. The film was designed to promote fear of global warming with false claims, junk science and digitally enhanced lies, proclaiming the end of the world. During Al Gore's promotional efforts for his film and to raise alarm on the effects of global warming, he boldly predicted we have ten years to doom. At the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, Larry David commented on Gore's promotional efforts to raise awareness about his schlockumentary and said, "You know, Al is a funny guy, but he's also a very serious guy who believes humans may have only 10 years left to save the planet from turning into a total frying pan."

An Inconvenient Truth inspired fear using junk science; Gore spread alarmist propaganda and claimed burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil have dramatically increased the Earth's temperatures. Scientific inaccuracies in the film were enhanced with Hollywood special effects, as a deceptive tactic, to spread fear of doom on his one-sided account of the anthropogenic global warming theory. Most notably, Al Gore created a scene in his movie that shows the Antarctic ice shelf breaking up and virtually disintegrating, supposedly providing visual evidence to back up his claim that glaciers are melting. The problem is that it wasn't real ice melting. It was styrofoam. ABC News reported Al Gore also took footage of digitally enhanced melting ice from the fictional movie, The Day After Tomorrow, and then used it in his schlockumentary. The real truth behind this hoax is ideology, motivated by money and power.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in its 2007 benchmark report that even a slight change in rainfall could see swathes of the rain forest rapidly replaced by savanna grassland. However, the aftermath of Climategate forced the United Nations climate watchdog to admit to intentionally publishing false claims; the IPCC claims about melting ice in the Alps, the Andes, and in Africa did not come from peer reviewed scientific literature—but from Climbing Magazine, and from a student dissertation—written by a climate change activist who was studying for a degree in Geography. The IPCC claims that global warming might wipe out 40% of the Amazon rainforest was based on an unsubstantiated claim by green campaigners who had little scientific expertise.

Greenpeace leader Gerd Leipold admitted that his organization issued misleading statements about man-made global warming, and he said the organization exaggerated information when it claimed that Arctic ice would disappear completely by 2030. Despite the admission that a panel report warning Himalayan glaciers could be gone by 2035 was hundreds of years off, and regardless of the fraud, deceit and lies the Greenpeace organization spread about global warming, Gerd Leipold said he would not resign.

In 2010, as the East Coast of the United States was hammered by strong winter storms of snow and ice, President Obama claimed this as further evidence of global warming. The president of the United States ignored facts to push a political agenda. Obama lied about global warming when he said it will cause some places to "end up being a little bit cooler," due to man-made climate change.

We just got five feet of snow in Washington and so everybody is like, a lot of people who are opponents of climate change, they say, 'See, look at that, there's all that snow on the ground, you know, this doesn't mean anything.' I want to just be clear that the science of climate change doesn't mean that every place is getting warmer. It means the planet as a whole is getting warmer. As the planet as a whole gets warmer you start seeing changing weather patterns. And that creates more violent storm systems, more unpredictable weather, so any single place might end up being warmer. Another place might end up being a little bit cooler, there might end up being more precipitation in the air, more monsoons, more hurricanes, more tornadoes.

Rest - https://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Climategate