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11-17-2019, 01:56 PM
Yup, we all lose in this one.


Pelosi has gone full coup coup in Trump impeachment push

Three witnesses, 11 hours of testimony and endless squabbling between Republicans and Democrat Adam Schiff. That’s the bare-bones tally of the first two days of public impeachment hearings.

Along the way, patient viewers learned many things, some interesting but none decisive. So we don’t know the final score, but we do know the big loser.

America, in a landslide. Make that a mudslide.

With apologies to the late President Gerald Ford, we are in engaged in a new national nightmare as one party — and one party only — tries to remove the president of the United States. As distasteful as that is, it is even more remarkable that the impeachers still can’t honestly explain the reasons for their putsch.

Pressed to describe the “high crimes and misdemeanors” visible exclusively to Donald Trump haters, Dems throw words at walls, hoping something will stick. Quid pro quo, bribery, extortion, abuse of power, obstruction and witness intimidation are all getting a tryout.

The search for buzzwords proves the entire enterprise is 100% political. If impeachment were justified by facts, the right words would be obvious to the vast majority of Americans.

Quid pro quo, the battle anthem for six weeks, was ditched after focus groups told Dem pollsters that bribery was easier to understand than Latin. Presto — bribery it is.

Yet the week’s most important revelation was nothing said to or by the House intelligence panel. Rather, it was the completion of the strange evolution of Nancy Pelosi.

The speaker, who often sounds and acts as if she is cuckoo, has gone full coup coup.

For months, Pelosi made a big deal of pushing back against impeachment, calling it radical and divisive. Then she moved to accepting the possibility, saying investigators would determine where the party went next.

Those days are gone. Pelosi is now the zealot leading the charge to boot Trump from office by any means necessary, facts be damned.

Evidence that the change was complete came when she spoke to reporters a day after the first hearing.

“The devastating testimony corroborated evidence of bribery,” Pelosi insisted, adding that it was now certain “the president abused power and violated his oath by threatening to withhold military aid and a White House meeting in exchange for an investigation into his political rival.”

The charge itself was nothing new — it’s basically what Dems said all along while calling it a quid pro quo. But now Pelosi was calling it bribery, and declaring it already corroborated.

She then helpfully pointed out that bribery “is in the Constitution attached to the impeachment proceedings.”

Asked by a confused reporter, “So what was the bribe here?” she responded: “The bribe is to grant or withhold military assistance in return for a public statement of a fake investigation into elections. That’s bribery.”

It is? If she means Trump bribed the president of Ukraine, she’ll need another new word. Many public officials get in trouble for taking a bribe, but I’m not aware of any who were arrested for paying a bribe. Certainly no president was ever impeached for that.

She wasn’t done. Pelosi then said, “We haven’t made a decision to impeach. That’s what the inquiry is about.”

Perhaps realizing she was backtracking, she tried to explain. “What I am saying, that what is — the president has admitted to and says it’s perfect. I said it’s perfectly wrong. It’s bribery.”

So it’s bribery but they might not impeach? Trapped, she abruptly brought up Richard Nixon, saying what Trump has done “makes what Nixon did look almost small, almost small.”

Five more minutes of questions, and she would have compared Trump to Hitler. Ho-hum.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2019/11/16/goodwin-pelosi-has-gone-full-coup-coup-in-trump-impeachment-push/