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11-19-2019, 02:57 PM
I don't like this guy. I think he's helping perpetuate this BS and not really doing anything other than help tell a story, twisted an all....

BUT, my first instinct here was that his request of course should be honored, and should have been addressed as such to begin with.

Am I wrong, as it appears? Feedback from a handful point more towards arrogance than actual protocol. What say our military folks?


Alexander Vindman Cuts Off Devin Nunes: ‘It’s Lieutenant Colonel Vindman Please’

National Security Council official Alexander Vindman cut off the top Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee during the third public impeachment inquiry hearing and asked him to call him by his military rank.

The exchange occurred when Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA) began to ask Vindman a question.

“Mr. Vindman, you testified in your deposition that you did not know the whistleblower,” he began.

Vindman interrupted, saying, “Ranking member, it’s Lt. Col. Vindman please.”


The exchange prompted mocking from veterans and members of the military on social media:



Bernard Kerik, former New York City police commissioner and also an Army veteran, said the exchange showed Vindman’s arrogance:


Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT), himself an Army veteran, questioned Vindman about his request later during the hearing.

“Very quickly — I’m curious when Ranking Member Nunes referred to you as Mr. Vindman, you quickly corrected him and wanted to be called Lt. Col. Vindman — do you always insist on civilians calling you by your military rank?” Stewart asked.

Vindman responded, “Mr. Stewart, Rep. Stewart, I’m in uniform wearing my military rank. I just thought it would be appropriate to stick with that.”

However, when Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY) said “Mr. Vindman,” Vindman did not request that he call him “Lt. Col. Vindman.”

Stewart also noted that Vindman was wearing his military dress uniform despite not normally wearing one to the White House.

“Lt. Col. Vindman, I see you’re wearing your dress uniform, knowing that’s not the uniform of the day — you normally wear a suit to the White House,” he said.

“I think it’s a great reminder of your military service,” Stewart added.

Vindman also testified for his closed-door deposition in his uniform last month. An Army spokesman told Breitbart News at the time that Vindman would follow the dress code of the National Security Council when testifying.


11-19-2019, 03:44 PM
It is NOT required of a CIVILIAN to HAVE to refer to a PERSON who is in the military by their military rank, PERIOD. That can only be required of ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY.

This PRICK BLEW IT, BIG TIME. He just turned off FAR more people than he EVER might have hoped to convince that he wasn't there just because he's a NEVER TRUMPER and PART of this massive SHIT SHOW.

What a rotten FUCK. I saw part of his testimony today, and I was thinking to myself, he should just retire NOW, because he'll NEVER see FULL BIRD after this FARCE.

11-19-2019, 03:59 PM
Democrats: Members of the military are never to be questioned, ever, under any circumstances, no matter what!!***Also Democrats: Mike Flynn is traitorous Russian agent....

11-19-2019, 04:05 PM
In the mid-80's. I was assigned to the COMMAND CENTER in Norfolk, Va. As a Radioman Supervisor for Telecom services to the Big Brass at NTCC Hampton Roads. The same building described by Tom Clancy in "Red Storm Rising".
While there. We learned proper protocol for addressing Officers of the FLAG RANK. Capt. Adm. Rear Adm. Generals, etc.

We knew, and it was understood. Civlians, even Congress members, did NOT need to address Officers by their Rank, UNLESS...They were serving in their OFFICIAL status, within the Command, or on Military Grounds, Buildings, Ships.

The LT. COL. was wrong to insist being addressed that way by...A Member of Congress, who, in effect, is his 2nd in Command, after the President of the United States.

He is on an ego trip, and IMO, showed great disrespect by insisting he be addressed that way. Truth is. He should have been there...in CIVILIIAN CLOTHES, not a Uniform.
The U.C.M.J. forbids him,and other officers from speaking NEGATIVELY about their Superiors..(The president) in uniform. In fact. Doing so, is a violation of the UCMJ.
Other Military members can verify this as well.

11-19-2019, 04:09 PM
STEWART: You directed Rep. Nunes to refer to you as "Lieutenant Colonel?" Do you always insist on civilians referring to you by your military rank?**VINDMAN: People on Twitter were disrespecting me and my service.

Call me Lieutenant Colonel!”<“Why? You’re here as a employee of the NSC and shouldn’t even be wearing your uniform”>“Because I’m short, fat and people have been making fun of me on Twitter”


11-19-2019, 04:19 PM
His proper title is "Mr Vindman". Few people in RF address me as "Gunny". Some retirees do out of respect, and people on base and I think Navy Federal still does. USAA does. My daughter does when she is attempting to get something into my head :).

Otherwise, I get called "Grandpa" or "hey you" a lot more :).

Even when I was a kid I thought retired military people demanding to be called by their military rank was really petty.

Hot Dogger
12-16-2019, 08:28 PM
I know people who insist on being called "doctor" and they're a doctor of philosophy, that sort of thing. It's like that episode of Seinfeld where the guy insists on being called "maestro". But as for the light colonel, I have to admire his chutzpah.

12-16-2019, 09:58 PM
His proper title is "Mr Vindman". Few people in RF address me as "Gunny". Some retirees do out of respect, and people on base and I think Navy Federal still does. USAA does. My daughter does when she is attempting to get something into my head :).

Otherwise, I get called "Grandpa" or "hey you" a lot more :).

Even when I was a kid I thought retired military people demanding to be called by their military rank was really petty.

I am with Gunny. I do not insist that others call me Sergeant Major.... UNLESS we are at a formal military function where I am in uniform, which is not often.

12-17-2019, 11:19 AM
USAA does.
I always get a kick out of that... "hello Sergeant *****". When you haven't heard people calling you Sergeant for almost 33 years, it's a throw back to hear it again.

Abbey Marie
12-17-2019, 12:16 PM
That guy’s face perfectly matches his jerky statement. Talk about someone who looks like they have a stick up their butt.


12-17-2019, 12:22 PM
I don't like this guy. I think he's helping perpetuate this BS and not really doing anything other than help tell a story, twisted an all....

BUT, my first instinct here was that his request of course should be honored, and should have been addressed as such to begin with.

Am I wrong, as it appears? Feedback from a handful point more towards arrogance than actual protocol. What say our military folks?


Alexander Vindman Cuts Off Devin Nunes: ‘It’s Lieutenant Colonel Vindman Please’

National Security Council official Alexander Vindman cut off the top Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee during the third public impeachment inquiry hearing and asked him to call him by his military rank.

The exchange occurred when Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA) began to ask Vindman a question.

“Mr. Vindman, you testified in your deposition that you did not know the whistleblower,” he began.

Vindman interrupted, saying, “Ranking member, it’s Lt. Col. Vindman please.”


The exchange prompted mocking from veterans and members of the military on social media:



Bernard Kerik, former New York City police commissioner and also an Army veteran, said the exchange showed Vindman’s arrogance:


Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT), himself an Army veteran, questioned Vindman about his request later during the hearing.

“Very quickly — I’m curious when Ranking Member Nunes referred to you as Mr. Vindman, you quickly corrected him and wanted to be called Lt. Col. Vindman — do you always insist on civilians calling you by your military rank?” Stewart asked.

Vindman responded, “Mr. Stewart, Rep. Stewart, I’m in uniform wearing my military rank. I just thought it would be appropriate to stick with that.”

However, when Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY) said “Mr. Vindman,” Vindman did not request that he call him “Lt. Col. Vindman.”

Stewart also noted that Vindman was wearing his military dress uniform despite not normally wearing one to the White House.

“Lt. Col. Vindman, I see you’re wearing your dress uniform, knowing that’s not the uniform of the day — you normally wear a suit to the White House,” he said.

“I think it’s a great reminder of your military service,” Stewart added.

Vindman also testified for his closed-door deposition in his uniform last month. An Army spokesman told Breitbart News at the time that Vindman would follow the dress code of the National Security Council when testifying.


It's just a guy who's a pompous ass. Kinda like people who have PhDs insisting on being called Dr.

12-17-2019, 01:35 PM
It's just a guy who's a pompous ass. Kinda like people who have PhDs insisting on being called Dr.I'm not getting this. On Vindman's part. One, is/was he assigned by the military to his position? Or was he a political appointee who happened to be a military retiree?

Second, the uniform of the day for active duty military personnel on Capitol Hill unless other wise specified is Class A, NOT dress blues. It is Class A to appear in Congress, not blues. Marines you always see in blues are proscribed that uniform of the day for their post. For the rest of us, it was Class A or C.

SO shit for brains is out of uniform and wearing one inappropriate to the occasion. The only reason he probably hasn't had his ass chewed by some full-bird or General officer is he's not holding a military position.

In which case, his "uniform of the day" is a freakin' suit and tie. He's one of those unimportant people trying to grandstand on the one thing he ever did.

I always think of people that play this kind of crap as not having much of an identity of their own.

12-17-2019, 02:04 PM
I'm not getting this. On Vindman's part. One, is/was he assigned by the military to his position? Or was he a political appointee who happened to be a military retiree?

Second, the uniform of the day for active duty military personnel on Capitol Hill unless other wise specified is Class A, NOT dress blues. It is Class A to appear in Congress, not blues. Marines you always see in blues are proscribed that uniform of the day for their post. For the rest of us, it was Class A or C.

SO shit for brains is out of uniform and wearing one inappropriate to the occasion. The only reason he probably hasn't had his ass chewed by some full-bird or General officer is he's not holding a military position.

In which case, his "uniform of the day" is a freakin' suit and tie. He's one of those unimportant people trying to grandstand on the one thing he ever did.

I always think of people that play this kind of crap as not having much of an identity of their own.

Vindman is a US Army Jag lawyer assigned to the National Security Council. Who knows why JAG needs a representative on the Security Council though. As per regulations, yes he is authorized to wear his dress blues when testifying, however NSC staff nomally apply for and recieve a waiver to testify in suit and tie. This douche abviously chose to wear his uniform to make a political statement. Shameful.