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View Full Version : Washington & Lee Students Want Option to Omit Washington’s Portrait from Diploma

11-20-2019, 05:16 PM
You go to "Washington & Lee" and then whine about Washington? WTF?

I am beyond tired with this bullshit and demands from students. They should just expel right there on the spot any idiot that comes up with this crap.

It would be controversial if they put out their diplomas with something so offensive on it? Perhaps they would also like the school name changed on there too? :rolleyes:


Washington & Lee Students Want Option to Omit Washington’s Portrait from Diploma

The students at the law school at my alma mater Washington and Lee University, named after George Washington and Robert E. Lee, find the portraits of the school’s namesakes to be so “controversial” and “offensive” that they want the option for them to be removed from the diplomas graduates receive.

In an online petition, the students note they “are not asking for a mandatory change” to all diplomas, but rather the “option” for students to choose to receive diplomas without the portraits.

The petition states:

The goal of establishing this option is to create a diploma that alumni are proud to prominently display in their homes and places of work. Given the aftermath of the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville and the heightened awareness of making Washington & Lee an inclusive and compassionate environment to all students, we believe this request provides alumni the ability to honor their alma mater without the presence of the portraits that some may find controversial or offensive.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/alexa-moutevelis/2019/11/20/law-students-want-george-washingtons-portrait-removed

11-20-2019, 09:22 PM

The depth of these students' intellect is frightening.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2019, 09:47 PM

The depth of these students' intellect is frightening.

In my opinion it is the tragic depths of the ignorance, blindness, brainwashing and media induced intolerance of this liberally indoctrinated, less than bright individuals that think such is offensive.
Myself, if I knew the a guy or a girl had made sch a stupid, blinded, ungrateful and socialistic inspired request--I never hire either one of them.

*We are besieged by the stupidity of liberal progress
a cancer now so prevalent it is impossible to redress
if our future depends on these young blinded mice
we just may find an early grave to be very nice.*

11-20-2019, 10:37 PM

The depth of these students' intellect is frightening.


11-21-2019, 01:18 PM

The depth of these students' intellect is frightening.
They've been brain washed.

11-21-2019, 01:29 PM
Folks will go to a religious school and then complain about religion. Go to Washington & Lee, and then try to eliminate something Washington & Lee.

The amount of kids in school having various types of protests has increased dramatically in the past decade. And it's now not just protesting things the don't agree with, now it's outright demands. Walking out of schools. Demands of teachers and professors being fired.

I still say toss 'em. That kind of crap is demoralizing for the school and students, NOT the names or pictures of either folks from American history.

I look back and couldn't imagine pulling a lot of this shit in the HS I went to, or either times in college in adult life. Not with teachers and not with any of the administrations. But today, disrespect and lack of personal responsibility is the way to go.

I saw on Yahoo headlines yesterday a woman who hasn't paid her student loans in 22 years now. And everyone acts like that's Aok and all someone else's fault. :rolleyes:

11-21-2019, 02:13 PM
They should vote on it, not that voting would constitute any change, but just to see how many of these students really want this change.

And when it's revealed that the ones wanting the change are a tiny little fractional minority, then tell them to GO POUND SAND and STFU!