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View Full Version : Is America ready for a gay president?

11-20-2019, 06:22 PM
I don't think it would be an issue with the person, if they are gay, but rather any stances that one may have. The person in question here, Buttigieg, has obviously made connections across the country. His policies and what he wants or thinks he would do is the problem.

But I also do think a gay person will have issues from the right. And again, not because they are gay, but the policies just don't come close to aligning, or usually don't.


Is America ready for a gay president? Buttigieg surge poses question

New York (AFP) - As young Democrat Pete Buttigieg emerges as a genuine contender in the 2020 White House race, his rise poses the question of whether America is ready for an openly gay president.

When Buttigieg announced in January that he was considering a presidential run, few had heard of the 37-year-old outside the small Indiana city of South Bend where he is mayor.

Today, he is in the small pack leading the Democratic race, regularly appearing on the campaign trail with husband Chasten Buttigieg -- a junior high school teacher who now stands to become the first-ever US first gentleman.

"Mayor Pete" -- as he likes to be known -- has drawn a surge of fundraising, and over the weekend topped a poll in Iowa, which votes first in the Democratic nominating contest.

The latest national polls put the Afghanistan veteran fourth behind a trio of septuagenarians vastly more experienced than he is: fellow centrist former vice president Joe Biden, and the progressive senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

Buttigieg claims to have revived South Bend, an industrial city of 100,000 residents, and wants to end the "horror show" that he says is the presidency of Donald Trump.

While Buttigieg does not dwell on his sexual orientation, he has spoken candidly about his decision to come out four years ago, and his engagement in 2017 to Chasten -- with whom he hopes to start a family, perhaps even in the White House.

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/america-ready-gay-president-buttigieg-surge-poses-181139032.html

11-20-2019, 06:28 PM
Nope. The President of the United States swears an oath similar to the military to support and defend the US Constitution. When you have to prefix who/what you are by your sexual preference, your priorities therefore judgment aren't even close to okay with me.

11-20-2019, 08:26 PM
Nope... whether someone is willing to be truthful and admit it or not, I highly doubt America wants this disgusting faggot crap in the White House...

https://i.ibb.co/5RT1xHs/homo.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

Not only that, little Petey Buttplug has legal issues back in his home state, giving out illegal ID's, to illegals.