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View Full Version : US Congress Coercing China

11-21-2019, 09:30 AM
So ... I see the millions and millions of "fans" are all on the side of Congress unanimously strong-arming China to do things our way or we will hit them financially. Sounds great, huh? Even though it's none of our business.

Are these Congressional Dems voting unanimously to strong-arm the China the very same Dems that currently have the President of the United States under an impeachment inquiry for doing the SAME DAMNED THING?


11-21-2019, 10:08 AM
So ... I see the millions and millions of "fans" are all on the side of Congress unanimously strong-arming China to do things our way or we will hit them financially. Sounds great, huh? Even though it's none of our business.

Are these Congressional Dems voting unanimously to strong-arm the China the very same Dems that currently have the President of the United States under an impeachment inquiry for doing the SAME DAMNED THING?


Gunny, are the Dems of congress strong-arming China to get an investigation of their political opponents like the *President?


11-21-2019, 10:59 AM
Why care about what China does? One could glibly say, "Too many of our young are enamored by socialism/communist," which actually is something true.

Then again, the Chinese have been working on this awhile:


https://www.nas.org/blogs/dicta/how_many_confucius_institutes_are_in_the_united_st ates


11-21-2019, 11:23 AM
Gunny, are the Dems of congress strong-arming China to get an investigation of their political opponents like the *President?

Hmmm...That's as bullshit an answer I think I've ever seen you give. You used to at least be funny when you were full of it.

Assume much? I haven't noticed anyone proving the President was investigating "political opponents". Elephant in th eroom says political opponent or no, it's his job to have wrongdoing like abuse of power and position by American officials as it pertains to foreign countries investigated. I mean, there is that :rolleyes:

11-21-2019, 11:25 AM
Why care about what China does? One could glibly say, "Too many of our young are enamored by socialism/communist," which actually is something true.

Then again, the Chinese have been working on this awhile:


https://www.nas.org/blogs/dicta/how_many_confucius_institutes_are_in_the_united_st ates

http://english.hanban.org/I left your poor downtrodden commies thread alone and created another to discuss the issue as it pertains to the US. This one's about OUR government and ITS behavior. Not some protesters without a row to hoe.

I left you to yours since my comments were not appreciated. Leave me to mine, please.

11-21-2019, 11:28 AM
I left your poor downtrodden commies thread alone and created another to discuss the issue as it pertains to the US. This one's about OUR government and ITS behavior. Not some protesters without a row to hoe.

I left you to yours since my comments were not appreciated. Leave me to mine, please.

I appreciated your comments, not agreeing with them is a different kettle.

This is about our government, the Chinese have not just infiltrated our businesses for industrial theft, they have also infiltrated our education system from early grades through universities. That should concern us and US government.

11-21-2019, 11:29 AM
Gunny, are the Dems of congress strong-arming China to get an investigation of their political opponents like the *President?

Hmmm...So it's okay for us to meddle in another county's internal affairs and threaten financial sanctions if they don't bow to us? Right?

If it walks, looks and quacks like a duck ...:rolleyes:

Now were the Dems to call a halt to their latest folly in wasting tax dollars on their sideshow, I might be willing to shut up. Otherwise, just more hypocrisy from the dems/left.

11-21-2019, 11:33 AM
My thread is about Hong Kong and the abuses heaped upon it's people. That they are attempting to throw off their shackles, well I can't condemn that, though it is their struggle. The US and West in general can only give support.

This thread is at heart about the US/China relations.

One of the Chinese tactics has been to turn our youth:


11-21-2019, 12:11 PM
How far will Chinese go to silence dissent?


11-21-2019, 12:21 PM
China using US university speech silencing against the West:
