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11-21-2019, 10:12 AM
Starr was REPEATING what Adam ScHITt said, and ScHITt is one of the biggest LIARS on the planet. That was NOT Starr's position.

If this goes to the Senate, ScHITt will get RIPPED A NEW ORIFICE. He better lawyer up, because he could wind up being indicted.


There's no if, pal, it's definitely going to the senate.

the republican cowards won't do anything with it, and that's okay too.

were you out sick when they covered civics? you must have been because otherwise you'd know how ridiculous you look claiming that schiff needs to lawyer up.

that's industrial grade ignorance.

11-21-2019, 11:16 AM

There's no if, pal, it's definitely going to the senate.

the republican cowards won't do anything with it, and that's okay too.

were you out sick when they covered civics? you must have been because otherwise you'd know how ridiculous you look claiming that schiff needs to lawyer up.

that's industrial grade ignorance.
Well, PAL, I see you have to get your SMART ASS on to respond. You can't just respond like a normal person, unless they're a mod or admin of course, then you slap on your sugar, like a real two faced ass clown. But let's make note right here and now, YOU STARTED the SHIT TALK, YOU, not me, YOU. So if a mod or admin has to come in here and tell people to KNOCK IT OFF, it should be known that it was YOU and your SMART ASS MOUTH that STARTED IT.

Now for some facts, this FARCE impeachment inquiry WON'T go to the senate unless Pelosi schedules a VOTE to impeach, and even then, there doesn't appear to be any GUARANTEE it will PASS. There not even any guarantee Nancy will bring it to a vote, regardless of your LEFTIST gaseous opinion.

And unlike the congress and abuse of power ScHITt show impeachment, IF it got to the senate, it's a TRIAL, not an INQUIRY but a TRIAL, and when AT TRIAL, ANYONE is allowed to have COUNSEL PRESENT, as in a LAWYER. These Trump haters even have their lawyers present at the ScHITt show.

So you pretty much FAILED in spectacular form with your response here... PAL... you not only started in with your SMART ASS little INSULTS, which we all do already know you're FAMOUS for, but you really didn't know what the fuck YOU were talking about.

Now go fuck yourself, you sarcastic little punk, before you hurt yourself with your face hole.

11-22-2019, 10:33 PM

There's no if, pal, it's definitely going to the senate.

the republican cowards won't do anything with it, and that's okay too.

were you out sick when they covered civics? you must have been because otherwise you'd know how ridiculous you look claiming that schiff needs to lawyer up.

that's industrial grade ignorance.

Looks like you are highly familiar with Industrial Grade Ignorance, based on you close determinations of experience.

11-23-2019, 10:35 AM
Looks like you are highly familiar with Industrial Grade Ignorance, based on you close determinations of experience.

yeah, i've read your posts.


11-23-2019, 06:44 PM
yeah, i've read your posts.


Just repeating what you say.

12-02-2019, 12:43 PM
Watching Del and HPD go at it is much like watching Alabama and LSU play, you really just watch hoping to see the Earth open up and swallow them both.

On balance though, one must give Del the edge in this matchup, I mean he's an asshole, but HPD is stupid AND an asshole.

01-17-2020, 03:31 PM
del are you okay buddy? Your liver didn't finally give out did it?

Come back.