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View Full Version : Unhinged Joy Reid: Screw ‘Uniting’ the Country! ‘Trump Is Dangerous’ for Minorities!

11-21-2019, 12:21 PM
Funny how so many other black folks are doing just fine, and Trump's support from blacks has even increased.

Reid has been a racist and nutcase for a long time now.

And nevermind uniting the country.... She would rather remain racist than try to fix anything. :rolleyes:


Unhinged Joy Reid: Screw ‘Uniting’ the Country! ‘Trump Is Dangerous’ for Minorities!

Well past midnight Thursday and in the latter stages of MSNBC’s post-Democratic debate analysis, AM Joy host Joy Reid uncorked a rant ripping into South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the notion of speaking about America in optimistic tones, and wanting to unite Americans because “Donald Trump is dangerous” to minorities such as Reid and her family.

Okay then. So for Reid, would that mean hatred is in (so long as it’s towards people you disagree with) and unity is out?

Reid began by asserting that, “for voters of color, there is no conversation of interest to talk about uniting” because the Republican Party “has given up not just its moral standing, but its soul to” President Trump and thus “[t]he danger of Donald Trump is much more extent” to “my immigrant relatives, to African-Americans, to Latinos.”

She continued by dismissing the emphasis on America needing to regain its global standing because America is currently posing an “imminent danger” “to people who look like me” with Trump being “dangerous to our families” and “our lives.”

Citing the spread of white supremacist propaganda at Syracuse where her youngest son is a student (even though its unclear who’s behind it), Reid stressed that “[p]eople are afraid to be in school right now and just being black or brown feels dangerous” while the “LGBT community feel their marriages are in danger.”

So, for all the talk on CNN, MSNBC, and in the rest of the liberal media about fear-mongering, perhaps they should look inward first at charlatans like Reid first.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/curtis-houck/2019/11/21/unhinged-joy-reid-screw-uniting-country-trump-dangerous-minorities

11-21-2019, 01:14 PM
I wouldn't ask that insane hag her opinion on ANYTHING. No one should listen her either.

But having her spew this kind of unhinged, maniacal, insane garbage on a prime time day talk show speaks VOLUMES about the level of PARTISAN propaganda participation by a TV channel clearly shows they are a full card carrying, platinum member of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.