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View Full Version : Liz Warren Claims Abortions Are ‘Human Rights'

11-21-2019, 12:36 PM
Sure, it's a "human right" to be able to kill another human. And there are extremely few instances in where that may actually be acceptable.

But birth control is not one of them. Can't deal with it right now is not one of them. Not affordable is not one of them. Not liking Dad or whatever personal relationship problems there may be, is not one of them. An accident in getting pregnant is not one of them.

I don't know how folks can be so flippant and uncaring about just tossing away a human life.


Liz Warren Claims Abortions Are ‘Human Rights,’ Sarah Silverman Applauds

There’s nothing like a little hardcore abortion talk at a DNC debate to get Hollywood types riled up. After Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed that abortion was a “human right” at the fifth DNC debate, comedian Sarah Silverman applauded her - because what’s more desirable than the idea that humans are born free to kill their own kids?

Debate moderator and MSNBC pundit Rachel Maddow introduced the evening’s first question on murdering unborn children, asking the Democratic candidates how they would combat pro-life legislative efforts: “Right now, Roe vs. Wade protects a woman's right to abortion nationwide. But if Roe gets overturned, and abortion access disappears in some states, would you intervene as president to try to bring that access back?”

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) was the first candidate to answer, insisting the best option to protect a woman’s right to slaughter her unborn child would be to “codify Roe v. Wade,” ensuring greater national protections for a woman's right to choose.

Though, the most calculatedly insane and thus most celebrated response belonged to Senator Warren. In response to Maddow’s question of whether the party has “room” for pro-life Democrats like Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, the Democrat party frontrunner refused to mince words, saying straight up, “Abortion rights are human rights.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/gabriel-hays/2019/11/21/liz-warren-claims-abortions-are-human-rights-sarah-silverman

11-21-2019, 12:48 PM
I just can't wrap my head around the level of DISCONNECT from REALITY one must have to think KILLING an UNBORN CHILD, and even in some demotrash opinions, AFTER the child is born, to think this MURDER is a HUMAN RIGHT... :cuckoo:

I can't even get to where that's a human right... my brain just can't fathom it.

Quite honestly, I think Pocahontas could very well be saying that and not believe it herself, but she knows the democrat radical, blood lusting base will lap it up, and demtrash has no qualms what so ever with LYING.