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View Full Version : 'Historic' Durham Investigation Will Implicate Obama in Spygate

11-22-2019, 01:28 PM
I find this one hard to believe and disagree with him, no matter how much many would love to see this. He would be covered for 99 different ways. Plus, I doubt he literally placed himself out there and involved in any way directly. That's not to say he wasn't aware, and wasn't perhaps even helping in some manner. Personally, I think he was aware, I definitely think Hillary was involved, as were some folks in the DOJ & FBI for starters.


Trump: 'Historic' Durham Investigation Will Implicate Obama in Spygate

On Friday morning, President Donald Trump told Fox & Friends that spygate — the Obama administration's surveillance on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election based on the false pretense of Trump being in league with Russia — will be "perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country." He said Attorney General Bill Barr's investigation of FISA abuses and U.S. Attorney John Durham's criminal investigation will prove "historic," and he predicted that the investigations will implicate former President Barack Obama himself.

"Now, what you’re going to see, I predict, will be perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country, political scandal," Trump said. "You have a FISA report coming out which the word is, it’s historic, that is what the word is. That’s what I hear. And if it’s historic, you will see something. And then perhaps even more importantly you have Durham coming out shortly thereafter. He is the U.S. Attorney and he is already announced it’s criminal."

"You know, a lot of people say deep state. I don’t like to use the word ‘deep state.’ I just say they’re really bad and sick people," the president added.

Peter Doocy noted that Trump had previously suggested "that this might go much higher than the Department of Justice or the FBI during the Obama Administration." He asked the president if spygate "could actually go up into the West Wing of the Obama administration."

Trump said it traces back to "the highest levels of government. They were spying on my campaign. That is my opinion."

"How high did it go, Mr. President? How high did it go?" Doocy pressed.

"I think personally, I think it goes all the way," Trump responded.

"I hate to say it. I think it’s a disgrace. They thought I was going to win and they said, 'How can we stop him?' They wrote up the phony, fake dossier, the disgusting fake dossier, and they tried to have it put out prior to the election just to show you how incompetent they were," he said. "They spent millions and millions of dollars, Hillary Clinton paid for it, and the Democrats."

Trump went on to suggest that Ukraine has a Democratic National Committee server that CrowdStrike refused to hand over to the FBI, but he did not name a source for that disputed information. Many have denounced as a conspiracy theory the president's claim that the server is in Ukraine. Whatever the merits of his claim, the Barr and Durham investigations indeed seem likely to be historic.

During the interview, the president also hit on the texts between former FBI staffers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

"I can only say that we have a lot of information that a lot of bad things happened. And when you look at Strzok and Page with the insurance policy where, you know, the two lovers, the two great lovers from the FBI, where he is saying, 'Oh, she is going to win 100 million to nothing, but just in case she loses we have an insurance policy,'" Trump said. "That means, you know, we’re going to take him down, we’ll take down the president. You wouldn’t even believe this is possible. But the insurance policy, that was a very big find."

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/trump-historic-durham-investigation-will-implicate-obama-in-spygate/

11-22-2019, 01:49 PM
I said in another thread yesterday, http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?68278-Game-on-gt-gt-FBI-official-under-investigation-after-allegedly-altering-documents&p=947613#post947613, and I JUST heard Rush Limbaugh say it... "ALL ROADS LEAD TO OBAMA."

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, that filthy little lop eared kenyan muslim knew about EVERYTHING, which means he had a hand in ALL OF IT.

He belongs in prison, and not just for forging a Hawaiian certificate of birth and using a stolen SS#. The man is a walking, talking, breathing CON MAN.

I think people have been AFRAID to take on Barry, because he was so LOVED and HISTORIC, he's been the HANDS OFF president. But I think there's beginning to be a MOUNTAIN of evidence of corruption against him that just can NOT be IGNORED any longer. Some can be forgiven, forging a certificate of birth, using a stolen SS#, they were ready to let that slide, but I think this with trying to take down president Trump is just too much. But if they go after him, they better go after him for EVERYTHING, including the fake BC and stolen SS#. They better do as I've said for a LONG TIME, send the US Marshalls to HA with a search warrant in hand, and DEMAND this fabled BC be produced, and if they refuse, SEARCH FOR IT, BY FORCE IF NECESSARY, and when none is found... well THERE YA GO. Now who's going to get the last laugh...

11-22-2019, 07:25 PM

Advnce the video to the 1:30 mark.

11-22-2019, 09:51 PM
It would float about as well as Hitlery getting burned for disclosing classified info. And why did they let her off? "She didn't mean to":rolleyes:. I know a LCPL-that-made-Pvt that tried THAT excuse.