View Full Version : What We Learned From Two Weeks of Impeachment Hearings

11-24-2019, 12:37 PM
So where do things officially stand? How does impeachment look? (not good IMO). How does Trump look for 2020? (damn good IMO) How has this entire impeachment process helped the democrats? (It hasn't, hence Trump looking damn good!)


What We Learned From Two Weeks of Impeachment Hearings

Well, that was a blur, and a bore. After two weeks of public impeachment hearings, I’m left wondering what Democrats were thinking. I still don’t know.

When they announced they would be holding public hearings I assumed Democrats thought they had something on President Trump, something tangible and obvious they wanted the public to see. Something that would shock the system and change at least some minds. But they had nothing.

I was shocked at just how weak their attempt to weave together a story of corruption about the phone call with the Ukrainian president was. Bathrooms in truck stops are filled with more convincing graffiti about where to find a good time than the witnesses Democrats called and their third-hand gossip about what someone told them they heard from another person. Judge Judy would laugh this “evidence” out of court.

I’m willing to believe the Spidey-sense of Spiderman, everyone else is going to have to produce a little more than what they “figured.” And none of them offered anything. I was left wondering why they bothered to call them.

When you go public you put your best witnesses out there, hit the ground running and make the strongest case possible. All we got was supposition from career bureaucrats who didn’t like policy changes the elected president was making and don’t like him personally.

The careerists all believe they know better than the president, which is irrelevant. They haven’t run for a bus, let alone the presidency. Their job is to advise, then implement the decisions of the administration, even if those decisions go against their advice. If they can’t or won’t do that, they should resign. It’s really that simple.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2019/11/24/what-we-learned-from-two-weeks-of-impeachment-hearings-n2556970

The Unspoken Truth: What Impeachment Exposed About Trump and 2020

For those who got stuck watching the past two weeks of testimony in the circus inquiry into impeaching President Trump there is a bit of news that has been uncovered.

Let face it only about 3 percent of the American people spent time watching the proceedings. Compare that to the near 30 percent of the American people who tuned in to view the Clinton impeachment proceedings and you already understand something very important.

After watching the Democrats attempt to displace a lawfully elected president via fake charges of collusion with Russia, the voter doesn’t seem very impressed with an effort to displace him over a phony charge of “quid pro quo.”

Denying due process, witnesses, or even their choice of the committee members who would be allowed to speak just added to the (****yawn****) sham and why people felt no compulsion to view the goings on.

Now that it appears Democrats have called their final witnesses and they are preparing to recommend the formal articles of impeachment, it’s my belief that the president’s team will finally be allowed to punch back for the first time.

But before they do we need to point out a significant and vital truth.

Post intel-committee polls are pointing out this truth. But it deserves a wider recognition.

It would be wise for Pelosi and Schiff to consider it prior to taking even another step forward.

Democrats cast President Trump as someone who is so self-driven that he’s attempting to subvert justice just to “win an election.” That his thirst for victory pulsates through his heart so obsessively that he would break laws to have foreign governments interfere in our process just so that he could beat a Democrat.

Yet here’s the unspoken truth: He doesn’t need to.

He never has.

In 2016 he literally spent the least in campaign operations to win an impressive 30 state (plus) victory.

He spent less than his GOP opponents in the primary.

He is spending way less than any of the Democratic candidates at present, with hundreds of millions in cash on hand, ready to go to work when the time is right. But the truth is he’s had hundreds of millions in the bank since his victory in 2016.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/kevinmccullough/2019/11/24/the-unspoken-truth-what-impeachment-exposed-about-trump-and-2020-n2556988

Impeachment Is Destroying Democrats

The goal of the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other Democratic Party leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives has been to use the impeachment inquiry to destroy President Donald Trump. They hope to impeach him, followed by conviction and removal from the U.S. Senate. Otherwise, they believe he will be so politically damaged that he will resign before the next election. Ironically, the exact opposite political result is occurring.

The past two weeks, the nation was subjected to partisan impeachment hearings orchestrated by House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA). The process has been unfair to not only House Republicans but also to the target of their investigation, President Trump. Over three days this week, nine witnesses testified about the President’s involvement with Ukraine, his phone call with the Ukrainian President and his supposed demand for a “favor” in return for military aid and a White House visit.

Most of the witnesses relied on hearsay and did not directly talk to the President. Others implicated the President’s attorney Rudy Giuliani. The result of the process has not been a “smoking gun” confirming any sort of crime committed by President Trump. Instead, the American people are being turned off by the entire stunt. Despite coverage on all the broadcast and cable news networks, only 13.1 million people watched the first day of the hearings. This is a sharp decline from the audience of over 20 million Americans who watched Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings or the 19 million Americans who watched the testimony of former FBI Director James Comey.

It seems the American people are realizing there are major problems with the impeachment process. The inquiry was approved by the House of Representatives without a single vote from a Republican member. In fact, two Democrats voted with the Republicans against launching the inquiry.

The inquiry was a fulfillment of a longstanding desire on behalf of members such as Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA). Other Democrats and liberal media outlets have been championing the impeachment of the President for the entire three years of his administration.

The American people are becoming fatigued with this unfair partisan process. According to a new poll by Emerson College, support for impeachment has fallen from 48% to only 43% in the last month, while opposition has increased from 44% to 45%. The Emerson College poll also showed that the President’s approval rating has increased from 43% to 48% in the last month.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/jeffcrouere/2019/11/24/impeachment-is-destroying-democrats-n2556987