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View Full Version : Black Support for President Donald Trump HITS 34% in BOTH Emerson and Rasmussen Polls

11-24-2019, 06:12 PM
These numbers are huge for Trump. I don't even think Obama reached these levels, although I could be wrong.

Add this in 2020 with the economy and the Dems help and this will be another nail...


Black Support for President Donald Trump HITS 34% in BOTH Emerson and Rasmussen Polls!


Don’t expect to see this reported in the liberal mainstream media!

The Total black approval for President Donald Trump hit 34% in BOTH the Emerson and Rasmussen polls this weekend!

Rasmussen Reports

Our Twitter Follower Roee spotted this from the Emerson College poll just out.

It apparently indicates current Black Registered Voter Approval for @POTUS at 34.5%. https://twitter.com/TheSadioRole/status/1198298855118397442 …

If Donald Trump captured 25 percent of the African American vote he would win the 2020 election in a landslide.


If Republicans were to peel off even 25% of black voters from the Democrat Party — Democrats would be the minority party for decades.
Thank you Donald Trump!


11-24-2019, 09:12 PM
This has got to hurt :laugh:

11-24-2019, 10:56 PM
This has got to hurt :laugh:

"Black Support for President Donald Trump HITS 34% in BOTH Emerson and Rasmussen Polls!"

Leftist (Liberals)....insane friggen Zombies....


11-25-2019, 01:06 PM
I couldn't find much about this from any MSM. They can act like it was never mentioned, but you know that this must scare the hell of them. They have turned black folks into almost guaranteed votes every election. But things are slowly changing, and this will hurt them badly.


Democrats are Doomed: Two Polls Show Support for Trump Among African Americans at 34%

In what one can only describe as "disastrous news" for Democrats, two different opinion polls find that, among African Americans, support for President Trump is in the thirties. This number has been rising more or less constantly from a year ago, when it was in the mid-20s.

Rasmussen Reports explains on Twitter that one of the biggest differences between them and most other polling organizations is that they look at likely voters instead of at voters in general.

Analyzing Black Likely Voter Support for President Trump

In our view, pollsters using 'live-call-from-a-stranger' or so-called "gold standard" live surveying techniques while simultaneously not dropping their Likely Voters screens are working today at a disadvantage.

1/3 pic.twitter.com/X1qQSEEhuL

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) November 23, 2019

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/election/its-the-end-for-democrats-two-polls-find-34-african-american-support-for-trump/

11-25-2019, 01:13 PM
More on the issue, and as you can see it's not just one poll. This will be an issue to watch over the next year.


Democrats’ Worst Nightmare: Polls Show 34 Percent of Black Likely Voters Approve of Donald Trump

A pair of recent polls show that 34 percent of black likely voters approve of President Donald Trump’s presidency, a stunning development that could have a massive impact on his re-election campaign in 2020.

A Rasmussen poll released Friday showed black likely voter approval of Trump at 34 percent. An Emerson Poll showed 34.5 percent approval by the same demographic.

“Boom,” wrote black author and Trump supporter Deneen Borelli on Twitter, calling the results “Democrats worst nightmare.”


The Trump campaign celebrated the news.

“It might shock Democrats that support for President Trump is rising with Black Americans but it shouldn’t,” Trump campaign Principal Deputy Communications Director Erin Perrine said to Breitbart News. “Blacks are more prosperous than ever because of President Trump with record-low unemployment and rising paychecks.”

The polling bump only bolstered the Trump campaign’s decision to launch a “Black Voices for Trump” political coalition in November.

“We’re going to campaign for every last African American vote in 2020,” Trump said in a speech, launching the group with black supporters in Atlanta, Georgia.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/11/25/democrats-worst-nightmare-polls-show-34-percent-of-black-likely-voters-approve-of-donald-trump/

11-25-2019, 02:21 PM
The administration has been good at citing and reciting the black employment and increase in income/home ownership issues. Meanwhile the Democrats have been focusing on identity politics, inadvertently emphasizing just how much they play blacks and take them for granted.

To top things off, the Democrats are making it nearly impossible for Jews to keep backing the Democrats, whether that will help the GOP or result in their just staying out of voting altogether, time will tell.

11-25-2019, 05:21 PM

11-25-2019, 10:09 PM
The administration has been good at citing and reciting the black employment and increase in income/home ownership issues. Meanwhile the Democrats have been focusing on identity politics, inadvertently emphasizing just how much they play blacks and take them for granted.

To top things off, the Democrats are making it nearly impossible for Jews to keep backing the Democrats, whether that will help the GOP or result in their just staying out of voting altogether, time will tell.

I haven't heard any rumblings of this. You got something? And yes, I asked :)

IF all of the above is fact, stand by for pandering to blacks and Jews. Doubt it will be from just one side :)

11-25-2019, 10:58 PM
I haven't heard any rumblings of this. You got something? And yes, I asked :)

IF all of the above is fact, stand by for pandering to blacks and Jews. Doubt it will be from just one side :)




11-26-2019, 06:21 PM



https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/11/18/corbyn-antisemitism-left-is-hurting-palestine/Hey, I've been questioning Jews voting blindly and en masse for Dems for decades. I used to turn Jillian inside out on the topic. Regularly. Cuz I'm a nice guy like that :halounplugged:

I get that FDR is seen as their "great savior" even though that notion itself is a sham, but that was more than a little while ago. IMO, a Jew voting for a Dem nowadays would be akin to me voting for gun control.

I didn't realize they had once again become the scapegoats for other ethnic groups. Somebody better give them the right colored pill.