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View Full Version : UK - Sex-Ed Program Teaches Six-Year-Olds How To ‘Self-Stimulate.’

11-25-2019, 02:01 PM
This is disgusting, and should be banished whether in the UK, SA or the USA.

This is SIX YEAR OLDS we are talking about here where this starts!! I would feel extremely uncomfortable with these discussions as a senior in HS let alone in grammar school.


Sex-Ed Program Teaches Six-Year-Olds How To ‘Self-Stimulate.’ This Is Why Sex-Ed Should Be Abolished.

A new sex-ed curriculum recently instituted in some classrooms in the United Kingdom is one of the most blatant examples of institutionalized child sex abuse that we’ve seen in the West. As the Daily Mail reports, the All About Me program being unveiled in over 240 schools across the country would give very young children “rules” for “touching yourself.” The Mail offers details about these rules:

Under a section called Touching Myself, teachers are advised to tell children that ‘lots of people like to tickle or stroke themselves as it might feel nice.’ They are also instructed to inform youngsters that this may include touching their ‘private parts’ and, that while some people may say this behaviour is ‘dirty,’ it is in fact ‘very normal.’

It gets worse:

In the same lesson, children are given scenarios which they must judge to be ‘OK’ or ‘not OK.’

In one, pupils are told that when a girl called Autumn ‘has a bath and is alone she likes to touch herself between her legs. It feels nice.’

This is for six- and seven-year-olds, remember. Not that it would be any more appropriate for older children.

An overview of the All About Me program seems to indicate that this lesson plan will be very hands-on, in a literal sense:

Children will be given the opportunity to explore a variety of different touch and feel sensations and allowed to decide which they like and dislike.

By the end of the lesson, children will understand that just because they like how something feels does not mean that everyone feels the same.

By year four of the program, things get more specific:

Children will consider the rules of when it is appropriate to be naked or semi-naked and when it is appropriate to touch themselves, including self-stimulation.

And in year five, the kids will have graduated to discussions about erections and wet dreams:

Children will be informed of their own personal anatomy and the development of their genitals, including wet dreams, erections, self-stimulation, and menstruation.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/walsh-sex-ed-program-teaches-six-year-olds-how-to-self-stimulate-this-is-why-sex-ed-should-be-abolished

11-25-2019, 02:18 PM
It took an *ADULT* to think this SHIT UP. An adult who is EVERY BIT a PEDOPHILE.

Well ya know what? Ya know who's INVADED Europe? MUSLIMS?

Who is the PROPHET of ISLAM? Muhammad. Who did Muhammad marry? SIX YEAR OLD AISHA? And RAPED her when she was NINE!

You can bet the MUSLIMS and PEDOPHILES are absolutely LOVING THIS. This is to NORMALIZE PEDOPHILIA.