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11-27-2019, 10:49 PM
....Hunter Biden's 'baby mama' Lunden Roberts was stripper at club he frequented”Can you imagine if this was one of Trump’s kids?

"The woman suing Hunter Biden for paternity (https://pagesix.com/2019/11/20/dna-test-shows-hunter-biden-fathered-child-with-arkansas-woman-report/) was a stripper at a Washington, DC, club he frequented around the time he was dating his brother’s widow, sources told The Post.

Biden was repeatedly seen at the Mpire Club in the capital’s historic Dupont Circle neighborhood — where Lunden Alexis Roberts, the mother of his alleged love child, worked under the stage name “Dallas,” the sources said.

“He was well-known,” a source said of Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic front-runner to challenge President Trump next year.

Several Mpire workers said they recognized Roberts, 28, who last week filed court papers that say DNA testing proved Hunter, 49, fathered the child (https://pagesix.com/2019/10/22/hunter-biden-agrees-to-dna-test-to-prove-he-didnt-father-child-with-arkansas-woman/) she gave birth to in August 2018."

Much..much more...pic`s and all...
