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11-30-2019, 02:11 PM
YES! YES! YES!! Pleeeese!


`Take Joy Behar With You! Whoopi Goldberg: ‘Maybe it’s time for me’ to leave the U.S.! .....Unfortunately these morons talk tough and NEVER ACTUALLY LEAVE! I’m sure all patriots would pay your ONE WAY ticket out.`

The View” co-have Whoopi Goldberg on Wednesday said a conceivable Donald Trump administration flags that “possibly now is the right time” for her to move out of the nation.

"I don’t feel that is America. I don’t need it to be America. Perhaps it’s the ideal opportunity for me to move, you know,”


11-30-2019, 02:12 PM
Get the Hell Out...dont come back....Go to London or Paris...They will want you there!!

11-30-2019, 02:17 PM
Before the election: Earlier this year, the actress claimed that if Trump were to be elected, "maybe it's time for me to move, you know," on an episode of The View.
After the election: On a recent episode, Goldberg was anything but lighthearted when she called Trump a fool and threatened him with impeachment.
“This fool has said -- and I know he is the president… This is a bigger picture than him. This ripples out on so many bigger things… Whatever you believe no child should be afraid that their parents are going to be taken away because they are Muslim or because they are Mexican or because they are Black… and that to me is an issue,” she said, adding: “We can kick his ass out. There is such a thing called impeachment.”

11-30-2019, 03:03 PM
Get the Hell Out...dont come back....Go to London or Paris...They will want you there!!

Thanks a bunch ... very kind of you !!:rolleyes:

[.... It could be worse. I moved out of London several years ago.]

11-30-2019, 03:14 PM
Thanks a bunch ... very kind of you !!:rolleyes:

[.... It could be worse. I moved out of London several years ago.]

Im glad you did...(remember you saying so a while back)....I know...>> you know (what I meant) when I said for her to move to Paris or London...:thumb:

11-30-2019, 03:25 PM
Before the election: Earlier this year, the actress claimed that if Trump were to be elected, "maybe it's time for me to move, you know," on an episode of The View.
After the election: On a recent episode, Goldberg was anything but lighthearted when she called Trump a fool and threatened him with impeachment.
“This fool has said -- and I know he is the president… This is a bigger picture than him. This ripples out on so many bigger things… Whatever you believe no child should be afraid that their parents are going to be taken away because they are Muslim or because they are Mexican or because they are Black… and that to me is an issue,” she said, adding: “We can kick his ass out. There is such a thing called impeachment.”

A typical liberal. She blames Trump for any type of inaction and/or demands things get done. But not a whole lot to be said about any obstruction taking place, of which the democrats assured there would be every step of the way - from day one. Not a whole lot about that. NEITHER side in congress gets what we truly need done, for various reasons, at different times. But that's why their approval ratings have been in the crapper for so long. RCP shows over 60+% disapproval rate currently. And like all the left and the MSM, talks impeachment but not a whole lot about the actions and/or inactions of the democrats running the show.

IMO, they started with the racism BS on an extended lie from the get go, and to this day still run with all kind of claims about what he has or hasn't stated about Mexico. 95+% of what the MSM media runs with, over and over and over and over again, is complete bullshit IMO.

Black lives matter, apparently it's the year of blaming whitey again for everything and trying to force whitey to apologize for some sort of white advantages or whatever. Saying all lives matter or blue lives matter became a crime of sorts for anyone to claim, it instantly meant they are racist. :rolleyes:

But, for leaving the country? That's what I say, put up or shut up. Do they think at the time of their threats to leave that it somehow convinces others of anything? Are we to sympathize? Is it to mean, or to prove that something is wrong with the current president if the hollywood types threaten to leave if so and so wins the election? That proves their point, or makes the prez a bad person? These folks do the same with every election it seems. We can make a list of those who made such a promise that are still here and it would be an awfully long list!! Whoopi knew she was going to leave but stays behind the make $$ Millions as an oppressed black woman and use her podium to push for impeachment.

That show, and Behar even more so that Whoopi, makes me want to vomit.

11-30-2019, 04:10 PM
~ "That show, and Behar even more so that Whoopi, makes me want to vomit." ~

"Me too jimmy....My fat very Liberal.... not working... EBT-card owning ...Owner watches the show like clock work...day in DAY...day out...I cant take it anymore"


11-30-2019, 10:35 PM
I always feel like I'm giving the sentiment of the "fly over country" poeple, and that would be... GET THE FUCK GOING, you IGNORANT NASTY LEFTIST SKANK. NO ONE is going to GIVE A FUCK.

Don't let the door hit you on your FAT BLACK ASS ON THE WAY OUT... sheeeeezuz... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/bye/morphing-hand-bye-text-smiley-emoticon.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

12-02-2019, 12:54 PM
https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/75650486_2565486217006579_3842998146456092672_o.jp g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ohc=luNs0ZuRn_4AQmcDnCRhZUKspyR7CqkwPowY2FFYxr pgjGRBVxYYFRGMw&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=6a78d275f52e9aaf7cb636c45e93b1d5&oe=5E7B5629