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View Full Version : Rudy to Release Report on Ukraine-Biden Crime Family Findings This Week

12-09-2019, 12:43 PM
Speaking of fireworks, this is sure to create some. I said he was toast a long time back, and I stand behind that, and this will burn him some more. And deservedly so!! And I can only hope it opens doors into investigations that reel in others and doom them.


TICK TOCK: Rudy to Release Report on Ukraine-Biden Crime Family Findings This Week

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani traveled to Hungary and Ukraine last week and met with officials in Kiev in his ongoing efforts to expose corruption and pay-to-play schemes involving the Biden crime family and other Democrats.

Mr. Giuliani revealed Monday morning on Steve Bannon’s radio show “The War Room: Impeachment” that he is working to release a report on his findings from his latest trip to Europe to Attorney General Bill Barr and GOP lawmakers in Congress this week.

OAN reporter Chanel Rion has been traveling with Rudy Giuliani and reporting on his investigations in Hungary and Kiev, Ukraine.

In her report released on Sunday night Chanel Rion mentioned that Ukrainian officials showed her six criminal cases involving the Bidens, Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

“I was going to do an outline of it and try to present it at the convenience of the Republicans in Congress and the attorney general at the end of this week,” Rudy said on a podcast interview with Steve Bannon Monday.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/12/tick-tock-rudy-to-release-report-on-ukraine-biden-crime-family-findings-this-week/

12-09-2019, 12:47 PM
And it's not just in Rudy's head or a talking point.


Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases Opened in Ukraine Involving the Bidens

President Trump spoke to the press Saturday at the White House as he departed for Florida for speeches before the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Hollywood and a Republican fundraising dinner in Aventura.

Trump told the waiting reporters that his personal attorney former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani “found plenty” of “good information” during his recent trip to Ukraine and Europe.

Trump then added that he believes Giuliani wants to present a report to the Attorney General William Barr and to Congress. Trump added Giuliani has not told him what he found.

Giuliani reportedly traveled to Budapest and Ukraine this past week to meet with several Ukrainian officials about corruption.

OAN reporter Chanel Rion has been traveling with Rudy Giuliani and reporting on his investigations in Hungary and Kiev, Ukraine.

In her report released on Sunday night Chanel Rion mentioned that Ukrainian officials showed her six criminal cases involving the Bidens, Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

