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View Full Version : North Korea Conducts Two Nuclear Tests In One Week

12-14-2019, 03:37 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:35 AM PT — Saturday, December 14, 2019North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has conducted another nuclear test. According to state media, the test was conducted at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground on Friday.
The move was reportedly meant to bolster the country’s strategic nuclear deterrence system. Although it remains unclear what kind of testing occurred, reports said it took roughly seven minutes to complete.
This test followed a previous launch on Sunday, which North Korean officials called a “a very important test.”
Officials speculated the test likely involved an intercontinental missile, which may be capable of striking from long distances, or an engine to launch satellites into space. However, the regime has not disclosed the exact nature of either test.

On Wednesday, the U.S. ambassador to the UN warned Pyongyang of consequences if it carries out missile tests in the new year.

“As we have discussed several times, the DPRK has launched more than two dozen ballistic missiles just this year. These ballistic missile tests, no matter their range, undermine regional security and stability. (They) are in a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions. These actions also risk closing the door on this opportunity to find a better way for the future.“– Kelly Craft, U.S. Ambassador to the United NationsShe added the U.S. is willing to be “flexible” to prevent continued weapons testing and relaunch dialogue.
“Peace is a better way, and peace can only be achieved by doing this together,” stated Craft. “Today, I trust that the council will speak with one voice in declaring its unified vision, a vision of genuine and lasting peace for the Korean Peninsula, for the region, and indeed for the world.”
Special Representative Stephen Biegun is set to visit Seoul and Tokyo on Sunday to discuss nuclear negotiations with North Korea.

Didn't see THIS one coming :rolleyes: As soon as Un was no longer in the spotlight getting all the attention he thinks he rates, he's right back at his mad scientist gig. US Presidents come and go but the Kim Jong dynasty remains the same.

It's like having truthmatters on your message board. No real threat but a major pain in the ass.