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View Full Version : Christmas Morn, Night Still Paraded Its Cloak, A Christmas Narrative

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-19-2019, 03:41 PM
(A Tale Told By A Poet That Once Knew, Life Was A Spinning Mirage)

Christmas Morn, Night Still Paraded Its Cloak,
A Christmas Narrative

Christmas morn, night still paraded its cloak
dawn had not our dear earth with its rays soaked
yet something magical was in the air
for beneath barren tree, presents a pair
one was bright red, other was brighter blue
one was from me, other present from you!

I slept last night, nothing was under there
the floor was as empty as tree was bare
shock, I sought explanation for this scene
for even that bare tree glowed brighter green
snow began to falling as wonder grew
I wept with joy seeing present from you!

How and why a miracle came about
in a daze, my spirit let out a shout
twenty-one long years since we had last kissed
your wonderful beauty this soul had missed
now this blessing, something heavenly sent
I fell to sobbing for those lost years spent!

With tears still falling I heard a loud knock
I soon found coming, another great shock
opened the door, there you my darling stood
Christmas dress, red cloak and even red hood
aghast, heart skipped a beat or maybe three
your first words spoken were, long time no see!

We laughed and our day was heavenly bliss
we each said, how true love we did so miss
I pointed the bare tree and had to ask
how, how did you do this surprising task
she replied and asked, what I have no clue
I said, presents one from me, one from you!

I then saw deep shock and a truth I knew
that something nice had been sent but by who
she said, let see these mysterious gifts
as each one may true kindred souls uplift
opened, hers was a locket long since lost
mine a ring bought at very precious cost!

Each had been long lost in a tragic flood
buried very deep under tons of mud
both had been tokens of our raging love
sworn to vows we made to heaven above
how could such treasure have ever been sent
was such a most miraculous event!

As midnight moon, its soft glow shining down
saw us joined yet again in our hometown
set the scene for romance and sweetest bliss
we both wept at years we lost and time miss
hers tears falling onto my naked chest
we felt as lovebirds returned to our nest!

Was this real, our just another realm's dream
us coupled as a former loving team
magic was broken, as this we both heard
plain as day, came down loud echoing words
by a jolly fat man riding his sled
bringing Christmas joy while dressed all in red!

Be of cheer, tis' the season to rejoice
now greatest present given, a new choice
hold to this moment, letting it true bless
forget the past, no longer sins confess
and that is truth of this surprising tale
miracle came, so true love would not fail!

Now brother poet, you are sure to ask
can you in this tall yarn now truly bask
I shall reply, why yes friend, such is true
earth is old, nothing under sun is new
may you read, enjoy this poetic verse
not think me a damn fool or something worse!

Robert J. Lindley, 12-19-2019
Narrative (RHYME), (A True Christmas Tale, Believe If You will)

Note: After my having been told yesterday my poetry is sad,
solemn and too morose. I decided to write a poem that was in
spirit with this Christmas and its joyous season. Take as it
comes, and ponder just how much of it is true. For would be
a sweet blessing if such a miracle ever happened to you!
And I a poet that truly believes, in romance and life as a
treasure that is truly Heaven sent. May oft take leeway in
my poems, even If I do later have to for such extravagant flair
take to bended knee and so faithfully and sincerely repent!

Eleven rhyming stanza's...
Syllables Per Stanza:60
Total # Syllables::::660
Total # Words::::::::530

Folks, after being called a grinch by a poet friend, I decided to write this
story.. Make of it what ever you will, some will believe , many will not,
how much was a dream and how much was a reality... hmm.. even I
the author am befuddled. As I have that ring but not the beautiful lady--
and every so often to this day, under glow of a full yellow moon, she
appears and whispers enticing words to an old man that she still sees
as a young knight slaying dragons and rescuing damsels in distress !
Who am I to crush her dream?? --Tyr