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View Full Version : Man Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison for Burning an LGBTQ Flag

12-20-2019, 07:04 PM
Burning an American flag is freedom of speech and protected. I NEVER see anyone getting arrested for burning the flag, whether in a park or in front of city hall. At worst, someone else puts it out on them. And of COURSE they very often choose to do so at events that they KNOW are going to insult others. Over and over, and over some more. I don't see any precautions taken, just pour flammable liquid on the flag and then light it up.

Now you have someone burning the gay flag. Some extra crap from this guy that increased his sentence. But a sentence as such at all? Compares to FREEDOM when it's the American flag and never any arrests that I see? Gay flag and associated folks get more support than our own American flag. :rolleyes:


Madness: Man Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison for Burning an LGBTQ Flag

An incredible story out of Iowa, where an Ames man was sentenced to 16 years in prison for burning an LGBTQ rainbow flag.

Adolfo Martinez stole a gay pride flag flying outside a church and torched it in front of a men's strip club. NBCNews reports he was sentenced "to 15 years for the hate crime of arson and given a year for reckless use of explosives or fire and 30 days for harassment." His sentence was enhanced by the fact that he was a "habitual offender."

So why 16 years? A local pastor explains.


Ames Church of Christ Minister Eileen Gebbie said the sentencing was both heartbreaking and justified.

"Nobody got shot (and) nobody was sexually assaulted," Gebbie said. "It was a banner. How much does that hurt? But I had to reflect on the fear it created in our sanctuary. People became afraid to go to church. We had to continue to talk about how to prepare for an active shooter and we learned from the trial Mr. Martinez had been watching our church for some time."

So "fear"= 15 years? I always thought Lady Justice was supposed to be blind, and that "justice" was a concept that was defined by reason, balance, and fairness. But this is madness. This is vengeful.

The prosecutor believes the sentence was fair.

"I believe him to be very dangerous," Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds said. "That's why my office recommended the maximum sentence."

Reynolds said the judge agreed to the 17-year sentence because Martinez has a long history of harassment and is a habitual offender and never showed any remorse.

"The defendant stated that there was nothing the judge could to stop him from continuing this behavior and that he would continue to do this no matter what," she said.

He's not threatening people. He's threatening flags. The fact that he's a habitual offender matters some, but this isn't Minority Report and we don't have a "pre-crime bureau." We can't predict future crimes he will commit and then sentence him for something he hasn't done yet.

It is apparently not a "hate crime" to burn an American flag. It's hardly a "crime" at all. In fact, it's seen by many as an act of courage -- "speaking truth to power" and all that. But we can only punish certain kinds of "hate" -- the "right kinds" of hate that are smiled upon by the arbiters of social justice. Interestingly, the number of "hate crimes" seems to be growing all the time and the impulse to punish it is also expanding.

It makes a mockery of the concept of "justice" and "fairness."


12-20-2019, 07:08 PM
So wrong.

12-20-2019, 07:28 PM
So wrong.

I understand that more was involved... but 16 years? And mainly for the burning of the flag of course, as leave out that action and we don't have this article.

Anything bad done towards the lbgtq group is immediately labeled as a hate crime. And regardless of other involvement - had this been the VFW and it was an American flag, we don't have this article. :(

12-20-2019, 07:40 PM
I understand that more was involved... but 16 years? And mainly for the burning of the flag of course, as leave out that action and we don't have this article.

Anything bad done towards the lbgtq group is immediately labeled as a hate crime. And regardless of other involvement - had this been the VFW and it was an American flag, we don't have this article. :(
He broke laws, no doubt about that. Stole the flag, burned it on others property.

His acts though are with symbol, not people. No hate.

12-20-2019, 10:49 PM
He broke laws, no doubt about that. Stole the flag, burned it on others property.

His acts though are with symbol, not people. No hate.They're also all misdemeanors without the "hate crime" label.

12-20-2019, 11:59 PM
Some have been sentenced to less time for murder!

This is wrong. Would it fall under the new criminal justice reform bill that Trump worked up with Kardashian?

Hot Dogger
12-21-2019, 03:02 AM
Hell, there's perps doing less time for setting actual fags on fire.

12-22-2019, 01:19 PM
So. If one was to purchase his own fag flag, make sure he had a burn permit (we are really dry here most of the time and under a burn ban without permit), is it STILL a hate crime if one burns it on his own property?

Know what I hate? The over-and-misuse of the world "hate".

12-22-2019, 04:39 PM
Burning an American flag is free speech. Theft and terroristic threats are a crime.


Abbey Marie
12-23-2019, 09:41 AM
God help you if you are being made an example of.
Especially if it’s for offending the victim group du jour.

12-23-2019, 01:19 PM
And seemingly mentally unhinged.

12-23-2019, 02:17 PM

Been a bit! I know you left and weren't thrilled, and I know a played a part. I don't even remember what took place and I don't care to look back on the entire thing.

Merry Christmas to you and the family, and Happy New Year!