View Full Version : Call me "They, them or their"

12-21-2019, 11:53 AM
In this day and age, whatever, whatever floats your boat. But don't make DEMANDS of others. I don't think anyone should be forced to us any other names other than her or he, or whatever the persons employed name is. But A million dollars because others don't go along with your mental illness of whatever it is you want to change about yourself. I don't even think someone should be "forced" to use the opposite of their TRUE gender if such a person doesn't even like like their chosen gender. But folks are supposed to change their entire language and remember to call someone something no other person in the world gets called? That's insanity.


Transgender Worker Who Identifies as “Transmasculine” Sues Nike For $1.1 Million For Being Repeatedly “Misgendered” By Coworkers

A transgender former Nike contractor who identifies as “transmasculine/non-binary” is suing Nike for $1.1 million in damages citing pronoun abuses.

Apparently Nike isn’t “woke” enough.

“Jazz Lyles,” a biological female, claimed in a complaint that co-workers abused her when they failed to use pronouns such as they/them/their when addressing her.

And she wants Nike to pay a hefty price for allegedly allowing the abuse.

CBS reported:

A transgender former Nike contractor is seeking $1.1 million in damages from the sporting goods giant for allegedly allowing gender identity-based harassment.

According to a civil lawsuit filed this week, Nike and Mainz Brady Group, a staffing firm that hired workers for Nike, discriminated against computer engineer Jazz Lyles, who identifies as transmasculine and prefers the pronouns they/them/their. The complaint was filed with Multnomah Circuit Court in Oregon.

During Lyles’ tenure at Nike — from May 2017 to September 2018 — the engineer was repeatedly “misgendered” by coworkers, the complaint said. While Lyles notified management about the issue multiple times, the companies allegedly failed to implement any policies, procedures and trainings around the use of gender pronouns in the workplace.

“When someone refuses to acknowledge a person’s gender identity or insists on referring to them by a gender to which they do
not identify (called misgendering), this causes real and significant harm,” read the complaint. “This is particularly true when a person is misgendered repeatedly on a daily basis.”

Nike reportedly held a training session after Lyles made a series of complaints that her co-workers were misgendering her.

But that wasn’t enough for Lyles because the re-education camp training session was only conducted for her teammates and not the entire department.

Nike has rolled out a series of ad campaigns featuring transgender athletes, but they will never be “woke enough” for the radical left.


Hot Dogger
12-21-2019, 12:26 PM
How is this "woke" stuff supposed to work with the transganders? Instead of saying, "Hi, would you like a cup of coffee?" I say, "Hi, would they like a cup of coffee?" Am I to address a transgander as if "they" (or would that be "them" at this point) have/has multiple personality disorder?

What would the world's greatest expert on pronouns, Noah Webster, have said about all this?


12-21-2019, 02:01 PM
Trans-masculine non-binary? Sorry, but if you're waiting on ME to guess THAT crock of BS, you got a long wait coming.

Besides, I didn't know "Hey, fuckwit" was gender-specific :)