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12-30-2019, 05:07 PM
And I believe he did kill evil. Anyone willing to bring such a gun into church, and whip it out and open fire, has to be pure evil IMO. And thankfully many gun owners were in attendance to limit this killing. I counted no less than 7 men charging the alter area within one minute of the shooting. I think I saw the gunman get off 3 shots before he went down.


Hero Jack Wilson on Texas Church Shooting: ‘I Feel like I Killed Evil’

The man who shot and killed the White Settlement, Texas, church shooter on December 29, 2019, says, “I feel like I killed evil.”

CBS DFW identifies the Texas church hero as Jack Wilson, a gentleman who is both a member of the church security team and a candidate for Hood County commissioner.

He made clear that he does not consider himself a hero:


After the incident was over, Wilson used a Facebook post to describe his feelings:

I just want to thank all who have sent their prayers and comments on the events of today. The events at West Freeway Church of Christ put me in a position that I would hope no one would have to be in, but evil exists and I had to take out an active shooter in church.


12-30-2019, 05:51 PM
What is so horrible about legal and law abiding gun owners from carrying their handguns for protection? As you see in this case, thanks for the ability to defend, the congregation was able to extremely limit what could easily been a much much larger tragedy.

For some reason the Dems want people to be sitting ducks everywhere they go. :rolleyes:


FLASHBACK: Biden Was Outraged When Texas Allowed Legally-Owned Guns Into Church

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was outraged in September when Texas authorized legal gun owners to bring their firearms to church in order to defend themselves.

Biden, campaigning at a local labor council picnic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, told reporters that it was “irrational” to allow legally owned guns into churches.

“It is irrational what they are doing. On the very day you see a mass shooting, I guess the number is now — I’ve been on a plane the last two and a half hours — up to five killed, and we are talking about loosening access to having guns, being able to take them in places of worship, store them in schools, I mean it is absolutely irrational. It is totally irrational.” Biden said.

Biden was referring to Texas Senate Bill 535 that was passed in September. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick referred to the legislation during a Sunday night news conference, according to CNN. The law authorizes licensed handgun owners to bring their firearms into churches, synagogues and other houses of worship.

After a church shooting on Sunday at the Texas West Freeway Church of Christ, Pastor Britt Farmer said he was grateful law-abiding gun owners are allowed to defend themselves and others in Texas churches.

Farmer added, “We lost two great men today, but it could have been a lot worse. I’m thankful our government has allowed us the opportunity to protect ourselves.”

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/12/30/joe-biden-outraged-texas-legal-guns-church/

12-30-2019, 06:03 PM
"One to the head"

That's all it takes from a good shot, to stop evil in its tracks. A good shot, and a scumbag for a target.


Freeway Church of Christ Hero Jack Wilson Thanks God for His Role in Church Security – Jack Gunned Down Church Terrorist with One Shot to the Head

As reported earlier by Cassandra Fairbanks two people were killed and one person is in critical condition after a shooting at the West Freeway Church of Christ in northwest Texas.

The shooter was prevented from creating more carnage by armed members of the church, several of whom drew their own weapons in response to his attack, as well as a security guard. It has now been confirmed that the gunman was shot and is one of the two people killed.

No less than four church members, including one guard, pulled guns on the shooter before he caused more carnage!!

Guns Save Lives.

The shooter was dressed in black with a hood over his head before he started shooting.

The gunman was wearing a fake beard(?)


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/12/freeway-church-of-christ-hero-jack-wilson-thanks-god-for-his-role-in-church-security-jack-gunned-down-church-terrorist-with-one-shot-to-the-head/

12-30-2019, 06:11 PM
Another idiot proven an idiot.

Seems like the same story always. Bad guy somehow gets a gun, although cannot legally own one. Bad guy uses gun on good people. Legal good people owners shoot and kill bad guy. Dems still think trying to outlaw guns will keep bad guys from having them. Never a peep from them when a law abiding gun owner saves lives.


Brainless Gun Control Advocate Shannon Watts Gets Schooled After Ignorant Tweet on Freeway Church Shooting

Shannon Watts is the founder of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action anti-gun group.


On Sunday after the shooting at the Freeway Church in White Settlement Shannon posted this ignorant tweet.

Shannon Watts: KenPaxton shouldn’t be shocked by the church shooting in White Settlement. As Texas Attorney General, he specifically made sure that guns are allowed inside churches in the stage. #txlege


The shooter was identified on Monday as Keith Kinnunen, a repeat felon who was not allowed to legally own a gun.

Caleb Hull schooled Ms. Watts on her stupid statement.

This was brutal–

