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01-09-2020, 11:55 AM
I was rather shocked to see this but at the same time it's been obvious for awhile that Meghan was miserable about certain things, and there have been non-stop reports about issues with them and his brother and his wife. So I have no clue for sure what prompted this, but it is shocking nonetheless.

Drummond - how can they "punish" them for this? Anything more than perhaps tossing them, refusing funds or whatever?


UK royals rocked after Harry, Meghan 'defied Queen' in quitting roles

London (AFP) - Prince Harry and his wife Meghan's bombshell resignation from front-line royal duties rocked the British monarchy on Thursday, with reports they defied Queen Elizabeth II by going public.

The couple said they would now "balance" their time between Britain and North America and rip up long-established relations with the press, in a surprise announcement Wednesday that appeared to blindside Buckingham Palace.

In a short, terse response a little while later, a palace statement said discussions with Harry and Meghan were "at an early stage".

"We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through," the palace said.

Media reports said the couple made their shock statement -- released on their own website, Instagram account and through Buckingham Palace's email communications system -- without notifying either Harry's grandmother, the monarch, or father, the heir to the throne Prince Charles.

London's Evening Standard newspaper said they had "defied clear instructions from the queen" not to go public about any future plans at this time.

It added senior courtiers had warned the couple "will be punished for this".

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/prince-harry-meghan-step-back-senior-royals-213237109.html

Royal Family ‘Deeply Disappointed’ and ‘Hurt’ by Harry and Meghan’s Announcement: Report

The royal family is said to be “hurt” and “deeply disappointed” by the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are stepping back as “senior” members of the firm, with sources saying the announcement was completely unsanctioned.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced on Wednesday night on their Instagram account that they are making plans to “transition” to “a new progressive role”.

Claiming that they will become financially independent, the woke couple said in a statement that they would be dividing their time between the UK and North America — speculatively Canada, where Meghan, a former TV star, had lived and worked for many years.

Royal sources have revealed that rather than the announcement being sanctioned by the royal family, it was made without the consultation of the Monarch, Prince Charles the Prince of Wales, or Prince William the Duke of Cambridge.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/01/09/royal-family-deeply-disappointed-and-hurt-by-harry-and-meghans-announcement-report/

01-09-2020, 11:57 AM
From what little I've read, people are mad that they want to give up the responsibilities, while circling around taking a huge chunk of pounds.

01-09-2020, 01:04 PM
From what little I've read, people are mad that they want to give up the responsibilities, while circling around taking a huge chunk of pounds.

Yups. I know they are also tired of being inundated by the press, whether truth or not.

01-09-2020, 01:05 PM
I was rather shocked to see this but at the same time it's been obvious for awhile that Meghan was miserable about certain things, and there have been non-stop reports about issues with them and his brother and his wife. So I have no clue for sure what prompted this, but it is shocking nonetheless.

@Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287) - how can they "punish" them for this? Anything more than perhaps tossing them, refusing funds or whatever?


UK royals rocked after Harry, Meghan 'defied Queen' in quitting roles

London (AFP) - Prince Harry and his wife Meghan's bombshell resignation from front-line royal duties rocked the British monarchy on Thursday, with reports they defied Queen Elizabeth II by going public.

The couple said they would now "balance" their time between Britain and North America and rip up long-established relations with the press, in a surprise announcement Wednesday that appeared to blindside Buckingham Palace.

In a short, terse response a little while later, a palace statement said discussions with Harry and Meghan were "at an early stage".

"We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through," the palace said.

Media reports said the couple made their shock statement -- released on their own website, Instagram account and through Buckingham Palace's email communications system -- without notifying either Harry's grandmother, the monarch, or father, the heir to the throne Prince Charles.

London's Evening Standard newspaper said they had "defied clear instructions from the queen" not to go public about any future plans at this time.

It added senior courtiers had warned the couple "will be punished for this".

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/prince-harry-meghan-step-back-senior-royals-213237109.html

Royal Family ‘Deeply Disappointed’ and ‘Hurt’ by Harry and Meghan’s Announcement: Report

The royal family is said to be “hurt” and “deeply disappointed” by the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are stepping back as “senior” members of the firm, with sources saying the announcement was completely unsanctioned.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced on Wednesday night on their Instagram account that they are making plans to “transition” to “a new progressive role”.

Claiming that they will become financially independent, the woke couple said in a statement that they would be dividing their time between the UK and North America — speculatively Canada, where Meghan, a former TV star, had lived and worked for many years.

Royal sources have revealed that rather than the announcement being sanctioned by the royal family, it was made without the consultation of the Monarch, Prince Charles the Prince of Wales, or Prince William the Duke of Cambridge.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/01/09/royal-family-deeply-disappointed-and-hurt-by-harry-and-meghans-announcement-report/

This public statement, according to reports, came as something of a shock to the Queen.

Harry & Meghan's experiences from pressures foisted upon them by the media, was of course known. Speculation is rife as to why this decision has been triggered now .. many think that Meghan drove the move towards opting out of quite a high-profile life.

Regardless, the decision itself hadn't been prepared for by the Royal household ... and detailed discussions are said to be 'at an early stage'. It's thought that the only way they can both opt out of Royal life as they'd prefer would entail Harry having to give up the royal status he otherwise enjoys.

They say they want to be self-funding, independent of the 'public purse'. Not exactly difficult ... Harry's certainly a multi-millionaire in his own right (he inherited a lot of money from his mother's estate), and Meghan has substantial funds of her own. However, I daresay that they could earn far more from marketing opportunities they'll be offered, purely because of who they are. No doubt each have private investments nobody will be privy to.

'Watch this space' ... though in all probability Harry will have his status demoted .. he'll no longer be an active member of 'the Firm', after all. At its heart, the Royal Family is an institution that runs its affairs as a form of business. Harry is effectively resigning from it.

01-09-2020, 01:10 PM
From what little I've read, people are mad that they want to give up the responsibilities, while circling around taking a huge chunk of pounds.

Nothing conclusive is coming from this ... it's all being hotly debated. Some are angry, some sympathise with what it's said led to the decision taken. I expect that if you take a broad enough sample of the British media, you'll see all arguments represented. [Leftie publications can generally be expected to take a more critical line, because of the propagandist opportunity they'll believe they can take advantage of.]

Abbey Marie
01-09-2020, 03:27 PM
Drummond can you be more specific about the “pressures?

01-09-2020, 05:20 PM
Interesting read:


Abbey Marie
01-10-2020, 12:06 AM
Interesting read:


Uggh. It’s all so calculated and manipulative. Have to say I told my family she would be trouble from the beginning.

01-10-2020, 02:23 PM
@Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287) can you be more specific about the “pressures?

To an extent, yes ...

Bear in mind that to be a member of the Royal family is to effectively live a goldfish-bowl kind of life. Your life isn't your own (individuality is only 'good' in so far as it can be reconciled with Royal duties and image). Any tip, any indication, of what any member of that family is doing, where they're going, who they're seeing, why ... it's all 'fair game' to the media, to investigate, to intrude upon, to offer commentary about.

Some choose to offer highly judgmental offerings, some disparage.

Lady Diana, Harry's mother, was remorselessly 'hounded' by the media, including paparazzi .. remember how she died ? Harry has long since been concerned that Meghan would be subjected to the same sort of treatment, with no break from it ever being in sight.

Meghan will have particular difficulties. She hasn't had the life-conditioning necessary to that sort of life. She's always been outgoing, saying and doing what she chooses, committing herself to her chosen causes. Central to her role as a 'Royal' would be to say and do nothing that could compromise the social and political neutrality the Royal Family is expected to always observe. To what extent would that intolerably stifle the commitments Meghan formerly made, the causes she considered worthy ?

I'm guessing this: the media isn't offering cast-iron reasons for what Harry and Meghan are doing (because an honest appraisal might involve evidence of how they behave ?). My belief is that it's a mixture of Harry wanting to protect Meghan from the treatment his mother suffered ... as well as Meghan yearning to be more of a 'free spirit' than she currently dares to be. I think she wants to go back to living a life more completely and freely under her own control .. and to re-commit to her causes and interests.

There will be those who will feel reason for offence because she chooses that. They'll say 'You married into royalty, so, you chose the lifestyle .. for which we as taxpayers are paying a hefty sum. Learn to adapt, and do your duty by your family and your adopted country'.

Such views will obviously spill over into media commentary, and add to the toxicity Harry is trying to protect Meghan from.

Abbey Marie
01-10-2020, 03:30 PM
Yup, that’s exactly my feeling- they both knew what they were getting into. Gee, let’s do a 3 million pound reno etc., etc., avoid the family as much as possible, even at Christmas with a new baby, and then pretty much reject them altogether.

I’m just over here in the Colonies, but it seems to me that Oops, just forgot my point, lol.

ETA: Oh yes, I was going to say that if Ms Meg stayed the course and followed the usual rules and showed some team spirit, eventually people would come around to her. But from where I sit, she seemed to want to buck the system at every turn.

01-11-2020, 10:22 AM
Yup, that’s exactly my feeling- they both knew what they were getting into. Gee, let’s do a 3 million pound reno etc., etc., avoid the family as much as possible, even at Christmas with a new baby, and then pretty much reject them altogether.

I’m just over here in the Colonies, but it seems to me that Oops, just forgot my point, lol.

ETA: Oh yes, I was going to say that if Ms Meg stayed the course and followed the usual rules and showed some team spirit, eventually people would come around to her. But from where I sit, she seemed to want to buck the system at every turn.

Well: I actually think that Meghan couldn't help but be as she is. The psychology of a free-spirited American, compared to a 'Royal' conditioned to 'rules & regs' virtually from birth, taught to be as neutral and uncontentious as possible ... they simply can't be mutually reconciled.

Unfortunately for Harry, he has his past with his mother, and all she suffered, to say nothing of her untimely death, combined with his obvious love for Meghan, all this set in opposition to his upbringing and the expectations we'd all have for him. I'd imagine that the mental pressures on him, in total, must be colossal, as the one extreme has fought to be matched sufficiently harmoniously with the other.

Harry didn't choose his fate, as a 'Royal'. But .. maybe Meghan has taught him to be his own master ?