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01-12-2020, 02:19 PM
Oh boy, another one with talk of the end of our planet. And let me guess, Trump will end it and she is the one to save it, right? :rolleyes:

There's always some impending disaster that only they can deal with. Oh, and here is a pamphlet to go home with, showing all the freebies I will be handing out if you vote for me.


Elizabeth Warren: The 'Survival of our planet' depends on the 2020 election

Sen. Elizabeth Warren in Milford, N.H., Friday:

WARREN: “So I want to thank you all for being here. You know, I think we all know that 2020 election is not just about the next 4 years, not just about the next 8 years. The 2020 election may well be about the survival of our planet, so thank you for being here. Thank you for being part of this fight.”


01-12-2020, 03:02 PM
... as she speaks to her crowd of 37 people... and President Trump packs them in by the thousands.

I watched a video of Trump's last rally in Ohio. Someone walked the entire line waiting to get inside and it went on for BLOCKS and BLOCKS and BLOCKS, THOUSANDS of people.

Put the crowds of one each dem rally ALL together and they won't equal HALF the people that go to a Trump rally.

I'm afraid little miss 1/1024 Pocahontas doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of EVER being president. Her and her smock of many changing colors over her perpetually black jump suit.

01-13-2020, 10:26 AM
Oh boy, another one with talk of the end of our planet. And let me guess, Trump will end it and she is the one to save it, right? :rolleyes:

There's always some impending disaster that only they can deal with. Oh, and here is a pamphlet to go home with, showing all the freebies I will be handing out if you vote for me.


Elizabeth Warren: The 'Survival of our planet' depends on the 2020 election

Sen. Elizabeth Warren in Milford, N.H., Friday:

WARREN: “So I want to thank you all for being here. You know, I think we all know that 2020 election is not just about the next 4 years, not just about the next 8 years. The 2020 election may well be about the survival of our planet, so thank you for being here. Thank you for being part of this fight.”


Warren is 100% correct, if any of the loon Democrats become President of the US this entire world is in danger. You simply can not allow that type of stupid to be in charge of the lone super power.

01-14-2020, 05:26 PM
I would rather try to survive without her than try to survive with her.......

01-14-2020, 06:42 PM
Warren is 100% correct, if any of the loon Democrats become President of the US this entire world is in danger. You simply can not allow that type of stupid to be in charge of the lone super power.

For whatever reason you hold such hostility toward me, and how I post. I find that I agree with nearly all of your comments about 2020 and the election.

So. With that in mind. Instead of going to the steel cage. How bout you just let well enough alone? Would that work for you?

Other than your name calling and meme complaints. Neither of us know one-another to be recklessly accusing each other, and sounding like WARREN, BERNIE, SCHIFF, NANCY, JERRY, and Being on the SPRINGER show.:laugh: