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01-14-2020, 02:44 PM
Clemson faced off against LSU last night at the New Orleans Superdome. Of Course LSU won the game easily it seemed.

At any rate, Donald and Melania came out onto the field and received a standing ovation and tons of applause followed by the USA, USA chant.

Liberals don't like it and therefore it didn't happen! :laugh:


National Championship Game Crowd Goes Wild When the Trumps Show Up. Liberals Go Insane.

The far-left mainstream media (or, as I prefer to call them: the Media Cartel) are constantly telling us that Americans hate President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania. Whenever one or two people boo them at a public appearance, the media gleefully cover it. However, when the president and first lady walked into the National Championship Game on Monday, the crowd's reaction was very different. They were cheering wildly.

The biggest news coming out of the game is, of course, that the LSU Tigers beat the Clemson Tigers. The biggest difference between the two teams? Joe Burrow. LSU did have him, Clemson did not. The result was a historic 42 - 25 result.

The second-biggest story, however, is the crowd's reaction to the Trumps. Unlike what the socialist Democrat minions in the media would have you believe, the two received a very hearty and warm welcome indeed.

Don't believe me? Well, here's the evidence:


Hilariously, so-called liberals on Twitter can't appreciate this video. At all. When Yahoo News posted the same footage, they went absolutely wild -- and not in a good way.

How the crowd reacted when President Donald Trump walked in to the National Championship Game. pic.twitter.com/1a0nyLrYNV

— Yahoo Sports College Football (@YahooSportsCFB) January 14, 2020

One "Tony Baltimore" was rather mellow compared to his ideological allies by merely claiming Yahoo must have been part of some pro-Trump propaganda:

That truly sounded like it was piped in.

— Tony Baltimore?? (@edgewoodham) January 14, 2020

A female Twitter-user going by the name of Katrina (I do hope I'm not misgendering here) had a different take. After writing that she was more pleased to see and hear Trump being booed at the World Series, she continues to personally attack the man:

World Series booing and chanting lock him up was far better, Trumps need to feel worshipped is the only reason he is there, PERIOD!

— Katrina ?????? (@KatDBishop) January 14, 2020

"MiMiSunGoddess," meanwhile, claims that the crowd wasn't cheering for the Trumps at all. All evidence to the contrary be damned:

He is dreaming.They crowd was NOT cheering for him.They were cheering for their teams. None of those students will vote him back into office.

— MiMiSunGoddess?? (@MiMi1PokerDiva) January 14, 2020

But what about the godwins? Are there no references to the Second World War? Oh. Of course there are:

Crowds cheered Hitler as well

— TAMIL (@Goodmoringmm) January 14, 2020

How 'bout references to slavery? Yep, we've got those too!

It's down South. Where they keep their side of the world the same. pic.twitter.com/4kN4dhqten

— Cream (@LewLew1865) January 14, 2020

And the KKK? Yup, covered!

How the crowd reacted when President Donald Trump walked in to the National Championship Game. pic.twitter.com/N3aHPTElcq

— HaveToTakeATrump (@HouseRectum) January 14, 2020

Oh my. The TDS is very strong in this one.

Well, dear liberals, do I have bad news for you: this is what the real America looks like. The more you deny it, the more you insult these patriots, the likelier it is that Trump is reelected. So, keep it up!
