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View Full Version : Ignorant Liberals Who Were COMPLETELY WRONG About Trump’s Trade War with China

01-16-2020, 12:59 PM
Probably just easier to say those who were wrong = all of them.

A 10 minute video. Admittedly I only made it to about the 7 minute mark, no one should have all this enjoyment all by themselves. :)


Here’s All The Ignorant Liberals Who Were COMPLETELY WRONG About Trump’s Trade War with China — It’s a Long, Long List…

Yesterday, President Trump signed his historic phase one trade deal with China.

For years, the deranged Democrats said Trump’s China trade policy was going to destroy the US economy and would never work to get a deal with China.

Once again, President Trump proved the liberals wrong.

WATCH this video to see the ignorant liberals who were wrong about Trump and China:



01-16-2020, 01:43 PM
I will admit I didn't think China would cave so soon. Maybe they finally got a little smart and gave up on any Dem chances. I will also caveat being incorrect with "it works for me".

I still wouldn't have chanced it when he did. I disagree with Trump gambling with the middle class's income.

Any way you look at it, it hurts the Dems more than it does me. They have to eat crow. All I said was I disagree with it. I didn't call for his impeachment :)